Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 376: Reproduce the Yin-Yang Mantra

The surroundings became silent, only the sword in the air swayed and jingled in the wind. Like a longing for his own destiny, it makes a sweet voice.

"It's interesting, it's as nice as the sound of playing the piano. At night, these swords should look as beautiful as the stars in the sky. Old man Xu really knows how to have fun." Tianming was the first to break the peace. He looked up at the sword hanging in the air and said enviously.

"You think this is for fun." Shaoyu said angrily.

Tianming turned his head and asked, "Why is that?"

Shaoyu looked at the sword hanging in the air and said, "Although I don't know how to cast swords, I heard some craftsmen in my father's army say it. A good sword depends on the fire, materials, water quality, tempering techniques, and even It has something to do with the weather. In addition to the sharpness of the sword, the sound of its collision and the luster of the blade are also used to judge whether it has entered the best state during the casting process.”

"Ah... I'm dizzy listening to this, so you're bragging again." Tian Ming shook his head with a look of disbelief.

"What Shaoyu said is true. My father used to like to collect famous swords. He summoned a lot of skilled craftsmen to make swords for him. I heard them say the same thing when I was young," Yue'er explained.

"Oh!" Tianming reluctantly agreed, but he still felt that Shaoyu was bragging.

Tianming looked at Red Lotus, and saw Red Lotus staring at the sword on the sword platform with fiery eyes.

Seeing that Tianming was no longer interrupting, Shaoyu continued: "Without any of the conditions I just mentioned above, the final result may be just an ordinary sword, not a famous sword that can enter the sword manual."

"Huh? What is the sword book?" Tianming asked curiously.

Red Lotus withdrew her gaze and said indifferently, "That is Fengbeard, a famous swordsman in Chu, who evaluates various swords and ranks them."

"How are those famous swords ranked?" Tianming asked again.

"The sixth place is Xue Ji, in Taoism." Shaoyu said quickly, he didn't want to be robbed of the limelight by Honglian. "It used to be the keepsake of the heads of the successive generations. Since they separated the sects, it has been worshipped by each faction in turn. The third one is called Tai'a. Now it is the sword of Mr. Fu Nian, a Confucian master. Every sword, They all have a long story. Senior Mo Jiao Jianli's Shuihan Sword ranks seventh in the sword score. Your uncle's Yuanhong ranks second."

"Hehe... Uncle is still very good." Tianming's face was proud when he heard that Uncle's sword was ranked so high.

"By the way, what are the other swords?" Tianming asked again.

"This, this..." Shaoyu rarely blushed, to be honest, he didn't know much about other swords.

"Haha... So you don't know either!" Seeing Shaoyu like this, Tianming knew that he didn't know either, so he mocked wantonly.

"You...", being mocked by the stinky boy Tianming, Shaoyu was arguing.

Seeing that the two of them were about to quarrel again, Honglian shook it and said, "The ninth swordsman is called Qiu Li, in the hands of Taoist Tianzong Master Xiaomeng, the tenth is Ling Xu, this sword is in In the hands of Confucian Zhang Liang."

"Huh? It's Taoism and Confucianism again. They actually have two swords each?" Shaoyu found a problem and said.

"That's right, but why are there so many Sister Honglian?" Tianming also asked.

"Stupid... Big Sister Honglian and Big Brother Hantian have been together for so long, so naturally you know." Yue'er said aside.

"Yeah." Red Lotus nodded and ignored the rest. Then he said: "The eleventh sword is a great sword called Juque."

"Juque, what you said, Sister Honglian, doesn't seem to be complete!" Tianming looked at Honglian and said.

"Haha..." In this regard, Honglian looked at Tianming and said, "Actually, the swords in the sword book have no difference in ranking, each sword on it has its own uniqueness, just like that Although Qiu Li Sword is ranked ninth, its real power is still above the sixth Xue Ji, and the eleventh giant tower, known as the Supreme Sword, is unparalleled in power, if it is not too much. Benzene is heavy, no one can make it, and its ranking will never be like this, so we cannot underestimate any sword based on its ranking. Besides, Brother Mu’s swords have no ranking, but their power is still very strong.”

"Ah! Why is Brother Mu's sword not ranked?" Tianming then asked.

"Because he doesn't care about that," said Red Lotus.

"Oh. That's how it is!" Tian Mingzuo was suddenly enlightened. Suddenly, he seemed to think of another question: "By the way, after talking for so long, what is the name of the sword that is number one?"

Speaking of this, Shaoyu said proudly: "The number one is the sword from our Chu country, called 'Tianwen'."

"Huh? Tianwen? It sounds familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere..." Tianming said hesitantly.

Suddenly hearing the word "Tianwen", Tianming seemed to remember something, a little familiar but vague, and he couldn't figure it out clearly.

"Don't brag, how is it possible? I've never seen a Chu country." Hearing that Tianming said he had, Shaoyu looked at Yue'er and Honglian in disbelief, and said, "Miss Yue, Miss Honglian. , have you met?"

Yue'er thought about it, shook her head and said, "I only heard about Xiao Gao, Sister Xue Nu and the others, but they have never seen it before."

"I just heard it." Red Lotus said lightly.

"I think I have seen it." Tianming desperately recalled, trying to grasp the vague shadow in his mind.

"Blow it up! I don't believe it anyway!" Even the princesses Yue'er and Honglian, plus the nobles of the Chu kingdom, have never met, and Shaoyu doesn't believe that Tianming will meet them.

Tianming argued: "I really saw it."

"I do not believe!"

"I really saw it." Tianming's voice became a little trembling.

"Tianming, you must have made a mistake." Yue'er was very painful to see Tianming's memories, and wanted him to stop recalling.

"Do you know where this sword is now?" Since Tianming always said that he had seen it before and refused to give up, Shaoyu had to change the question.

"Xianyang Palace!" Tianming called out as soon as Shaoyu finished asking.

Shaoyu, Yue'er, and Honglian looked at Tianming in surprise. Tianming's answer speed exceeded their imagination, which was something they didn't expect.

"You're right, it's in Xianyang Palace, how do you know about Xianyang Palace?" Shaoyu asked in confusion.

Tianming did not answer Shaoyu's question, but instead asked: "Xianyang Palace...what is this place?"

"You all said that you have seen Tianwen, and you also said that you came out of Xianyang Palace, how can you not know where it is?" Shaoyu thought that Tianming was playing with himself again, and said angrily.

Tianming covered his head and kept thinking about it, and every time he thought about it, he had a splitting headache.

"Xianyang Palace, what exactly is this place? Uh...ah..." Tianming muttered to himself, almost going crazy.

"Sister Honglian, what happened to him at Tianming?" Yue'er asked worriedly.

Guren shook her head.

"Xianyang Palace is the palace of this guy, Yingzheng. No one in the world knows about it. You are too..." Shaoyu was halfway through when he saw Tianming slowly fall to the ground. Shaoyu was shocked, and hurried forward to support Tianming.

"What happened to Tianming? Why did he suddenly faint?" Shaoyu put Tianming on the ground.

Gulian stepped forward and slightly pulled Tianming's neckline. On the left side of Tianming's neck, there is a strangely shaped sigil.

"This is..." Red Lotus' pupils contracted slightly.

"Ah!" Yue'er leaned over to look and cried out, covering her mouth.

Shaoyu only saw a strange pattern, he didn't think much, but the performance of Red Lotus and Yue'er made him feel the seriousness of the situation.

"What is this?" Shaoyu asked.

"Yin-Yang Curse Seal!" Red Lotus and Yue'er said at the same time.

Yue'er's mother used to be from the Yin-Yang family, so she would naturally tell Yue'er something. And since Red Lotus had followed Mu Hantian for so long, Mu Hantian would definitely tell her something.

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