At this time, Shaoyu just turned around, only to hear the cavalry captain shout: "Shaoyu, we must leave quickly."

"I want to go, but there's no way!" Meng Tian said, the strength in his hands increased a bit.

"Bastard, this guy's strength is very strong." Shaoyu gritted his teeth and looked at Meng Tian secretly.

In an instant, the surrounding Qin State cavalry began to surround Shaoyu, and the Chu State cavalry behind also surrounded, and all of a sudden the Chu army fell into the mirror.

"Protect Shaoyu with all your might!" the Chu State cavalry captain shouted with his sword raised.

"Yes!" All the soldiers responded loudly.


The Qin cavalry had come behind Shaoyu, Meng Tian said meaningfully, "It seems that you are very important to them."

Shaoyu gritted his teeth and looked at Meng Tian, ​​anxious in his heart, sweat beads as large as soybeans began to flow down his cheeks.

"Yeah!" Shaoyu pushed Meng Tian's halberd quickly.

"Shaoyu, hurry up!" Seeing Shaoyu getting out, the captain of the Chu State cavalry immediately shouted.

"Humph! It's ridiculous." Meng Tian snorted coldly, just about to start again,


At this moment, a white tiger head descended in the air, rushing towards Meng Tian.

"General, be careful!" a Qin soldier shouted.

Meng Tian immediately fell back and put his back on the horse's back. The tiger claws brushed past Meng Tian's front, and then rushed towards the two Qin cavalrymen in front. When the two Qin soldiers looked at the sudden tiger, they had been stunned for a long time, how could they know how to dodge.


With two front paws on top of each other, the two Qin soldiers flew high into the sky, fell to the ground, and slipped a long distance before stopping.

When everyone saw it, it was clear that the entire body of the tiger was actually a white mechanical tiger. This is the 'white tiger', one of the Mohist institutions. ’

"Organic beast." Meng Tian looked at Bai Hu and said.

"Ah!" I saw a hammer with an iron chain smashing in the air, and a Qin soldier flew out with a scream.

The hammer returned to the hands of a giant man, who carried the hammer on his shoulders. It was the sixth leader of the Mo family, the big hammer.

On the other side, a Qin cavalry soldier felt a chill behind him, and was about to turn his head when he heard a voice from behind: "Hey, it's a bit slow anyway."

"Zheng!". The Qin soldier was about to reach out to draw his sword, but found that the scabbard was empty. I saw the man behind him suddenly flashed in front of another Qin Bing and said, "Someone gave you a gift."

The Qin Bing looked down and saw that a long sword had been inserted into his chest, and then the man pulled out the long sword and flashed behind the Qin Bing just now. His chest was pierced, and the man said, "The man said he was very happy, and he insisted on returning the salute."

After that, the body jumped back, flipped somersaults in the air, and retreated to the side, while the two Qin soldiers on the horse immediately fell off the horse.

This person is the fourth leader of the Mo Family, Robber Zhi.

I only heard that two more white tigers appeared on the battlefield, roaring at Qin Bing. All Qin soldiers were stunned.

"It's actually more than one, it's getting more and more interesting." Meng Tian murmured while looking at the three white tigers.

"Wow..." A figure suddenly appeared in the air and flashed behind Meng Tian. The man's eyes turned cold, and the long sword in his hand suddenly appeared ice and flew towards Meng Tian. The armor sparked brilliantly, and shards of ice flew over the man's flowing black hair.

Shaoyu watched blankly.

"Cangyun armor?" Seeing that his sword could not cut through Meng Tian's armor, the man said. As he spoke, he flashed out Xu Yuan, standing on the ground with his sword, with his back to Meng Tian. I saw Meng Tian's "Blue Cloud Armor" left a smooth sword mark on his chest, and there was a little bit of coldness in the sword mark.

Meng Tian looked down at the sword marks on his blue cloud armor, then turned his head to look behind him, and saw a man in plain white knight clothes standing motionless with his right hand holding a sword, his left hand resting on his back. Long hair and clothes fluttering in the wind, it is impossible to say a million free and easy.

This person is the fifth leader of the Mo family, Gao Jianli. The Chu State cavalry and the Qin State cavalry were stunned when they saw him.

On the other side, I saw a woman with silver hair in a long blue dress falling from the air. As she landed, there was a sudden shock in the air, and the surrounding Qin cavalrymen fell off their horses with contented eyes.

This person was the second leader of the Mo family, Xue Nu, and among the Qin cavalry soldiers who fell from their horses and died, it was because of Xue Nu's illusion that they died.

"call out!"

I saw a white figure flying with a sword in the air. The next moment, countless swords made of qi appeared on that person, and all the qi swords were facing Qin Bing on the ground. Everyone on the ground froze when they saw this scene.

It was Mu Hantian who came, and Mu Hantian formed a sword finger on his right hand and pointed at the ground.

"Huh... uh..."

Countless qi swords rushed to the ground Qin cavalry, "Ah!" Everywhere the qi sword went, blood would be seen, and Qin soldiers fell off their horses one by one. Meng Tian and Shaoyu were stunned when they watched.

One move quickly passed, and there were only a few hundred cavalry left on the ground. Meng Tian and the surviving Qin Bing around looked at Mu Hantian, who was like a murderer, with cold sweat already running behind his back. Mu Hantian fell to the ground, with his hands behind his back and his back to Meng Tian, ​​he said to Shaoyu, "The fate of Chu is still in your hands, live well."

Shaoyu looked at Mu Hantian quietly, and after a long time, as if he had figured out something, he slowly turned his horse's head and walked towards the place where the Chu State cavalry gathered.

A soldier of Chu State picked up the short spear just shot for Shaoyu, held the short spear in both hands, Shaoyu took the short spear as he walked, put it back, came to Fan Zeng's side, turned his horse's head to Mu Hantian and said, "I also ask for advice. The names of the elders."

Mu Hantian smiled lightly and nodded towards Xue Nu.

Snow-haired silver hair fluttered in the wind, Zhu Chen murmured slowly, and said lightly, "The world is all white."

"Hey!" Robber Zhi suddenly flashed onto the back of a white tiger, with one hand on his chest, the other holding the head hanging down from his forehead, closed his eyes and smiled, "I am the only one who is black."

Gao Jianli said, "It's not about the Momen."

The sledgehammer clenched his fist and said, "I love my life together." (I feel more and more comfortable pretending to be B.)

"It turned out to be a friend of the Mo family." Fan Zeng said happily.

The Chu State cavalry captain also said, "Thank you so much."

Shaoyu said loudly to Mu Hantian: "Thanks for saving my life, I will never forget it in this life."

"Drive!" With that, Shaoyu made a move on the rope in his hand, and then he galloped off into the distance, and the surrounding Chu cavalrymen hurriedly chased after him.

Leaving Meng Tian and a dozen soldiers of the Qin state and the Mo family to stay in place quietly.

Only to hear Meng Tian say, "You Mo clan rebels."

"Rebel?" Mu Hantian wielded his sword with a smile, and said lightly: "The world originally belonged to the people of the world, when did it become the one who won the government alone."

"The state of Chu is said to be powerful, but it collapsed under the heavy cavalry of Da Qin. There is nothing that can stop the Mo family." Meng Tian said coldly.

With that said, the hundreds of thousands of cavalry reinforcements in the distance were getting closer and closer to Mu Hantian.

"The world is in turmoil, and there are hundreds of schools of thought, all of which come together. Winning the government is to fight against the hundreds of schools of thought. What chance do you have." Mu Hantian looked at the sky and said lightly.

"Hehe!" Pirate Zhi smiled lightly.

"Ow!" A big bird flew over the head of Thief Zhi, in the direction of Suzaku.

Meng Tian looked up and saw a man sitting on top of Suzaku, a man in black clothes with a bucket on his head.

The giant Yan Dan glanced at Meng Tian with cold eyes, Meng Tian secretly said: "What a terrible look, this person...".


Suzaku let out a long whistle and swept across the boundless, Xue Nu came to Mu Hantian's side, took Mu Hantian's hand, and said, "The giant is waiting for us."

"Let's go." Said, Mu Hantian took Xuexue's hand and jumped to the back of a white tiger, Gao Jianli jumped to the back of another white tiger, and the four disappeared in the eyes of Meng Tian and others on the white tiger.

"General Meng, most of them have already arrived, do you want to chase them?" A Qin cavalryman came to Meng Tian and asked.

"Forget it, it's useless to catch up." Meng Tian turned to look at the soldier and said lightly.


"I believe that General Wang has already captured the state of Chu, so retreat." After speaking, Meng Tian turned his horse's head.

Immediately, the hundreds of thousands of Qin cavalrymen who had just arrived turned around and evacuated.

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