The rich and clear blue sky hangs high above everyone's head, and white clouds and thin clouds overlap and dot it, like lambs running on the blue field. It also brings an inexplicable feeling that is different from reality.

Around, on the thin wires, a few sparrows suddenly flew high, and suddenly landed there, leaning against each other, chattering as if they were talking about something interesting, dancing in a circle under the sun from time to time, as if in the What are they enjoying, if they have expressions, they must have a big smile on their faces, right?

Walking out of the school, Asuna walked on the road with a jumping gesture. The school uniform on her body and her movements made her whole person full of vigor, she was simply a young and beautiful cute girl. There is no such gentle and submissive young woman temperament in 'SAO', no, it should not be said that there is no, but she has hidden it in her bones, only a lucky guy and a cute petite girl , can have the opportunity to enjoy Asuna in that form.

Walking on the road, Asuna had a smile on her mouth, and her pretty face exuded an eye-catching brilliance all the time, which made the men around her unanimously cast their eyes on her, following her all the way. Sina walked tirelessly while admiring the surrounding scene.

The wind was still so soft, and the noise of the students after school spread bit by bit. Asuna was immersed in this ordinary scene physically and mentally, and even started to hum a song. .

Such a noisy and ordinary scene, in the world of 'SAO', no matter how superb Kayaba Akihiko's technology is, it cannot be replicated, just like in 'SAO', Asuna lives with Mu Hantian and Yui three people. The beautiful scenery next to Nian's house is also something that cannot be replicated in the real world. It's the same reason. Both worlds are worthy of Asuna's careful understanding.

Until now, Asuna seems to be in a dream, some can't believe that she has really returned to the real world, so she cherishes the time here very much, but sometimes, Asuna will also Frequently recalling the memories in 'SAO', usually at this time, Asuna's face will have a smile that makes the men around her unable to return to their senses for a long time.

Asuna is very fortunate, fortunate that she met Mu Hantian in that world, brought her so many beautiful memories, and made her life in this world more colorful. On a cold day, Asuna couldn't imagine what an unsightly past her day-to-day life in 'SAO' would turn into.

When she thinks that she has a home in this world with the same layout as the 22nd-story forest in 'Aincrad', and there is a husband who loves her, and a very cute daughter, Asuna's heart can't help The melting, the happiness is almost endless.

Of course, in addition to happiness, Asuna also has a lot of shyness and doubts. The shy thing is that in the real world, Mu Hantian can only be regarded as her boyfriend, but as Liz said, she is inseparable. With Mu Hantian's embrace, she was thinking about returning to her past life and becoming the good wife of Mu Hantian's housekeeper and goddaughter again. This kind of eagerness to marry has more than once made Asuna hide herself in the middle of the night. Going into the quilt, while constantly rolling over, he also rubbed his pillow. (Alas! The character of a wife is so enviable.)

Standing at the gate of the school, Asuna's thoughts began to fly, and before she knew it, a charming smile appeared on the corner of her mouth. Obviously, she recalled those happy days in 'SAO' again.

"Ara, Yui, I guess, Mom must be thinking about us again, believe it or not?"

"Mmmm, mom is the best!"

A familiar voice echoed in Asuna's ears, awakening her sense of walking away. She couldn't help turning her head. The next moment, Mu Hantian held Yui's little hand and stood in front of her with a smile. The sight of her made her laugh as well, and quickly tightened again.

"You two father and daughter, are you planning to join forces to bully me again?" Asuna held out her chest with a terrifying expression on her face. "This is not at home. I may call out at any time, and the guards in the school will come out and drive you away!"

Hearing this, Mu Hantian and Yui looked at each other and both lowered their shoulders.

"What should I do? Yui." Mu Hantian took Yui's hand as if he had been abandoned by the whole world. "Mom is going to ask someone to drive us away, she doesn't want us anymore..."

"Mom is a bad person!" Yui cried pitifully, hugging Mu Hantian's arm. "Don't be sad Dad, Mom doesn't want Dad, Yui wants Dad!"

Mu Hantian was immediately moved. "Okay, in the future, our father and daughter will depend on each other and despise mother together!"

"Mmmmmm, let's despise Mommy together!" This was what Yui, who was still calling "Mommy is the best" just now, said.

"" Asuna's lips quivered, and the water vapor rushed to her eyes, and she chopped her feet. "I ignore you!"

"Mom ignores us?"

"Yes, it is…"

"Why don't we despise poor mother."

"Poor mother."

"You guys!" Asuna closed her eyes angrily, causing Mu Hantian and Yui to laugh out loud. Seeing this, Asuna was both angry and funny, but the happiness in her eyes couldn't be hidden. living.

"It's still as enviable as ever."

At this moment, a word rang out along with the sound of footsteps and came to the three of them who were fighting. I saw Kirito, Liz, Yuki, and Silica walked over together with smiles on their faces.

"As expected of a model couple!" Kirito raised his brows while straddling a backpack. "When will there be an earth-shattering wedding in the real world?"

Asuna's face flushed slightly, but Mu Hantian spread his hands helplessly. "I think, unfortunately, there is no 'flower garden' here!"

"Okay, let's go to the party today, the three of us still have things to do, but you must come to the wedding!" Mu Hantian said happily.

"Ah! You won't come, then, okay!" Fortunately, she was a little disappointed, but she still smiled.

"Well, I'm sorry, next time, we'll leave first." Mu Hantian said, pulling Asuna and Yui with his hands, meditating silently in his heart and returning.

At this moment, the world seemed to be banned, time and so on were all stagnant, and the three of Mu Hantian returned to the system space.

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