Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 195: death game, start

'Aincrad' 1st floor, on the outskirts of the town of the beginning...

In the rolling prairie, as far as the eye can see, except for the town that stands at the very center, the surroundings are full of green grass seedlings, and flowers with alternative colors are blowing in the wind in the plain full of green grass, but Buried by the uniform green grass, it is difficult to see its existence...

In addition to these grass seedlings and flowers, here, there is also a wild boar full of visual sense, all purple, walking back and forth in the prairie, as if he is not a pig but a sheep, which makes people's heart pumping.

Walking out of the town of the beginning, as soon as he came here, he saw this scene like a shepherd. Mu Hantian was complaining all kinds of things, and felt that his three views were being destroyed. In the end, he could only Use this game to comfort yourself.

Perhaps because he was irritated by Mu Hantian's 'contempt' eyes, the pig closest to Mu Hantian turned around abruptly, his eyes turned red, and a pig's hoof stepped on the ground repeatedly, like a hair of hair. Like a mad cow, Wu Yan couldn't bear to watch it again.

After learning the sheep, it’s okay, but if you still learn the cow, you are still a pig.

The wild boar opened its mouth and howled, finally taking on the appearance of a pig, bearing two sharp teeth and charging towards Mu Hantian.

Even if the power is sealed, it should be no problem to solve a pig!


At the moment when the wild boar approached, a very ordinary long sword suddenly appeared in front of the wild boar's fangs, completely blocking the wild boar's momentum, and then, a big foot flew out instantly and kicked in On the nose of the wild boar, a shrill sound of killing a pig sounded, and the wild boar was kicked back out.

A sword light flashed, and it stabbed the wild boar's neck like lightning. The blood volume that was visible to the naked eye quickly diminished, and it stopped after almost a tenth of the reduction.

Standing in front, Mu Hantian looked at the wild boar who was kicked back by him, his brows furrowed deeply, and he sighed like a cup.

"It's been sealed too much!"

"Let's try the skills in 'sao', or else we'll have to hit when..."

At this time, Mu Hantian, who was only level 1, had only two skills in the skill bar, 'Push' and 'Throw', and two swords were required to use the two swords of life.

"Remember, the skills in 'sao' seem to be in the pose of starting hands after being touched."

Mu Hantian closed his eyes, and slowly activated the 'stab' skill. Then, a gesture appeared in his mind. In a conditioned reflex, Mu Hantian's sword-wielding hand was raised to his shoulders, and his body turned away. .

Almost at the same time, a light blue light filled the entire body of the long sword in Mu Hantian's hand!

His eyes snapped open, a stern light flashed inside, and then, Mu Hantian shot out!

He quickly came to the front of the wild boar, stabbed the long sword in his hand, passed through the body of the wild boar, and came to the back of the wild boar.

A phantom wound appeared on the wild boar's body, and its blood volume dropped immediately. After a while, it directly crossed the yellow line, crossed the red line, and then reached the bottom.

The wild boar cracked open and turned into a projection, which displayed Mu Hantian's experience and Kerr.

After the battle with the wild boar, and combined with some information in the original book, Mu Hantian also roughly understood his level at this time.

I, who have never played this game, are several times stronger than those so-called beta testers, including Kirito!

After sorting out his current state, Mu Hantian lowered his head and pondered, and a pair of eyes immediately looked at the wild boars walking around with malicious intent.

There are still almost three hours before the 'sao' game cancels the logout instruction and becomes a death game.

If these three hours are not used for leveling, it would be a pity.

Time passed without knowing it.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

When dusk came in the game, a bell suddenly rang through the entire first floor in the novice town.

Mu Hantian was forcibly teleported back to the original Novice Square in a burst of light.

Mu Hantian stood in the crowd and listened to the slightly disturbed and doubtful discussions of the other players who had been forcibly teleported back. He folded his arms and closed his eyes.

"What happened?"

"do not know……"

"Is it an event?"

"What the **** is this going to do!"

When all players are forced to teleport back, the chime stops.

In the noisy square, anxiety began to spread.

"Hey! Look what that is!?"

Some players suddenly pointed to the sky and shouted.

Everyone heard the words and looked up at the sky.

At dusk, in the otherwise beautiful sunset, a blood-red hexagonal window flickered in the sky.

In the window, a big "warnng" made everyone's heart twitch.


Immediately, with the hexagonal blood-red border as the center, countless blood-red windows began to appear, covering the entire sky in the blink of an eye!

The entire novice town seemed to be covered by a blood-red hood.

"Warning! System announcement!"

In the blood-red hood, blood-like liquid began to flow out. After the liquid flowed out of the mask, it floated in mid-air, and finally gathered on the top of everyone's heads, forming a huge figure wearing a blood-colored cloak, whose face could not be seen clearly. .

"what exactly is it?"

"Is that the game manager?"

"Why no face?"

"What kind of activity is this?"

"I'm so scared……"

"Don't be afraid, I'm here!"

Looking at the huge figure wearing a cloak in the sky, Mu Hantian whispered, "Is Kayaba Akihiko..."

"Hello, players!"

The figure spoke with everyone's uneasy expressions.

"Welcome to... the world I created!"

"My name is Kayaba Akihiko, and I'm the only one who can control this world right now."

There were bursts of exclamations in the square.

There is no doubt that Kayaba Akihiko, who developed the game helmet and sao game, is a household name in this world.

The players never thought that they would meet him one day, even in the game.

However, the figure ignored the exclamations of the players, and continued to say: "At this time, I believe everyone has discovered that there is no logout option for this game."

"However, this is not a programming error."

"Repeat, this is not a program error! This design is the real game design of Sword Art Online!"

"From now on, players can't log out of the game by themselves, and can't turn off or dismantle the nervegear with the help of a third party. If someone tries to do this, the signal part in the nervegear will send out a very high-power current to destroy the player's brain. , stop your bodily functions and kill you!"

"Because the nervegear has a large-capacity battery built into it, it won't stop working even if the power is turned off! Also, once the nervegear runs out of battery power in battery mode, the nervegear will kill you all!"

"Unfortunately, so far, many players' family members or friends have ignored our warnings and attempted to forcibly shut down nervegear, resulting in the death of players. At present, 213 players have died!"

The figure in the sky waved his right hand, and web pages appeared in the sky, all the news that players died because of trying to dismantle the nervegear!

"As you can see, this incident has shocked the world!"

"In addition, there is one thing to remind you, from now on, all the resurrection functions in the game, whether they are props or anything else, will all be invalid! Once you die in the game, once the hp gauge is zero, the nervegear will destroy your brains. , kill you all!"

"There is only one way for players to leave the game, and that is to clear all 100 floors of Aincrad! Hit the top level guard boss, so that players can leave this world normally!"

"Finally, I gave each player a small gift, I wish you a happy Raiders!"

After saying these words, the huge figure who claimed to be Kayaba Akihiko disappeared in the sky, and at the same time, the blood-colored mask covering the entire sky also disappeared, revealing the beautiful sunset once again.

However, in the eyes of all players, the originally beautiful sunset looked so heart-pounding.

Despair spreads like a plague in everyone's heart.

Mu Hantian looked at the disappearing figure, lowered his head and opened the backpack bar.

A small mirror appeared in it at some point.

This mirror can restore the appearance of the player's character in the game to the original appearance in reality.

Soon, each player's body emitted a blue light, and after the light, the player's body appearance changed.

Some people are okay, the changes are very subtle, but some players have changed so much that it is jaw-dropping.

Some players who chose the opposite **** when creating their characters even recovered their gender, making the people next to them stunned.

After the initial surprise, screams began to resound throughout the novice square.

Countless people are scurrying around like headless flies, trying to find a way to leave the game.

Some people were pushed directly to the ground by the panicked flow of people, and they were trampled on by everyone, and they couldn't get up again.

Ignoring the panicked crowd, Mu Hantian folded his arms and left the Novice Town silently.

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