Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 399: thief, where are you running?

At this time, another passerby sighed: "Song Hai is really not peaceful recently. He is a wanted gangster and a sea monster."

"Sea monster?" Shaoyu was shocked.

I just heard the man say again: "This matter is spreading badly now. I have seen it with my own eyes. The ship was attacked by a sea monster and escaped. The scene is really terrible."

"There are no sea monsters in this world. I think it's true that the Qin army closed the sea. The sea monsters are just a fabricated reason for them to block the sea." Someone next to him said sarcastically.

"Go away, step back, step back!" a Qin soldier shouted with a spear and a shield, pushing everyone around him away.

"What!" said the unhappy one who was pushed away.

"It is estimated that a big man is coming." There was a guess next to him.

On the side of the road, Tianming was staring intently at the roast chicken. The owner of the roast chicken on the opposite side seduces Tianming with roast chicken while roasting the chicken, which makes Tianming salivate.


When Shaoyu came up, he patted the back of Tianming's head and said with a smile: "Boy, I said where did you go, it turned out to be visiting an acquaintance."

"What kind of acquaintance?" Tianming asked in confusion, rubbing the back of his head that Shaoyu had photographed.

Shaoyu pointed to the roast chicken opposite, and smiled: "Isn't it a few of them? It should be almost cooked."

"Eh...En." Tianming looked at the roast chicken, but didn't know what to say to refute Shaoyu.

"Would you like to eat it?" Shaoyu looked at Tianming and said seductively.

"En..." Tianming nodded in response like a chicken's beak.

"Call me big brother and I'll buy it for you." Shaoyu joked.

"Big brother!" Tianming called out without thinking.

"Eh!" Shaoyu was startled, reached out and bumped Tianming's arm, and said, "Boy, it seems that as long as I buy you a pheasant, it's not a problem for you to call me uncle, right?" As he spoke, Shaoyu put his thumb up. reach out to yourself.

"Hey..." Tianming didn't care about this, and went straight to the topic: "I've already called you, hurry up and buy it for me!"


A gong rang, and the sound of the marching horses "tread...tread..." sounded on the street. Shaoyu looked back and saw a red "Qin State" flag fluttering in the air.

"Step aside!"

"Step aside!"

"Backward! Backward!"

"What are you doing!" The faces of the passers-by were full of dissatisfaction.

Countless Qin troops pushed the people on the street to both sides, making way for an empty street. Qin Bing closed the road on both sides of the street and did not let the road enter the middle of the street.

On the street, Shaoyu Tianming and Paoding stood on both sides of the road. Seeing that the two of them were safe, Paoding wiped the sweat from his brows with his hands and let out a sigh of relief, "Hey!"

"Hey, say hello to Senior Ding and let Big Brother Mu and the others know we're fine." Shaoyu bumped Tianming with his hand.

Tianming nodded, and the two shook the roasted chicken legs.

"Hi." After saying hello, Tianming started eating chicken legs again.

Seeing Tianming eating with relish, Paoding shook his head helplessly.


At this time, a Qin general led a group of Qin infantry through the street, and after the infantry, a group of powerful Qin cavalrymen followed.

"Look, the Qin army has indeed greatly increased its strength. The situation is not simple." Shaoyu murmured as he looked at the Qin army passing by.

"Not easy?" Tianming asked in confusion while eating roast chicken legs.

"In addition to the garrison of this county, this morning alone, I saw the two elite banners of the Qin State Dragon and Tiger Cavalry and the Anxi Town Army." Shaoyu explained seriously.

"Dragon and Tiger Cavalry? Hehehe, delicious." Tianming continued to eat while he had nothing to do with him.

Shaoyu tilted the sky and said helplessly: "Well, it's really ignorant and fearless!"

Tianming bit the chicken leg and said, "Well, it's delicious!"

Shaoyu looked at the Qin army that was advancing slowly, and said secretly: "Dragon and tiger cavalry, the most elite of the Xianyang Imperial Army under Ying Zheng's direct subordinate, is known as the first cavalry in Daqin. And this Anxi town army is even more serious. I have been in charge of the defense against the Xiongnu in Hexi all the year round, but it rarely appears in the Central Plains. How could such two elite soldiers appear in Songhai at the same time? Yes."

In the center of the Qin army was a carriage drawn by four horses, which was also moving slowly.

"Stop!" A sinister voice came from the carriage.

The Qin army marching in front stopped immediately, and the carriage stopped just in front of Tianming and Shaoyu.

"Isn't this my old friend, Brother Tianming and Brother Shaoyu?" The man in the carriage said again.

"Huh?" Tianming was puzzled for a while, and Shaoyu looked at the carriage with a questioning face.

"Crack...", I saw an operator grabbing the carriage door, and an old man slowly walked out of the carriage. Tianming was shocked when he saw this person, the chicken in his hands and mouth fell to the ground, and Shaoyu was also extremely shocked.

This person is Gong Zuoqiu. Gong Zuoqiu looked at the two of them and said with bad intentions: "Hehehe, I didn't expect to meet you here."

Tianming pointed at Gong Zuoqiu and shouted, "Bad old man, it's you!"

"It's not good, this guy Gongzuoqiu is still alive!" Shaoyu secretly said.

"People from Gongshu's family have also arrived in Songhai?" Paoding looked at Gongshuo and asked secretly.

Gong Shuuqiu smiled and said, "Hahaha, so you all still miss me."

Paoding watched Gong Shuqiu recognize Tianming and Shaoyu, and was anxious: "Their whereabouts have been exposed, what should I do, what should I do!"

Gong Shuoqiu looked beside Tianming and Shaoyu, and said, "Well? What about the little girl who looks like a flower like a jade? Why didn't you see her?"


I saw that the Qin general who took the lead came to Gongshuhua on a horse and respectfully said, "Mr. Gongshu, what instructions do you have?"

Gongshuoqiu stretched out his hand, pointed at Tianming and said, "These two children are rebels."

"En?" That general Qin turned to look at Tianming Shaoyu and the two. Gong lost Qiu and said: "Quickly arrest them!"

General Qin also shouted: "Catch them!"

Immediately, the surrounding Qin soldiers took their spears and aimed them at Tianming Shaoyu. The crowd on the street started to back away, for fear that they would catch themselves. Paoding threw the food box and shouted, "Oh, don't step on my feet!"

For a while, the crowd on the street began to riot, and suddenly the riot broke out, and the crowd began to flee from east to west.

Paoding began to shout: "No, it's going to kill you!"

General Qin drew his sword and said loudly, "No commotion!"

But the crowd ignored it and was still in a panic. Gong Shuo Qiu Chong Tianming said, "Catch them!"

Tianming stood dumbfounded, Shaoyu patted Tianming's shoulder and said, "Don't stand stupidly, run!"

At this time, Tianming woke up quickly, turned around and ran forward with Shaoyu. I just heard Gong Zuoqiu's voice from behind: "Don't let these two little thieves run away!"

There is an inn.

Seeing Roof Zhi rushing in, Mu Hantian and the rest of the Mo family were still sitting in their original positions, discussing some plan, and seeing Roi Zhi suddenly rushing in, everyone turned to Roar Zhi.

I only heard Thief Zhi hurriedly said: "No, Tianming Shaoyu's whereabouts were exposed and he was rounded up by the Qin army!"

Master Class suddenly stood up and said anxiously, "What! What about Fatty Ding?"

"I'm trying to save them." Rogue Zhi said with a slow sigh.

Hearing this, the big hammer was also anxious: "Oh, what can I do?!"

Everyone looked at the indifferent Mu Hantian, only to see Mu Hantian leisurely picking up the teacup on the table and taking a sip, while the others looked at him anxiously.

"Oh, big boss, you have an idea." Big Hammer looked at Mu Hantian anxiously.

"Big hammer, big leaders naturally have natural considerations." Gao Jianli said dissatisfiedly.

"But... the giant he..." Big Hammer looked innocent.

"Xiao Gao is right, you have to trust Xiao Tian with the big hammer." Xu Confucius interrupted.

After all, everyone looked at Mu Hantian, Mu Hantian put down his cup of tea, and said lightly, "Send out all the staff of the enemy's Ministry of Industry, and grasp all the movements of Songhai City. Tianming and them, I will go and see."

"Okay, I'll go for a walk." After speaking, Robber Zhi suddenly flashed out. Seeing the hurried look of Robber Zhi, Mu Hantian smiled and shook his head.

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