Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 173: enemy attack

The rich aroma that permeated the cooking classroom, and the shredded onion that was being stirred together on the frying pan that was heated to an appropriate level was making a sizzling sound.

The morning class is a cooking practice in groups. The menu is omurice.

Nagisa did the best, and she eagerly gave Mu Hantian a taste. When Mu Hantian saw the heart shape of the ketchup, his appetite suddenly widened. Seeing that Mu Hantian liked her cooking, Nagisa smiled sweetly. The worst is the two vampire loli, whose talent for cooking is as bad as onion, and they waste a lot of materials and fail to make it successfully. As for Yukina and Xia Yin, they are only slightly worse than Nagisa.

Xia Yin has always been concerned about the stray cats in the monastery, so she is used to taking a lot of food from Mu Hantian's cooking classroom and setting out for the back mountain. Nagisa and the girls were used to helping her take care of the cat, so they all followed closely after enjoying the lunch time with Mu Hantian. They felt they had their share of responsibility for not giving the kitten up for adoption.

Yukina, who was suddenly immersed in the cuteness of the cat, raised her head when she noticed a strange man approaching.

The pure white hood is matched with a red and white plaid tie and hat, and he is holding a silver cane in his left hand. Although the apparent age is around 20, but the temperament seems to be like an old man.

It was a suspicious man who gave the impression of a magician. He stopped in front of the monastery and fixed his eyes on the cute Xia Yin who caused the blue pupil. Seeing Xia Yin and the ancient statue standing in front of the monastery at the same time, the man narrowed his eyes happily and smiled. Those eyes were as red as blood, making people feel unpleasant, probably because of some evil.

"That silver-haired girl is such a beautiful child 々~!"

"Huh?" The man's overly intimate attitude made Xuena vigilant, and she sensed the ominous aura around the man. The moment Xia Yin saw him, her body trembled violently.

"Compared to these, who are you?" Xuena asked coldly, holding Xuexia Wolf in her arms.

"Me, I'm a great alchemist who seeks the truth!" Immediately afterwards, something churning like a snake was released from the man's right wrist. It was a radiance with a metallic texture, a black-silver liquid with a strong viscosity.

That thing consciously wrapped itself around Yukina's wrist, intending to corrode her body. The Xuexia Wolf in the vigilant Yukina picked up and smashed the black metal liquid into pieces, and it exploded and dissipated because it couldn't bear the holy spear's ineffective magic power.

"What's the matter, why did that guy attack us!?" Yukina frowned and glared at the man.

"Haha, are you on guard? I felt a strange aura from the very beginning, so you are a witch." The man narrowed his eyes unhappily while watching his right hand.

"It doesn't seem to be the bodyguard of the Arutikia Palace, hey, I wanted to kill you as unobtrusively as possible." The man looked at Xia Yin and made a sympathetic voice. The black and silver liquid shot out from the fingertip of his right hand again, turning into a slender and sharp blade, and slashed at Yukina and the girls at a terrifying speed, and the surrounding trees were cut in half like tofu.

"It turns out that the three saints said that something would happen to Xia Yin. It turned out that the source of the predicted danger was him." Xue Cai murmured.

"Are you killing Xia Yin!?" Agulola unleashed the power of a beast, and a thick layer of ice blocked the attack. A looming ice demon appeared behind her.

The man laughed outright and desperate, "There will be nothing wrong with that child, I just want her to be a tribute."

"Xia Yinjiang is a tribute!?" Anatos asked stupidly.

"Looking at you, it seems that you don't know what happened in the Adilard Monastery five years ago. Don't worry about it, you will die before you know the truth!" All the roads to avoid were blocked.

"Dawn of breaking the devil, the **** wolf of Xuexia, quickly use the power of the steel **** to help me destroy the evil gods and hundreds of ghosts!" Along with the solemn prayer, Yukina's spear began to shine. That dim light is the divine vibrational wave that cuts off all enchantments. A silver slash that draws a graceful arc, easily severing the covered black and silver blade.

The man in the red and white hat stared at Yukina, and saw that his right arm disappeared from the wrist. The black silver blade Yukina cut off was a part of his body that had fused with the metallic liquid.

"Seven-style demon-subduing assault and robbing. Speaking of which, it seems that there is a rumor that the sword wizard of the Lion King organization, as the emperor who obtained the fourth primogenitor, was dispatched as a monitor."

When the man saw his broken arm, he squatted on a rusty iron door of the monastery without caring, but when the man's right hand touched it, the iron door dissolved and collapsed, and the surface turned black and silver like turbid blood. Under their surprised eyes, the iron gate of the monastery was absorbed by the man's right hand. The right hand that should have been severed was resurrected. The man regenerated a part of his lost body by fusing the iron pillars.

"Sure enough, it's an alchemist, but why did you attack Xia Yin? Is it because you know the relationship between Xia Yin and the Kingdom of Adilard!" Yukina whispered quietly.

"It would be a bit unfavorable for the sword sorcerer to compete with the fourth primogenitor in front of us now. It would be wiser to destroy Haase Natsuon temporarily." After speaking to himself, the alchemist turned around and held the front of the monastery. One of the statues, he carried it grandly and left.

Coming all the way, his goal seems to be Yukina and the statue in front of him, but I don't know what special effect the statue will have.

If Mu Hantian saw it, he would definitely be able to find that the sage's spiritual blood, the alchemist's dream, was sealed in the statue. Xia Yin never spoke, her pretty face was paler than before.

Xuecai sighed, probably knowing that only Mu Hantian could unravel the Xia Yin in front of her. And what happened five years ago, maybe Mu Hantian might be able to know something about it.

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