Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 368: hostile situation

In the dense jungle at night, two lights flickered faintly.

The two Mohist disciples patrolled in front of them with torches in their hands, and the big hammer followed them unhurriedly.

It was almost midnight, the moonlight fell from the gap between the branches, and the mottled shadow was cast on the ground. Under the cover of the dense foliage, a pair of scarlet eyes peeped faintly.

As a martial arts practitioner, Big Hammer vaguely sensed that peeping gaze, but when he looked around carefully, it seemed that it was the same as before.

But this feeling is really not right.

Big Hammer was secretly vigilant, and thought to himself, "Maybe this time Old Man Ban and Xiaotian really guessed correctly."

The vigilant Big Hammer had the same expression on his face, still walking unhurriedly.

Suddenly, the leading Mo family disciples stopped.

"Why don't you go?" asked the big hammer.

"Have you smelled anything?" said a relatively high Mohist disciple. He looked around slightly, the road ahead was covered with white fog, and a strange aura was faintly revealed.

The big hammer twitched his nose and frowned slightly.

"Head Leader Iron, you smelled it too." Saying that, another shorter Mo family disciple leaned in in the direction of the big iron hammer, holding a torch high and carefully guarding the surroundings.

Big Hammer said, "You haven't showered for about a month. Anyone without a nose can smell it."

"Hehehe..." The shorter Mohist disciple couldn't help snickering, and added, "This kid is the strongest weapon of our Forge Department. A hundred feet away, all the enemies are fleeing."

"You guy haven't showered for twenty days, and you still dare to laugh at me." The higher Mo clan disciple pouted and then countered.

"Hahahaha..." Big Hammer laughed.

In the night sky overhead, the evening wind is rising. Haoyue's arc light is looming under the occlusion of the leaves.

Suddenly, Big Hammer's face sank, and he said, "No, it smells bloody."

"That's right! It smells of blood!" The higher Mohist disciple also said seriously.

Leaves in the rising autumn wind "salad salad."? The ground swayed, and the night mist even included the distant scenery into a hazy phantom, and the entire forest instantly became strange and hideous.

"There is movement!"

"There is something approaching ahead, be careful!"

The right hand of the sledgehammer was held on the sledgehammer behind him, and he frowned slightly.

"call out!"

I saw a black shadow jumping out of the grass quickly, and the cold light flickered. The two Mo Family disciples didn't have time to react, and there were three bloodstains on their faces.

The black shadow fled with a single blow, escaping into the dense jungle again.

"I can't run away!" The big hammer snorted, his right hand tightly holding the giant hammer behind him, and the huge body ran wildly behind the shadow like a bull.

The two Mohist disciples quickly followed in the footsteps of the big hammer, holding up the torches to drive out a meager light into the dark and dense forest.

The three of them ran wildly in the forest. The big hammer, relying on its tall figure, did not avoid some branches that were blocking the front, and the wild grass under their feet was crushed into a mess.

"Where are you going!" The big hammer shouted angrily, and the heavy hammer wrapped around the chain behind it had already let go, tore open the air, and fell heavily.

"Bang! Squeak!" With a muffled sound, the black shadow let out a sharp scream, and was knocked to the branch and slowly fell.

"There's something wrong with this sound." The big hammer pulled the chain hard, took the big hammer back into his hand, frowned, and said.

A taller Mo family disciple lowered his waist and slowly pushed aside the dense grass, lifted the shadow, and said, "Leader Iron, it's a monkey."

The night is darker, and the whirling sound of the branches and leaves is continuous. The fog does not disperse but gathers, showing a strange purple purple, and the thick smoke dyes the forest into a ghost.

"The smell of blood here is very strong, and the smell comes from here." Big Hammer looked around cautiously and warned.


Drops of blood dripped from the top of the head one after another, and everyone slowly raised their heads.

Through the dim moonlight overhead, you can see the dead bodies of countless monkeys hanging from the dry branches of the tree.

The three of them suddenly took a deep breath, and the evening wind suddenly picked up, like the eve of a storm coming. Countless birds scattered in the forest.

"There is something!"


A strange black shadow jumped irregularly on the intertwined branches of the forest, and a pair of red-spotted eyes pulled out a mysterious afterimage like a streamer.

What kind of eyes are those, the bright red pupils have nothing but killing and violence.

The sledgehammer's eyes widened, the air seemed to freeze, and flocks of frightened birds reached the sky like the tips of arrows, and the black shadow bowed slightly.

The right hand of the sledgehammer took out the fingerprints on the handle of the hammer.

The next moment, the figure swooped down with a death aura as deep as this thick night.


A gust of cold wind blew into the stone room, and the candle flame on the oil lamp went out instantly. Tianming woke up, got up and rubbed his eyes.


The stone room was empty except for him.

"Where's Uncle?" he muttered and got off the stone bed.

The moonlight shines into the stone room, and the warm luster makes the room more peaceful and quiet.

When Tianming walked out the door, two Mohist disciples on patrol happened to pass by. He looked around, and thousands of torches illuminated the city.


Tianming turned around in surprise, and Shaoyu was walking towards him.

"What happened? In the middle of the night, why isn't everyone sleeping?" Tianming asked. No matter how slow he was, he felt that the atmosphere in the city was not quite right.

"I heard that there may be enemies near the Mojia Organ City." Shaoyu said.

Wen Yan Tianming curled his lips, "Those guys are really haunted, it's just like, like..."

As he said that, he looked at Shaoyu, a slyness flashed in his eyes. "I hate you more than this guy."

"Boy, what did you say?" Shaoyu glared at Tianming, and said with some dissatisfaction, after saying that, the two of them scuffled together.

After a long time, the two stopped. Tianming and Shaoyu leaned against the railing of the corridor. Tianming looked at Shaoyu and said, "Where's Yue'er?"

"Stay with Brother Mu and discuss the enemy's situation in the central hall. The adults always think that we are children, so why won't we participate in this kind of thing?" Shaoyu said.

"How can Yue'er go?" Tian Ming said.

"Idiot, Big Brother Mu is the head of the Mo family. No one else will object to whoever he takes... By the way, your kid seems to care about Miss Yue." After speaking, Shaoyu looked at Tianming mysteriously.

"Where?" Tianming bowed his head.

"Boy, give up, Miss Yue's heart is all on Brother Mu, don't think about it." Shaoyu looked at Tianming and said.

"I..." A trace of loss flashed in Tianming's eyes.

Seeing that Tianming's mood suddenly deteriorated, Shaoyu realized that he had said something wrong, patted Tianming's shoulder and said, "Okay, don't think about it, let's go shopping."

Saying that, he took Tianming's shoulder and walked towards the depths of the corridor.

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