Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 392: water one

In a secret room, two women stood facing each other. If Mu Hantian was here, he would be very surprised, because one of the women was his system mother.

"Have you come, that means he is here too." The woman said to Xiaoguang.

"Ah! Has your memory recovered?" Xiaoguang asked.

"Ah! It's been three hundred years! He's finally here." There was no sadness or joy on the woman's face, she was just speaking calmly.

"Ah, the 'Dragon' was given to him, and Cain was by his side, but the memory has not recovered." Xiaoguang said.

"I understand, I'll give you Hongyue now, hold it." The woman turned her hand over, and a bow-shaped weapon similar to the one used by Sa Shihua appeared out of thin air.

Xiaoguang stretched out his hand, and the red moon slowly floated into Xiaoguang's hand, and then disappeared.

"He's coming soon, I'll go first." Xiaoguang said.

"Yeah!" The woman nodded.


"You can come out!" After Xiaoguang left, the woman said to the blank.

"You found it." A woman appeared out of thin air. The woman was white-haired, holding a sword, and her face was calm, as if nothing had anything to do with her.

"Sure enough, it's you, Xiaomeng," the woman said.

"Sure enough, has your memory recovered? Donghuang Taiyi." Xiaomeng said.

"Do you still mind what happened back then?" Dong Huangtai asked.

"Hmph, as a scabbard, she should protect her master. If she can't do this, she is not qualified at all." Xiaomeng said.

"I can't blame her for this. I thought that thing had already been solved, who knows..." Dong Huang Taiyi did not continue.

"Humph! I'm going to wait for him here, and I'll give it to him myself." Xiaomeng said indifferently.

"As you wish, but he should be here too." Dong Huangtai said.


On the cliff several miles away from the city.

Luna held the orchid finger in his hand and watched the collapse of a mountain in the distance. Mu Hantian stood behind her and watched quietly.

At this time, there were two women behind him, one was a charming and charming woman, her hands were as red as flames, and showed strange silver patterns, and her nails were as black as ink, which was extremely strange.

The other girl was wearing a green dress with a light gauze on her face. The wide white left sleeve and right wristband were densely sewn with purple swaying patterns. On her back was a fan, with a copper moon and sun hanging on the left and right. of.

These two are the great and young chiefs of the Yin-Yang family.

The two were taken aback when they saw Mu Hantian. Da Si Ming asked, "Lord Moon God, who is he?"

"He wants to see Lord Donghuang, you don't care about the rest." Luna said lightly, still looking ahead.

"You can pretend that I don't exist and say yours is fine," Mu Hantian said.

"Speak!" Moon God said.

"Yes, everything has been implemented according to the plan." Da Siming said.

"Have you found out their identities?" Luna said lightly.

"Yes, Confucianism and Taoism are all involved." Dasiming replied.

"Sure enough, it was not as expected by His Excellency the East Emperor."


"Who are Confucianism and Taoism?" asked the Moon God.

"Confucianism, it is Zhang Liang's ovary."

"His family, although the five generations are the prime ministers, the Confucianism is not in his turn. What about the Taoism?" Luna asked again.

"Ren Zong, Xiaoyaozi."

"I think it's him too. Although his name is Xiaoyao, he is not Xiaoyao compared to the other brothers." Moon God said contemptuously.

"The sword of the Taoist town, Xue Ji, is currently in his hands." Da Si Ming said cautiously.

"Since Xue Ji has to take turns to worship in Taoism, it has already explained everything." Moon God said lightly.

"Mojia, Confucianism and Taoism, if they join forces..." Da Siming said worriedly.

"Perhaps this is better for us." Luna said.

Da Siming looked at Mu Hantian next to him and said, "Is it really okay for him to hear it?"

"It doesn't matter, let's go!" Luna said, ignoring Da Siming's words.



East Palace:

"You wait here, you and I come!" Moon God said.

"Yeah!" Mu Hantian replied.

"Master Donghuang." The Moon God called respectfully.

Mu Hantian saw Dong Huang Taiyi, not wearing a black robe in the original book, but showing his appearance, a beautiful woman.

"Everything is done?" Dong Huangtai asked.

"Yes. However, he said he wanted to see Lord Donghuang." Moon God said, pointing at Mu Hantian.

"I see, you go down first!" Dong Huangtai waved his hand.

"Follow your orders!" Luna withdrew.

"Come out, he's here." Before Mu Hantian spoke, Donghuang Taiyi spoke.

A woman appeared from behind, Mu Hantian saw the woman and said, this is unscientific, how could Xiaomeng be here.

"Haha." Seeing Mu Hantian's surprised look, Xiaomeng smiled, and then put the sword in Mu Hantian's hand. It was a pitch-black sword, dark, but without any ominous feeling, like pure darkness, without any impurities.

"What does this mean?" Mu Hantian expressed his confusion.

"It was originally yours, including me." Xiaomeng said.

"Huh?" Mu Hantian was puzzled, have we met before, or did I go to the past like the world of blazing angels?

"It's not good for you to know too much now, you only need to know that we will follow you all the time." Dong Huangtai said.

"It's like this again, do we know each other? Why do you all speak like this?" Mu Hantian asked.

"I said, it's not good for you to know too much, you just need to know that we won't hurt you." Dong Huangtai stopped talking as soon as he finished speaking.

"Take us away!" Xiaomeng said.

"Huh?" Mu Hantian looked at Xiaomeng with the expression that you are teasing me.

"Don't look at me like that!" Xiaomeng was still as indifferent as ever.

Mu Hantian lowered his head and pondered. After a while, he raised his head, looked at the two and said, "Okay, anyway, I also have Donghuang Taiyi on my mission, and I also have a Xiaomeng attached. This is a blessing! Haha." Mu Hantian said this. Said, but he always felt that there were many things beyond his imagination. The sword Xiaomeng gave him just now was obviously not from this world. Mu Hantian felt as if he was involved in some kind of conspiracy.

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