She moved away from Agulola, turned her attention to Mu Hantian and Xuecai, and continued in a businesslike tone: "Greetings to you again, this is Beatrice Basler from the R&D department. I am I work like a secretary next to Yase Xiansheng. Excuse me, if you come to visit today, what are you asking about Yase?"

Although Nagisa has been talking a lot, she just didn't answer her questions in front of people she knew well.

"I'm sorry, we want to talk to me directly, can I ask you to help arrange a meeting with him." Xue Cai's tone was stiff and serious. The vampire Beatrice nodded slightly. If anyone witnessed what happened a few days ago, they would definitely recognize that she was the vampire who attacked the royal family of Aldikia.

"I see. However, it's nerve-wracking, Yase is not in the dormitory today." Beatrice explained.

"Well, aren't you there?" Mu Hantian raised his head and looked at her, his bright eyes seemed to be able to penetrate people's hearts.

Beatrice's heart tightened, "Yes, Yase is currently outside the island."

"Outside Isogami Island? Could it be that Yase-san...his daughter is with him?" Yukina said to herself.

"That being said, is Xia Yin's body alright?" Nagisa asked worriedly. Seemingly surprised by her question, Beatrice narrowed her eyes slightly.

"There must be something wrong. She and Yase have arrived at the company's management area, an uninhabited island around the artificial island." Beatrice smiled kindly and affirmed. Enterprises based in the Mozu Special Zone are allowed by the government to use several uninhabited islands around the artificial island as management areas, so that they can use and experiment with some magic spells. After all, the artificial island is affected by various factors, and large-scale magic cannot be used recklessly, otherwise it will immediately attract special guards.

"Do you know when the two of them will come back?" Mu Hantian asked casually.

Seemingly regretful, Beatrice shook her head and replied, "The date of return has not yet been determined. I have no right to be informed of the details of the project that Yase is currently in charge of."

"It seems impossible to visit Xia Yin." Nagisa looked disappointed.

Seeing Nagisa's disappointment, she suggested with a smile: "If you are in a hurry, I think it will be faster to visit the research facility directly. My company will have two small planes for communication a day, please let them let you It’s enough to go with you. Going now, I think I will probably be able to catch the afternoon shift.”

"You didn't lie to us." Xue Cai paused and glanced at her intentionally or unintentionally.

"Of course, why are you lying to you for no reason." She giggled, her **** were trembling, which attracted the jealous eyes of Yukina and the others.

"Hmph, if you know you lied to me, do you know what will happen?" Mu Hantian stretched out his hand and squeezed her small mouth. The two are almost the same height, so there is no need to bend over.

"You... what nonsense are you talking about, what will happen to me?" Beatrice's pretty face flashed an unnatural look, but she quickly disappeared. As an old vampire, I have never encountered any big scenes.

She was even surprised that she was afraid of Mu Hantian, a man who seemed like an ordinary person, and thought unconvinced: "Hmph, you have the fourth primogenitor as a backer, but the fourth primogenitor can stand against her. ."

"It's nothing, usually when dealing with a liar, I will cut his tongue off." Mu Hantian pressed his fingers hard, and his pink lips suddenly opened, revealing the tip of his tongue. Xia Yin really didn't have another dormitory, Mu Hantian knew. But not outside the artificial island as the girl in front of her said, but still inside a certain room on the island, lying on a white bed.

"Hee hee, if you are using your mouth to bite me down, you are welcome at any time." She leaned against Mu Hantian's arms, her small mouth stuck out the tip of her tongue, and her eyes were full of charm as she looked at Mu Hantian. That little mouth seemed to expect Mu Hantian to taste it.

Xue Cai crossed her hips, "Teacher, please don't do some nasty things, it's embarrassing for us."

The three girls, Nagisa, Agurolla, and Anatos, stared at Mu Hantian, as if to monitor him.

"Hmph, lead the way."

Mu Hantian snorted and pushed her away with both hands.

"I see. Then, please."

Beatrice waved to Mu Hantian and the others, then stepped forward. Yukina was a little timid and muttered in a low voice, "Sit... on a plane?" She clenched her fists and shook her head, her lips pale and trembling.

Mu Hantian and the others came to the airport in the North District, which belongs to the magister's plastic industry. There was only a small control tower built in the hinterland of the airport. There was a small six-seater plane on the runway, as if left alone and parked there

Waiting for Mu Hantian and the others in the small plane was a long-haired man in a jacket. He is tall, but too thin. Looking at the registration card in the bracelet, he can see that he is an orc.

He simply raised his hands to greet Mu Hantian and his party who were walking from the runway: "Welcome, five guests. My name is Kirishima, and I'm the one who runs errands under Beatrice. Please give me more advice."

No one answered, because the faces of Yukina and Nagisa were almost pale. He looked anxious and clasped his hands together in prayer. Nie Kong couldn't help but find it interesting that the two women were actually afraid of flying.

The two vampire Lolitas were afraid, but they were mostly curious, saying that they were cursed giant birds.

"Are you two... are you okay?" Mu Hantian couldn't help but ask, Xue Cai raised her pretty face firmly and looked at Mu Hantian.

"Nothing like that! I...I'm the Sword Witch of the Lion King Agency." Mu Hantian let out a helpless smile after hearing Xuena's clumsy remarks. Xuena's unexpected weakness was cute, but Mu Hantian had no intention of making fun of her, who was trying so hard to hide her fear. She has always been serious, and it is rare to encounter such a rare expression.

"Don't hide it, you can see that Nagisa is not accustomed to flying. Although she is not used to all means of transportation, she will soon faint." Nagisa, who was in circles, couldn't stand it even if the plane didn't take off.

"I didn't mean to make fun of you. Seeing Yukina's rare side, I really feel like I know you better."

Regarding Mu Hantian's words, Xuena pursed her lips in protest, her eyes twinkling.

Mu Hantian held the hands of the two girls, his warm and strong hand made them no longer afraid.

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