Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 281: boring clown

As time passed, Akira Yuki and Nobuyuki Sugo, who were standing outside the curtain, became more and more impetuous. In the entire ward, the voice of Tobu echoed back and forth, and their eyes were still From time to time, I looked in the direction of the curtain, but there was no movement inside.

"Isn't it okay?" It was not the first time Yuuki Akatsuki asked this question. Although his expression was still calm, his eyes were full of anxiety.

"President, this is taking too long!" Nobuyuki Sugo quickly took the opportunity to say, "That man, I don't think his words are credible!"

Yuuki Akatsuki's face changed drastically. He felt sorry for the dignified CEO of a large manufacturer. In his busy schedule, he received the news that the victims of 'SAO' had woken up together. He hurried to the hospital, thinking that his daughter was his daughter. He finally woke up, but who knew he got the worst news, and now a person suddenly appeared and said that he could save Asuna, and throwing him outside to wait can be said to be tormented.

For Yuuki Shozo, this period of time was a torment, and it was the same for Sugo Nobuyuki. He now felt more and more uneasiness approaching him. The longer the time passed, the more uneasy he felt. I was afraid that the man named Mu Hantian really had the ability to save Asuna.

Therefore, Nobuyuki Sugo can only tell himself desperately in his heart that such a thing cannot happen!

The victims of 'SAO' were trapped in the imaginary world for three years. For three full years, combined with the power of the whole country, no one could save them from the imaginary world. Now, Nobuyuki Sugo is used to trap them. The imaginary world used by 300 players including Asuna, 'ALO', also uses the 'Cardinal' system. Although it is only an old version, its performance is also very stable.

In addition, the 'NERvGear' fully stealth machine that no one has been able to break for three years, it is not impossible to use external forces to intervene, but such a method has not been born yet.

Thinking of this, the unease in Nobuyuki Sugo's heart has calmed down a lot...

It's a pity that the method that Mu Hantian used to save Asuna is impossible for this world, at least not within 100 years.

Therefore, Nobuyuki Sugo is destined to be tragic.

As the two of them had different ideas in their hearts and were anxiously waiting, the curtain covering the entire bed was slowly pulled away, which instantly attracted the attention of Yuki Akira and Sugo Nobuyuki, and the two turned their heads violently. Looking in the direction of the bed, the next moment, as if struck by lightning, both of them stayed on the spot.

"This...this..." Yuuki Akatsuki looked forward in disbelief, until after confirming that what he saw was correct, he trembled with excitement. "Asuna! Asuna! You really woke up!"


With Mu Hantian's help, Asuna sat on the edge of the bed and looked at Yuuki Akizumi, her red and swollen eyes moistened from crying just now. "dad."

"Asuna!" Akumi Yuuki endured his trembling body and walked to Asuna step by step, exclaiming excitedly, "You finally woke up!"

Unlike the excited Yuuki Akizō, although Sugo Nobuyuki also had a face full of disbelief, his footsteps frequently stepped back, shaking his head constantly, as if hysterical.

"'s impossible."

Nobuyuki Sugo's words fell into the ears of the three present in an instant, causing the three of them to wake up from the joy of their reunion. Asuna cast her eyes on Nobuyuki Sugo, looking angry, pointed at him , shouted at Yuuki Aksan: "Dad! It's this person! He imprisoned me in another imaginary world, and I can't wake up!"

"You... what did you say?" As if a basin of cold water had been poured on his heart, Yuuki Akizumi's excitement disappeared without a trace, and his head turned stiffly to Nobuyuki Sugo, his eyes were full of unbelief.

Nobuzhi Sugo came back to his senses, gritted his teeth, and pushed his glasses with a pretence of calm. "Miss Asuna, what are you talking about? I don't understand at all."

Asuna, who had just woken up from a long slumber, couldn't hear Nobuyuki Sugo's voice. It should be said that, except for the first time, Mu Hantian's voice miraculously spread into her heart. Na can't hear a single sound now, but looking at Nobuyuki Sugo's face, it's not hard for her to guess that he's making a quibble!

Asuna gave Nobuichi Sugo a cold look, then turned to look at Yuuki Shozo. "Dad, this person used shady methods to imprison me, who had just been liberated from 'SAO', into an imaginary world called 'ALO', and he is the administrator of that imaginary world!"

"President!" Nobuyuki Sugo took a breath and lowered his head slightly. "It seems that Miss Ming Nai has been sleeping for a long time, and now even her thinking has become a little confused."

"This..." Yuuki Shozo stood up a little bewildered, looked at Asuna, who was looking at Nobuyuki Sugo with a frosty face, and at Nobuyuki Sugo, who looked down and couldn't see her expression clearly. frowned.

"I think, let Asuna rest first."

Hearing this, aside from Asuna, who was temporarily unable to hear her voice, how could anyone present still know whether Yuuki Shozo chose to trust Nobuyuki Sugo?

Immediately, Nobuyuki Sugo grinned, Mu Hantian squinted his eyes, cast a light glance at Nobuyuki Sugo, and picked up the 'NERvGear' in Asuna's hand.

"Mr. Yuuki, I don't think it's necessary." Mu Hantian looked at the helmet in his hand and smiled. "Now, Asuna, oh no, Asuna has woken up, you just need to call up the ID login information in this helmet to check and see where Asuna's ID just logged in, don't you know? ?"

Hearing this, Akira Yuki was stunned for a moment, and Nobuyuki Sugo's face changed drastically. He turned his head without hesitation, chose the stupidest way to deal with it, and ran away!

However, just as he lifted his footsteps, a figure suddenly appeared in front of him with a cold and bright smile on his face.

"Where do you want to go? Mr. Sugo."

"" Nobuyuki Sugo couldn't help but step back in fear, looked at Wu Yan in front of him, and then looked at Mu Hantian's position a second ago, his heart was already filled with fear.

"President!" Nobuyuki Sugo shouted to Akira Yuki in a frenzy: "Don't be deceived by him, he must have done something to Miss Asuna, president, you have to believe me!"

"You don't have to rush to deny it." Wu Yan stepped forward and pouted. "Now, with Asuna as a witness, I believe that someone will soon investigate the world of 'ALO'. Until then, you should stay here honestly and don't walk around."

"Bastard!" Suxiang Nobuzhi was completely desperate and crazy, and a mad look flashed in his eyes. He grabbed a fruit knife and stabbed Mu Hantian fiercely!

"Cold sky!" Asuna yelled in fear.

"Stop!" Akira Yuuki exclaimed.

Mu Hantian raised his head, and without looking at the fruit knife that was stabbing at him, he directly punched Suxiang Nobuzhi.

Just like a ball, Nobuyuki Sugo flew backward at a faster speed than when he rushed over, and smashed into the wall beside him!

"Ah!" The force of the impact knocked Nobuyuki Sugo into a dizzy head, and he let out a miserable cry, and then, a foot, in his eyes, continued to magnify.


In the muffled sound, two red blood flowed from Nobuyuki Sugo's nose, the glasses were completely broken, and hung on his face in a twisted way, a few teeth flew up, and he tilted his head. His eyes fainted slightly.

Seeing this scene, Asuna breathed a sigh of relief, and a smile appeared on her face, while Yuuki Shozo stared at Nobuyuki Sugo's ugly face, and lowered his shoulders with a decadent expression. People feel a lot older all of a sudden

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