Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 298: protect you forever

"Yes." Mu Hantian looked at Xue Nu's eyes and said seriously.

Xue Nuxing also stared at Mu Hantian's eyes. She could see his sincerity towards her from his eyes, and her eyes were very focused. There was no lie, no possession, no greed, and some pure love.

"Can you protect me?" Xue Nu said lightly.

"Yes, I will protect you forever." Mu Hantian said seriously.

The two looked at each other like this. After a long time, Xue Nu suddenly closed her eyes gently, turned around, and said, "Actually... you are all the same..."

"Whether I am the same as others, you will know later. But now I know that if you don't go back with me, you will definitely get sick." Mu Hantian said.

Hearing what Mu Hantian cared about her, Xue Nu felt a burst of sweetness in her heart, but she didn't show it. She looked at Zhao Guo opposite Yi Shui and said lightly, "I'll go back after watching it for a while."

At this time, three men in the clothes of the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom appeared on the road. They took the lead and said, "Hey, isn't that the Snow Girl from Feixue Pavilion? Come on, let's go and have a good time."

"Hahaha, let's go."


Saying that, the three men walked towards Mu Hantian.

Mu Hantian naturally found them, frowned, but didn't say anything, standing quietly beside Xue Nu.

"Miss Xuenu, are you lonely anymore, how about letting some of our brothers accompany you?" the leading man said maliciously.

"That's right, Snow Maiden." The two next to him also said in unison.

Xue Nu turned around and looked at the eyes of the three of them. She felt disgusted in her heart, and said coldly, "Who are you? What do you want to do?"

The man in the lead said sternly: "We? We are the most powerful people in the country of Yan, the guards in the residence of the king's younger brother Yan Chun. Have a drink, and then serve our brothers for a good night."

"Hmph, a few vicious dogs guarding the door are also worthy." Snow Girl said coldly.

"Bastard, you stinky woman, how dare you scold us, come on, today we'll show you what it means to toast, not eat, eat and drink." After saying that, the three of them walked towards Snow Maiden with a smile. That look, as if the hungry wolf saw the small cake sheep.

Xue Nv looked at the three people who came over with disdain, and said lightly: "You actually want to hit me, aren't you afraid of death?"

"Hahaha, death? Did you see that, she actually wanted to kill us." The lead man laughed loudly.

"Hahaha." The two people next to him also laughed, and one of them said, "Don't say that you are a weak woman, even if you are a strong man, you are not our boss's opponent."

"Didn't you just say that you would protect me for the rest of your life?" Xue Nu ignored them, but turned to look at Mu Hantian and said.

"I will never forget what I promised you. Take it, don't get wet." After speaking, Mu Hantian handed the umbrella to Xue Nu.

Snow Maiden gave him a deep look and took the umbrella with a smile.

After Mu Hantian gave the umbrella to the snow girl, he turned around and looked at the three of them coldly. The rain hit his face and body coldly, but Mu Hantian didn't even blink.

The man who took the lead saw Mu Hantian's eyes, his back was cold, and he trembled: "You... Who are you?"

"People who want your life." Mu Hantian said coldly.

"You want to be an enemy of Yan Chunjun?" Thinking of Yan Chunjun, the person who spoke was obviously much more confident.

"Don't say that I killed the dogs named Yan Chunjun. Even if I did kill a few of his people, he couldn't do anything to me." Mu Hantian said lightly.

"Even if you're courting death, then I'm welcome, come on." The leading man said.

As soon as the words fell, the two people next to them drew their swords and walked towards Mu Hantian with a sneer.


When they were five feet away from Mu Hantian, the two of them raised their swords and attacked Mu Hantian at the same time.

Mu Hantian looked disdainfully at the two people who had leaked doors, but did not draw their swords. When the two of them rushed to two feet away from Mu Hantian and the sword was about to hit Mu Hantian's head, the corners of the two people's mouths twitched, as if they saw victory. . And the leading man behind was also laughing, arrogantly and disdainfully.

Only Xue Nu looked at Mu Hantian lightly.


Mu Hantian's right hand moved, and then the sword light flashed.

Out of the sheath, back to the sheath.

The next moment, the smiles of the two men stopped, as did their bodies, and they looked at their long swords in unbelievable memory.


Two broken swords fell from the air, and a scar appeared on their necks. Then they fell down with unwilling eyes, until they died, they didn't know when Mu Hantian made the sword.

Seeing that his own person suddenly stopped moving, and then fell to the ground for no reason, the smile of the man in the lead also stopped, and he shouted: "Xiao A, Xiao B, what's the matter with you?"

"No need to scream, they are all dead, are you ready?" Mu Hantian said lightly.

"What, dead." After saying that, the man looked at the two who fell to the ground again, and when he saw the rain washing their blood out, he was stunned and scared. Immediately knelt on the ground and said: "I beg you, let me go, I was wrong. I don't dare anymore, I have an eighty-year-old mother and an eight-year-old daughter below. You can do it, let me go. Right. I kowtow to you."

As he spoke, he started to kowtow to Mu Hantian, Mu Hantian looked at the man with disdain, and while walking slowly towards him, he said, "Alas, don't people who beg for mercy now know another reason? I'm tired of listening. ."

Seeing that Mu Hantian refused to let him go, the man's right hand quietly touched his feet, and he threatened: "I am a subordinate of Yan Chunjun, you can't kill me, kill me, you Can't live."

Mu Hantian naturally saw his action, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Zheng." The sword light flashed again.

That one didn't even have a chance to shout, fell down with unwilling eyes, and a dagger fell out of his right hand.

Mu Hantian turned around and smiled at Snow Maiden: "Xue'er, let's go back."

"Yeah." Xue Nv replied softly and walked towards Mu Hantian. For some reason, Xue Nv didn't refute Mu Hantian calling her 'Xue'er'.

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