Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 335: brother

"Ta Tata..."

The sound of the hoofs of the war horses slowly sounded, and gradually stepped into the hearts of every Yan State soldier.

My brother saw a brightly armored general galloping in the middle, with a Qin soldier on the right and left, holding a torch in one hand, and walking towards the Yan State station.

"It's Meng Tian." Big Hammer looked at it intently and said.

"Meng Tian?" That Yan Bing looked at the big hammer, and then in the direction of Bian Mengtian, and said, "I heard that he is a famous general in the Qin country second only to Wang Jian. He is very young, and some people call him the world's best."

With that said, Meng Tian has come to only fifty feet away from the top of the hill, and said domineeringly: "The defender of the Yan Kingdom, come out and speak!"

"What tricks is he playing?" said the Yan Bing, glaring at Meng Tian.

"I'll go meet him." Saying that, the sledgehammer stepped out.

"Big Brother Iron."

"Big Brother Iron."

"Big Brother Iron."

"Big brother, don't go." That Yan Bing and the Yan Bing behind were worried about Meng Tian's tricks and worried.

"Speak up if you have something to say." The big hammer came to Meng Tian and said.

The corner of Meng Tian's mouth twitched, and he looked at the big hammer coldly.

"Whatever you want to laugh at, you can talk about it. Are you here to fight or have a blind date?" Big Hammer said loudly when he saw Meng Tian's sneer.

"Hahaha..." Hearing this, the soldiers of the State of Yan behind laughed out loud.

"Being completely surrounded, I haven't rested for two days and two nights. Brothers are also dead, and the wounds are all dead." Meng Tian said coldly.

Big Hammer lowered his head and said nothing, only to hear Meng Tian say again: "But if you surrender, I can let you all survive."

Hearing this sentence, all the soldiers behind looked at me, I looked at you, and then looked at the sledgehammer.

Surrender, the two thousand brothers fought desperately for two days and two nights. Now they are dead and wounded, but the other side says that surrendering will save them a life. No matter who it is, it is the irony of the world.

"Surrender?" The big hammer looked at Meng Tian and said.

"This is your only chance." Meng Tian said.

"The soldiers of the State of Yan have never heard of these two words." Big Hammer said roughly.


"This is your choice? You should know what it means." Meng Tian said lightly.

Big Hammer ignored Meng Tian and turned to leave, only to hear Meng Tian from behind say again: "Don't you think about these brothers who follow you, and let them die in vain?"

Big Hammer was stunned for a moment, then looked up at the brothers in front of them, all of them were embarrassed, but there was no trace of fear in their eyes.

Big Hammer said: "They are all men from the country of Yan. I know my brothers." Then he walked forward and said as he walked, "I am waiting on the mountain, you can attack at any time."

"Humph!" Meng Tian snorted coldly and said, "You can't listen to what I say, maybe there is someone else's words... you should listen."

As he spoke, there was a sound of heavy footsteps in the dark Qin army camp, and every time he took a step, a crisp chain sound would be heard.

"This is it!" a Yan State soldier muttered.

The sound of the chains getting closer and closer, "Ah!" A soldier of the Yan Kingdom was startled. The big hammer turned his head and saw that the man had walked to Meng Tian's side, raised his head and said, "Brother, I said, I will come back. I... come back."

"Ah!" Big Hammer was very surprised.

This person was A Gang who went to ask for help. At this time, his hands were locked by chains.

"A-gang!" Yan Bing, who was standing with the big hammer just now, exclaimed.

"A Gang, what's going on!" Big Hammer exclaimed in shock.

"Brother, I promised you that I will be back before dawn. I... come back." The more A Gang said, the lower his head lowered.

"Are you going for reinforcements?" Big Hammer said.

A Gang felt sad for a while, and said to the big hammer: "Do you really think that Yan Yi will send troops to help us?"

"Yan Yi, this bastard." Big Hammer clenched his fist and gritted his teeth. And all the soldiers of Yan State were in a state of confusion, and their only hope...was destroyed in an instant.

I just heard A Gang say again: "From the very beginning, we were his pawns for revenge, not just Yan Yi, but the whole country of Yan." We sacrificed our lives for it, high above... our noble king of Yan Kingdom!"

"Shut up." Sledgehammer yelled. "Don't forget, you are from the country of Yan."

"They will never come to save us. Our king, will he care about our lives and deaths? He begged for peace for the old man, and even the life of His Royal Highness can be exchanged." A Gang said sadly.

"What did you say!" Big Hammer exclaimed in shock.

"Abandoning his soldiers, watching them fight in blood, but he fled." After speaking, A Gang bent down, put his hands on his knees, and said bitterly, "Brother, we have been abandoned."

The entire Yishui was covered by the black mist, Meng Tian watched it all with cold eyes.

"His Royal Highness, he." Big Hammer said.

"Big brother." A Gang couldn't help but burst into tears.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

The drums of war suddenly sounded, and the Qin army moved slowly from the middle of the mountain. A Gang raised his head slightly and said, "They are going to prepare to attack."

"You have no choice." Meng Tian said loudly.

"My decision will not change." Sledgehammer said firmly.

A highland next to the Yishui War. Mu Hantian and Thief looked at the battlefield opposite, and the night covered everything for them.

"Xiao Zhi, what do you think?" Mu Hantian said lightly.

"It's a man." Roof Zhi said with admiration.

"Hehe, how about we accept him into the Mo family?" Mu Hantian laughed.

"Huh?" Robber Zhi looked at Mu Hantian, a little puzzled.

But Mu Hantian didn't speak any more, only heard Meng Tian sneer: "Are you still expecting a miracle that can never happen? You are both ridiculous and pitiful."

At this time, A Gang stood up, lightly on the ground. Meng Tian's voice came from behind: "You also want to follow your elder brother and work for the country of Yan?"

Big Hammer looked at A Gang quietly, only to see A Gang firmly said: "No... My decision is different from that of my eldest brother."

"Hmph..." Meng Tian sneered: "At last there is..."

"Shut up!"

Before Meng Tian could finish speaking, A Gangsui suddenly dodged back, grabbed the guard's Ma Jiang on Meng Tian's right, then turned his body upward, kicked the guard on the horse's back, and stood on the saddle. He used his legs again, raised his fists with both hands, and jumped towards the other guard.

"Uh!" A Gang wrapped the chain around the guard's neck with his hands, then turned his hands, and the guard immediately fell off his horse and died.

Meng Tian looked at all this coldly, but did not do anything. After that, A Gang clenched his fists again, raised his hands and jumped towards Meng Tian. Meng Tian moved the halberd in his hand and stabbed A Gang, who resisted with the chain in his wrist.


The chain was instantly pierced by the tip of the halberd, and the next moment, A Gang followed Meng Tian's shoulders to his back. Meng Tian tilted his eyes coldly to the side, and the big hammer looked at A Gang worriedly.

A Gang coldly looked at Meng Tian, ​​who was close at hand, and hadn't made any attack. The sword light flashed, "Zheng." Meng Tian's sword had already pierced into A Gang's chest.

"Ah!" All the Yan State soldiers exclaimed. A Gang looked at Meng Tian indifferently, but the big hammer stood silently in the same place.

"Being born in the country of Yan is God's decision. But being a brother with my eldest brother is my own decision." A Gang said.

"Humph!" The corner of Meng Tian's mouth twitched and he drew his sword. "Ah!" A Gang immediately fell to the ground.

"A Gang." The soldier on the hill shouted.

"Humph." Meng Tian snorted coldly, then took back the halberd, pulled the rope, turned around and walked towards the Qin camp.

The sledgehammer gritted his teeth and watched all this, A Gang slowly raised his head and climbed towards the sledgehammer.

The snow on the ground turned red in an instant. A Gang raised his right hand, "A Gang!" The big hammer shouted. Immediately run over and hold his hand.

A Gang looked up at the big hammer and said intermittently: "I promised big brother, I will definitely come back before dawn...I...did it."

When Big Hammer heard A Gang's words, he couldn't help shedding tears. He waved a tear with his left hand and said, "I didn't fulfill my promise to my brother. Big brother is sorry for you."

Meng Tian slowly returned to the camp, looking at the ground along the way, wondering what he was thinking. The Qin soldiers continued to attack the hills.

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