"The Fifth Primogenitor who is above everything." Yukina muttered to herself, and in a trance, a prosperous night empire appeared in her mind. If it is as expected by the Three Saints, wars will appear in the future because of his appearance. It's just that the teacher is not a person recognized by the Three Saints. He is more reliable and gentle than anyone else. Does that happen? No, I must supervise the teacher by my side and stop the teacher, that is my task.

"It's over, Yase Xiansheng. Since the moment Xia Yin lost her smile a few days ago, all you have brought to her has been pain, not happiness at all. To impose your own thoughts on them is only to impose on them. Use it as a prop. Now Xia Yin is in charge of me." Glancing at Xia Yin sleeping like a kitten in Gabriel's arms, Nie Kong faced the culprit that caused the incident.

"Xia Yin without a smile, did you really do something wrong?" His voice was trembling. Shaken in his beliefs, his face showed anger and confusion. He recalled another daughter he adopted, the second surviving girl in the convent, and the painful scene of seeing her being eaten by other people in front of him. Yase Xiansheng nodded with a lost face, and his heart suddenly became throbbing.

"Although you know you're wrong, it's impossible for me to forgive you. Goodbye, Xiansheng Ye Se!" Mu Hantian looked into his disappointed eyes and sighed helplessly. His entire body turned into pieces little by little, and disappeared together with the space. But before dying, his eyes were full of remorse, and he could sense the love he had for his daughter.

Even if it was an illegal experiment, even if he used a poor way of ignoring his own wishes, he really loved his daughter in his own way. It's just that they don't know how to communicate, so they hurt Xia Yin and the others.

On the other side, after seeing Mu Hantian dealt with Yase Xiansheng. La Furia pointed the blade of her stab at the wounded female vampire, and spit out a beautiful prayer poem composed of woven and spun words from her small mouth.

"The daughter of the gods resides in me. The protector of the army, the age of swords. The pusher of death will bring victory!" Before the end of the chant, La Furia's stabbing knife had been covered with glitter. The bluish-white light illuminated the surroundings like the sun, forming a huge blade of light with a blade length of more than ten meters.

"Ah..." The Holy Light was severely burned all over her body, and Beatrice lost her strength to resist, and she was unwilling to roar in the face of the forced princess.

She used her last strength to release a spear-like beast. The beast swelled several times in one breath, branched into several paths, and approached the princess. The princess raised her lightsaber and waved, and the spear beasts were cut in two, and they burned up silently in a blink of an eye.

"What." Beatrice stared at her Familiar Beast being annihilated in a stunned manner. She recognized the origin of the trick that La Furia made. However, that is absolutely impossible.

"The fake holy sword of the craftsmanship system? How is it possible! That thing is not near the mothership with the elf furnace, there must be no way to use it!"

"Thank you for being able to investigate this. Was it revealed by Yase Xiansheng? But you don't know it, right? The women of the Royal Family of Aldikia are all powerful psychic mediums!" La Freya, who nodded, said calmly. admire.

"Could it be that...you summoned an elves...inside yourself?" Beatrice's blood-stained lips were trembling, her eyes were terrified.

"Yeah. Now I'm an elf furnace, and I treat my body as the elf's body, Beatrice, you understand." La Furia smiled with her azure blue eyes narrowed, holding her light high while manipulating her huge spiritual power. sword.

"You not only targeted the knights, but also slaughtered all the people above Ranvard on the non-combatants. As a princess, I cannot forgive you for this. I will execute you in the name of La Freya. The regrets of many of my subordinates, you must experience it yourself."

Since Gabriel appeared to Beatrice, who had already been wounded, she was unable to dodge her attack. The fake holy sword she swung down slashed directly from her shoulder into her body, causing the female vampire to fall to the ground with serious injuries.

"But... Damn, why... would I... lose to a sow!" Beatrice still cursed while the dazzling holy light burned her body. Her body was burnt out little by little, and her injuries were on the verge of death. The female vampire kept twitching violently, and soon stopped moving.

La Furia didn't look at the sinner she punished any more, and turned her eyes to Mu Hantian. He, who claimed to be the fifth primogenitor, was able to call out two angels. According to the bible, the only female angel who can have multiple wings is the wise angel.

"Is it over?" With Nangong Nayue and Huangsaka Sayaka, the rescue came earlier than expected, which is probably proof that they took great pains to find the whereabouts of Nie Kong and others.

Using space magic, that month was able to come to Mu Hantian's side all at once.

Seeing the angel beside Mu Hantian, Nayue's eyes suddenly widened, feeling a little overwhelmed.

"Xuecai!" Sayaka didn't take a look at the tragic state of the island being devoured by the fire, she just hugged Xuena behind Mu Hantian in her arms, and then rubbed her face against Xuena, and said continuously: "Ah...you Ping An is really good, Yukina! Are you okay? Are you hurt? Is there any pain? It's all because of that idiot who put you in danger."

"Saya... Sayaka, don't do this, it's itchy!" Facing the tight entanglement of Sayaka, Yukina twisted and struggled in confusion. But the reactionary force of liberation from the unease seemed to send Sayaka's desire out of control. Exhaling violently, she buried her face in the root of Yukina's neck. She didn't understand the atmosphere at all. She only cared about enjoying the intimacy with Yukina, like a puppy who saw the owner's return.

"Let's stop. Everyone is watching." Xue Cai escaped from her arms and hid behind Mu Hantian while sorting her clothes.

"Hmm!" Sayaka regained her composure and looked around timidly. Realizing that she had caused everyone to focus, she coughed, and then she glanced up at Mu Hantian.

Seeing the existence of the angel, she stammered with wide eyes: "Hey, you...are you not a vampire, how can you be close to an angel. No, the problem is not that, why does a holy high-level angel appear in the lower realm? ."

The girls all looked at her, hoping for his answer.

"It's nothing, she is my beast." After Mu Hantian finished speaking, Gabriel disappeared.

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