Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 373: Gao Jianli and Genie

"Hey, have you heard of it? There was an enemy invasion in the Machine City last night, and Iron Head was seriously injured!"

"No, the two brothers who went out with Iron Chief yesterday both sacrificed one, but luckily the other came back in time to report."

"How's the iron leader, okay?"

"It's all right, I heard that it was Chief Mu Da who cured Chief Iron."


"I heard that the leader of Mu Da personally dispatched."

"Ah? What kind of enemy actually wants Chief Mu Da to be dispatched?"


"This time the enemy is so powerful, will there be anything wrong with the machine city?"

"Idiot, with the leader Muda and several other leaders here, what kind of enemy can break through the mechanical city? When the giant returns, don't worry!"

"Yes, haha..."


Mu Hantian had just arrived in front of Jiucheng City, and from time to time he heard the whispers of Mojia disciples in the distance, and he could hear clearly with his excellent ear.

But when he walked around a corner, what he saw made him frown.

On the corridor in front of him, Genie slowly raised his head and looked at the plain white back several dozen meters ahead. He recognized the back, and he knew that it was waiting for him.

Genie walked forward step by step, getting closer and closer to the back, but the back remained motionless.

The atmosphere became strange and dull at some point, and Genie's footsteps sounded rhythmically, but it did not dispel the depression at all.

Until Genie walked behind the back, at the moment of passing, his eyes changed from the usual calm and steady, but suddenly shot out a sharp light, and the momentum of the whole person became sharp.

And the back figure was not to be outdone, the atmosphere in this area was instantly twisted, and the raging waves roared, as if caught in the turbulent waves. The two stood in the center of the vortex without giving in.

Gai Nie was taking a step forward, and his aura was flat again.

The expression on Gai Nie's face had already returned to normal. He lowered his head and glanced at the empty scabbard. He slowly raised his head and looked at a handsome man in plain white with long hair and a shawl, blocking his path and holding the sword towards him.

That sword was his Yuanhong. And the person holding the sword is Gao Jianli.

"You still recognize this sword?" Genie asked after being silent for a while.

"The sword has changed." Gao Jianli looked at Gai Nie coldly and said.

"People have also changed." Genie said lightly.

"Why are you here?" Gao Jianli said coldly.

"Someone invited me to come, and I must come too." Genie said, "I have a mission to complete."

Gao Jianli snorted coldly and said, "This mission was assigned to you by Ying Zheng? Help him surround us with rebels, right?"

Gai Nie was silent, and at this moment, there was an urgent cry: "Xiao Gao, stop!"

Gao Jianli turned his head slightly and glanced back. Old Man Ban was walking towards here eagerly, followed by Robber Zhi and Sledgehammer.

"Mr. Gai is a guest invited by the leader. No one should be rude to him." Old Man Ban said.

Gao Jianli didn't put down the sword in his hand, and continued to stare at Genie: "Why did the enemy's troops follow him when he got here?"

"This matter has nothing to do with Mr. Gai, I can guarantee it, old man." Old Man Ban said to Gai Nie.

"Xiao Gao, let him go." At this moment, a faint voice came from behind.

Old Man Ban and the others still instinctively looked back, only to see black hair tied with white ribbons and a long snow-white coat. A white sash with long spikes is tied around the waist, and a piece of suet white jade is tied on the waist, and the outer cover is soft smoke and veil. The eyebrows grow into the temples, the slender and gentle eyes, the straight nose bridge, and the fair skin.

Sword-like eyebrows flew diagonally into a few strands of black hair under the corners of his temples. An impeccable young man with a handsome profile and a perfect facial contour stood behind the crowd.

"Big boss." Master Class and others shouted when they saw the person coming.

Mu Hantian nodded, moved lightly, walked slowly to Gao Jianli and said, "Let him go, he couldn't help himself in that matter."

"Xiaotian." Gao Jianli tilted his head slightly, frowning unconsciously.

"He is also my eldest brother." Mu Hantian looked at Gao Jianli and said.

Gao Jianli said, "Xiaotian, are you protecting him?"

"That's not true. You and I both know what happened back then, and the eldest brother did not hesitate at all. And the eldest brother was willing to entrust his child to Brother Gai in the end, which is enough to show that the eldest brother has no hatred for Brother Gai, but is full of Brother Gai. He has gained trust. Brother Gai left Qin to fulfill his eldest brother's entrustment." Mu Hantian explained.

"Humph!" Gao Jianli snorted coldly, stared at Mu Hantian closely, then looked at Gai Nie, and said, "It's best not to let me find out what is inconsistent with what Xiaotian said."

Saying that, Gao Jianli threw the 'Yuanhong' in his hand at Gai Nie.

"call out……"

‘Yuanhong’ shot straight at Gai Nie.

"Xiao Gao!" Old Man Ban shouted. Sledgehammer and Robber Zhi also looked worried. However, Mu Hantian and Gai Nie looked at "Yuanhong" indifferently.


I saw that ‘Yuanhong’ just shot into the scabbard in Genie’s hand. Old Man Ban and others couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

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