Nurakweilers are numerous and menacing. Yukina and Sayaka were worried that Mu Hantian would not be able to deal with it alone, so they held the demon-suppressing weapons distributed by the Lion King agency and waited. Yukina has an elongated silver knight spear and a silver giant sword in Sayaka's hand.

It's just that the silver sword body is suddenly separated into front and rear sections, and the separated half of the sword body is turned 180 degrees with the part equivalent to the gauntlet as a fulcrum. After the strong silver string is pulled, it immediately transforms into the appearance of a new weapon.

Sayaka's sword is now automatically transformed into a silver bow with a beautiful arc, a modern Western bow called a recurve bow. Sayaka, who picked up the hem of her skirt, pulled out a metal nail from the holster tied to her thigh. She shook her right hand, and the pencil-like silver nails stretched out into silver arrows. She used the beautiful movements of flowing clouds and water to catch the arrow, aiming at the sky and pulling the bowstring with all her might.

Sayaka's six-style demon bow can be used to release lost secret spells that human vocal cords and lung capacity cannot sing. She can chant with magic bullets. The arrow spell resounding across the entire battlefield has drawn a huge invisible magic circle with a radius of several kilometers in the sky.

"Six-style heavy armor bow. That's what Huang Hualin really looks like. The first ability is the isolation of physical attacks, and then the second ability of the bow, which can release the spell of assassination." With a show off Sayaka proudly said the childlike expression of the new toy.

Thick lightning bolts erupted from the magic circle, desperately hitting Narakweiler's body, hindering their impact speed.

"They're not demons, and they're not something you witches can handle." As if to verify Mu Hantian's words, the thunder and lightning could only make them stagnant for a while. The two are engraved with complex incantations, which can be said to be sharp weapons for eliminating demons. But if it is used to deal with the steel behemoths made by the gods, the effect is not very big.

"Senior, should we hide for a while, maybe I can develop a virus program to destroy them." Shallow said anxiously.

"Since we can't deal with it, we can't rely on the few beasts of the teacher. No matter how you destroy it, it can repair itself, and the more it is attacked, the stronger the weapon. It can be regarded as even the true ancestor can be defeated. Ultimate power, isn't it?" Xue Cai looked at Mu Hantian worriedly.

A kilometer away, a man sitting on a golden dragon in the sky looked at the tragic state of his cruise ship, and let out a burst of laughter with excitement.

"I didn't expect that Jadxiu would keep such a trump card, what are you going to do, Your Highness Hantian? If you summon a beast to fight, the damage to the artificial island will definitely be greater than that of ancient weapons, isn't it my turn? Let's deal with them." Vattola smiled and said to the moon beside him.

"You underestimate him too much. He hasn't used his full strength so far, and his beasts have not been fully liberated. Open your eyes and watch it carefully." Nayue said indifferently.

"Oh, you know him very well." Vattola looked at Nayue with ambiguous eyes, but Nayue didn't refute anything and looked at his man quietly.

In their eyes, Mu Hantian took out two swords from somewhere (Lou Guanjian and Bailoujian, which had not been used for a long time, appeared again)

"Let's see Yaomeng's unique trick! Human and ghost - the future will be smashed forever!" I saw Mu Hantian turned into a ray of light and rushed towards Naraqville. In an instant, more than 1,000 knives were slashed, and the powerful force turned the entire space into pieces, not to mention Narakville.

The destruction of Naraqville took less than ten seconds. The orcs who control them in the mecha, such as the leader of the Black Death Sect, Jadxiu, naturally turned to ashes together with the mecha.

"Huh, it's terrifying, he didn't use the Beast at all." Vattola said with a wry smile, and finally understood the meaning of that month's words. My old man's beast, I'm afraid it won't be able to withstand his blow. How ridiculous he was, he actually tried to challenge him before.

"You must know that he hasn't used the Beast yet." Nayue muttered, full of emotion.

Xue Cai sighed, the longer she was in contact with Mu Hantian, the more she understood his danger. Sure enough, I really have to stay with my teacher all the time, otherwise there might be some big chaos.

And Sayaka was very curious, who is Mu Hantian, is it said to be a vampire? Seeing the Demon Race in the Demon Race Special Zone, she was nothing to be surprised at, she didn't care about Mu Hantian's identity at all.

"Father is not only a powerful vampire, but his sword skills are also very strong." Yuma said with big cute eyes.

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