Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 167: battle is over

"Please wait, I didn't allow you to leave!" Mu Hantian stopped Garda. Hidden his identity and attacked him. Now that his true identity is exposed, he is afraid that it will cause huge diplomatic problems and he has to leave. How can there be such a cheap thing in the world.

Valtola didn't dare to make a sound, just sighed softly. He had reminded the third primogenitor Garda, and warned her that she must suffer the consequences of annoyed Mu Hantian. It now appears that their battle is inevitable. As for the impact on the artificial island, we can only see Mu Hantian's mood.

"Could it be that you want to stop me?" Garda said with a frown. As the True Ancestor, it was the first time she heard someone say such strong words to her, and contempt her dignity openly.

"The third primogenitor came in person, how could he not be the host to receive one or two?" Mu Hantian stared at her, filled with a cold smell.

Garda had goose bumps all over his body, instinctively aware of the danger. She was shocked, and the magic in her body emerged again. Flaming magma monsters, huge skeleton giants, and dark clouds flickering with thunder and lightning appeared. Controlling three beasts at the same time to deal with Mu Hantian shows how cautious she is. She had absolutely no confidence that she could win. She couldn't handle Mu Hantian alone, not to mention that there were several witches and a few vampires around him. It was very difficult for her to win. Although it is very dreadful, but now I have to make a move.

"Hehe, let me enjoy it, and now start the battle at the True Ancestor level."

Mu Hantian rushed towards the floating Garda with the steps of nothingness. Since he was going to make a move, he wouldn't say much nonsense.

"A reckless young man who is overly self-sufficient, I appreciate it!" Garda's pale face showed a cautious look. An unusually huge lightning ball appeared above her head, and the charged air snapped and stabbed people's skin.

Silver-white flashes swept towards Mu Hantian, and an attack that was absolutely impossible for ordinary people to see through. If it is just ordinary thunder and lightning with destruction, it is easy to avoid. But behind the skeleton giant ribs opened like doors, and the overflowing darkness was released like cannonballs. It was a dark cannonball that smashed the space.

The last magma monster lingered behind Jia, acting as an escort. The three beasts are both offensive and defensive, and she controls them quite skillfully. It is much stronger than the Fourth Primogenitor Agurolla.

The two powerful magical riots distorted the surrounding air. It can be predicted how fierce the battle at the True Ancestor level will be, and the extent to which the artificial island can be easily destroyed.

If you are dealing with an ordinary True Ancestor, the two will definitely be sure to force the enemy into embarrassment. But Mu Hantian was very calm. "My guardian, follow the ancient oath and come to my side. The swordsman born from chaos, transcend all restraints, become my sword, and cut off my enemies! Chaos sword! God." A black hole appeared in front of Mu Hantian, the Sword God of Chaos came out, swung a sword at Garda's Beast, and killed it.

"Stop your resistance and disarm the beasts immediately." Mu Hantian said lightly, and took out the Bailou Sword and Lou Guanjian.

"Are you ordering me?" Seeing Mu Hantian revealing his weapon, Garda clenched his teeth.

"It's really interesting, don't you want to surrender?" The sword in Mu Hantian's hand quickly swung out, and the sword energy locked on the target. Just when Mu Hantian thought he was hit, Garda waved at the magma monster behind him and made a very strange move.

"Roar..." With a loud cry, the magma monster behind him unexpectedly changed, and the entire huge body shrank into Garda's jade hand, forming a blood whip.

"A vampire that can weaponize a beast." Mu Hantian knew her abilities, so he wasn't surprised.

The sword energy and the blood whip intersected head-on. Yaomeng's skills were not common, so how could he lose, so in the end, Garda lost.

"Eh!?" Garda's eyes widened, and she didn't expect to lose to others in the melee competition. She must know that her physical skills are the strongest among the true ancestors, otherwise she would not have the special ability to turn beasts into weapons.

"You lost." Mu Hantian came to Garda's back in an instant, the sword in his hand resting on her neck.

The battle was over in just one minute, unbelievably fast. Vattola gave a wry smile. Although he knew that Mu Hantian was very strong for a long time, he was too strong!

The third primogenitor was beaten down in one minute, and he couldn't see how deep his real bottom line was. I'm afraid that even the old man and the second real ancestor will not be able to beat him alone.

Vattola didn't know how strong Cain used to be, but he felt that Mu Hantian was definitely no stronger than Cain. Facing Garda, who was already a prisoner, he didn't know how Mu Hantian would punish her, hoping not to do things that would shake the world.

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