Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 187: Ceremony begins

At eight o'clock in the morning, Mu Hantian and the others changed their clothes and left their room. I asked the maids of the artificial girl, Astaruti and Nagisa, to look after the house.

A black evening dress tuxedo, coupled with the exudes temperament and handsome appearance, shone like a sun. Not only Nagisa and Agulola, but also Ah Ye, Nayue and Krulu were stunned.

As for the three little loli, Yuma and Agurolla, they all wore palace-type princess dresses. Originally, they looked so sweet and lovely, and it was rumored that they looked noble and beautiful after wearing clothes. It was as if a lovely next-door sister had turned into a noble princess. The long skirt corners were off the floor, and they had to raise them with their hands to avoid getting dirty.

The two witches, as always, will not change their clothes because of a trivial matter, a black and white kimono with twelve singles, and a black dress that looks like Gothic! The three of Krulu were also wearing normal clothes, as if they thought it was okay.

After going out of the door, two youthful and lovely beauties with elegant temperament appeared in the sight. They dragged their long skirts and looked shyly at Mu Hantian who came forward.

Behind them was a stretched Lincoln car with a red carpet on the door extending to the door of Mu Hantian's villa. It seemed that the Lion King agency was ready to receive Mu Hantian.

The girls really hoped to hold Mu Hantian's arm and appear, but they didn't dare to mess around.

"You are all beautiful." Mu Hantian praised without concealment.

Yukina blushed and said softly, "Teacher is also very handsome."

"Okay, stop complimenting each other, let's go quickly." Sayaka said, pulling Yukina into the luxury car. The extended version of the Lincoln car can accommodate a dozen people.

Mu Hantian nodded, and the group set off for the venue in the Lincoln car. There is an hour before the opening, and the time is not very tight. He thought for a moment and ordered the driver to go to another place first.

Since Mu Hantian wanted to call himself the fifth true ancestor and create a new empire, how could he be without a princess who belongs to him. So, Mu Hantian ordered him to drive to the house where Shallow lived.

With the title of Electronic Empress, she will be of great help to Mu Hantian. The car drove to a simple apartment, and Mu Hantian opened the door with the spare key she gave him.

Her room didn't look like a girl at all. Full of computer screens, shabby beds, cabinets piled with clothes...

At this time, she was lying on her stomach in front of a table and fell asleep. It seemed that she worked very late last night.

Mu Hantian sighed, hugged her across his waist, and took her out of the apartment in a princess hug. As if alert, she suddenly opened her eyes. The moment she saw Mu Hantian, her pretty face was startled for a moment, then she happily hugged Mu Hantian's neck, rubbed close to Mu Hantian and closed her eyes.

"Well, give me a little more sleep."

"Okay, but you want to accompany me to the fifth primogenitor's succession ceremony. You are the princess I can't ban." Mu Hantian said softly.

"Whatever you want, but you have to hold me." She said contentedly, buried in Mu Hantian's arms with a happy face. Seeing such a scene, the girls gritted their teeth in anger, and secretly hated why Mu Hantian was not in his arms. Like the prince in the fairy tale world holding Cinderella, the romantic scene made them jealous.

He led the princess who belonged to him and took a luxury car to the so-called Garden of Warcraft. As the venue where it was held, it was already very lively at this time, and all kinds of people gathered.

After Mu Hantian's car appeared, the surrounding special security team left and drove a three-meter-wide road straight to the venue for it, and the red carpet spread to the end. Such a pomp made many people surprised, guessing which country's head of state would come.

The car slowly moved forward, heading for the terminal. In the huge square, the positions of the various guests were arranged, and the moment Mu Hantian opened the door, all eyes were on him.

All I saw was the gorgeous and noble Mu Hantian holding a girl who didn't match the dress, and slowly moved towards the highest position in the lobby. A group of lovely women followed closely behind, like a hundred flowers blooming.

Many low-level demons and officials let out a low sneer, saying that a village girl and a few yellow-haired girls had the face to appear here.

But they glanced at their superiors and saw that they were all tense and serious. Because none of the women behind Mu Hantian would be easy! !

Not to mention the two world-famous witches, the legendary fourth primogenitor, the scallion that appeared in the clothes of ordinary people, that was Cain's witch, and the identity she said would scare people to death!

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