Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 205: heathcliff

"Haha!" Mu Hantian looked at the Shabi Road Beast, which had been turned into pieces, and showed a relaxed look.

Ding! mission completed.

Obtain a special pet: Nine-tailed Fox (Tamazao Mae).

Mu Hantian was instantly excited, this is a pet, not to mention the effect, just the name, Yuzao before! As long as you have pets, you will be able to ensure your safety on the single brush trip in the future!

This kind of pet is also called a familiar, and in this SAO, the familiar is not common. It can be said that the end of the game, the number of the familiar is not more than 100. Some facilitators can go forward to fight, some facilitators can restore life from a state of blessing, and some facilitators can still be cute. Ahem, it seems that something strange has been mixed in, but it can be proved that with such a familiar, the combat effectiveness can be strengthened.

It is precisely because of the existence of familiars that in SAO, a game without a profession, there is an additional self-defined profession, animal trainer, which can be regarded as a rare profession.

It is also because of this that once a player owns a familiar, this player is usually called a beast tamer, which is a very cherished profession.

At this moment, Mu Hantian directly summoned the pet. Immediately, a snow-white nine-tailed fox appeared in front of Mu Hantian. The fox rolled his eyes smartly, as if he recognized the person in front of him. The owner, ran directly along the leather armor to Mu Hantian's shoulder, then wrapped Mu Hantian's neck like a scarf, and licked Mu Hantian's cheek with his small tongue.

And this nine-tailed fox has this very powerful skill, recovering 10% of the target's HP, and the CD is only 60 seconds. At the same time, a state will be added to the weapon, which can make the weapon have blood-sucking ability. Although the blood-sucking trigger is not high, only 10%, but it is enough for Mu Hantian. Of course, the most powerful is the last charm, which can make the enemy Defence and attack drop. These skills made Mu Hantian very satisfied.

December 6

Many people gathered in the square in the city center of Urbas, simply because the dialog box above their heads explained the current situation.

December 3rd was a big day. The guarding boss on the first floor was successfully defeated, and in just a few days, the boss on the second floor was defeated immediately. This news naturally made the general people cheer, but the information displayed above was not. It's shockingly different.

After each floor of the BOSS is successfully attacked, an announcement will appear above the central square of each town to notify that the BOSS has been attacked, and at the same time, the names of the players who have caused damage will be announced. At the moment, there is only one message on the announcement.

Mu Hantian ———— Deals 100% damage

The appearance of this piece of information shocked everyone in an instant. One-on-one defended the boss and the elite monster, and successfully killed the boss.

In the boss room on the second floor, Mu Hantian silently watched the boss in front of him turn into pieces. He had no idea that this boss was already so fragile in his hands, and Mu Hantian unreservedly put his skills together one after the other. The set was thrown out, and this King Asterius, called Taurus, followed in the footsteps of his elite Taurus General Baran and Taurus Colonel Nato.

During the beta test, the gatekeeper BOSS here was the elite monster, and now the BOSS is replaced by the so-called Taurus King. However, Mu Hantian completely relied on the system's sword skills to strike a few times, and then began to run away without a brain. At the same time, Yuzaoqian kept using the blood-boosting skills, and then went back to continue the set. Fully realized live-action rogue kite-flying tactics. This is how to defeat the BOSS.

But in the final analysis, it was the one-on-one result that killed the BOSS, which was an unquestionable fact at this time.

Mu Hantian put all the materials and equipment released by the boss into his backpack, and then went directly to the third floor. Zimford was the main city on the third floor. Cooked dishes, immediately began to eat and drink. People take food as their heaven!

"Squeak~~~" At this moment, when Mu Hantian was eating the delicious food in front of him without any image, the door of the tavern was opened. This sound immediately made Mu Hantian stop the movement in his hand, and then turned his head to look at him. At the door, I was stunned for a moment.

At the entrance of the tavern, there was a man in a red knight's uniform with a white cloak behind him. A man in his thirties and forties appeared in front of Lin Le's eyes. He walked in without hesitation, but His eyes were always on Mu Hantian.

Mu Hantian knows this person's name and true identity. Heathcliff is the head of the Blood Alliance Knights of the Future Raiders Group. He also possesses the unique skill Sacred Sword. The maker of the game and the only GM in this SAO world.

His name is Kayaba Akihiko!

At this time, Mu Hantian didn't know what the matter was when the GM came here, but from his eyes staring at him from beginning to end, he knew that this guy was probably coming to talk to him. I just don't know if it's because of sword skills or what. But facing this man who can be said to have created a new era, he is still very curious. At least Mu Hantian wants to know what his IQ is.

Heathcliff walked in front of Mu Hantian at this time, then kept a kind expression, and said directly: "Your Excellency should be Mu Hantian!"

From Heathcliff's expression, Mu Hantian was absolutely sure that the other party was sure that he was Mu Hantian, but Mu Hantian didn't want to know how Heathcliff knew his location. However, Mu Hantian probably guessed that there were only two options. The first person to enter the third floor at this moment must be Mu Hantian, but the others would definitely not go to the tavern immediately after entering the third floor. There was only Mu Hantian in the tavern, and Heathcliff felt that the people who had just cleared the customs would definitely have to rest, so he went directly to the tavern.

The other option is that Heathcliff estimated that he used the GM authority to directly check the player's location. This method can find the location of Mu Hantian at any time.

Mu Hantian's mind floated through these thoughts for a moment, then nodded and simply admitted it.

Heathcliff looked at the young man with short black hair and blue leather armor in front of him, but he couldn't see his strength at all. After he knew that Mu Hantian killed the boss alone, he immediately used the GM's authority to search. Has Mu Hantian exploited any bug? After the system data indicated that everything was normal, Heathcliff directly watched the video of Mu Hantian's battle, but found that Mu Hantian's sword skills were not in the system library at all, but Mu Hantian's own sword skills were actually recognized by the system. It is a skill, that is, creating a new skill. Moreover, what Mu Hantian learned was not just one sword skill, but many sword skills, and each move represented the emergence of a new skill.

The discovery of this matter instantly shocked Heathcliff. He had never imagined that the existence of such a person could affect the system. Immediately afterwards, Heathcliff decisively inquired about Mu Hantian's location, and immediately came to Mu Hantian's side.

"Then, are you willing to join my Knights of the Blood Alliance?" Heathcliff exuded an air of peace, "In order to clear this death game as soon as possible. Can we work together?" At this time, he just wanted to pull Mu Hantian away. The Knights of the Blood Alliance came to observe the existence that caught him by surprise.

"Are there any girls? Can I send some girls to join the group?" Mu Hantian's handsome face suddenly turned into a silky look at this moment, and this change of face instantly made the corner of Heathcliff's mouth. He twitched, almost unable to keep his calm expression.

Nima! Why do you want a sister paper all of a sudden! Where is the master style of heads-up BOSS! Your manners! If Mu Hantian could hear Heathcliff's thoughts at this time, he would definitely complain that he couldn't change his sister's paper, he couldn't have sex, and he couldn't let others give birth to monkeys for you, so he should throw it away!

"This seems to be a bit difficult." Heathcliff reluctantly suppressed the emotions in his heart, and once again returned to a peaceful appearance. Seriously, it's easy for others to choose to trust him like this, and it's very easy to pull people decisively. Perhaps this is why Asuna chose to join the Knights of the Blood Alliance! Moreover, his leadership ability and combat effectiveness are so excellent in the back, it is easy to be admired. Too bad it's an old man.

"Then don't!" After hearing that there were no benefits, Mu Hantian decisively rejected the request to join the group, but even if there were, Mu Hantian would not join. After all, Mu Hantian felt that it was much more efficient to go alone than to form a team, lest he had to obey many rules and be divided into experience.

Of course, Heathcliff didn't know what Mu Hantian really thought. Although many people accepted his invitation, some people rejected him, but no one rejected him for this reason or the same funny reason. , In an instant, countless black lines appeared on his head.

"How can you join our Knights of the Blood Alliance?" Heathcliff would definitely not invite him again if he was rejected, but for a special person like Mu Hantian, he decided to try again.

Mu Hantian instantly felt that this guy was troublesome and didn't answer Heathcliff at all, but after 3 minutes after Mu Hantian swept away all the food on the table, the guy still kept that expression and stood beside him. Your mother called you home for dinner!

Mu Hantian wiped his mouth and said directly, "Come and talk to me when the Knights of the Blood Alliance can become the strongest guild!" After speaking, he went directly to the second floor of the tavern to rest, but at When he was about to enter the room, he suddenly turned around and said, "If you can hand me a few beautiful girls during this period, I will join in immediately." Then he entered the room immediately, and Mu Hantian at this moment seemed to be able to hear Shizik The sound of Liv falling.

Outside, Heathcliff was really slipped by what Mu Hantian said when he turned around, and he almost fell. Originally thought that Mu Hantian would say something important, but it turned out to be this stupid thing again.

The strongest guild? It's an interesting goal, but that's what I originally intended! At this time, Heathcliff smiled slightly and left the tavern.

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