Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 414: Jiangning feather

"Hantian, you..." Lin Feng was shocked. He and Mu Hantian had known each other for a long time. As far as he knew, Mu Hantian was just an otaku, and he had such skills. It was unbelievable!

"Now let me tell you, we still have a third choice, because your life is in my hands." Mu Hantian said playfully, looking at the scarred face in front of him.

"Big... Hero, spare your life... It's none of my business. I'm just taking people's money and helping them eliminate disasters! Let me go!" Scarface quickly begged for mercy.

"Oh, I want to beg for mercy, okay, tell me who wants to deal with me!" Mu Hantian asked.

"This..." Scarface was very embarrassed in his heart, but when he thought of that person's background, he became stubborn again, and said to Mu Hantian, "I told you it's okay, but you must let me go!"

"Okay, just, don't play tricks for me!" Mu Hantian said lightly.

"The person who wants to deal with you is Jiang Ningyu!" Scarface said.

"Jiang Ningyu, I don't remember that I offended this person, you're not lying to me!" Mu Hantian looked at the scarred face, and at the same time, the strength in his hand became even stronger.

"No, no, you have to believe me..." Scarface felt that the strength on his neck had increased a bit, and quickly begged for mercy.

Seeing Scar's face like this, Mu Hantian believed it a little, so he let go.

"Cough cough..." The scarred face that was released immediately coughed.

"By the way, give that Jiang Ningyu a sentence, 'It's just you, you still want to deal with me, it's really beyond your own power.'" Mu Hantian said lightly.

"Yes, yes... I will definitely bring it."

"Let's go!" Mu Hantian said to Lin Feng who was still in a daze.

"Ah? Ah, good!" Lin Feng came back to his senses and followed Mu Hantian's footsteps.


"Humph! What's the use of me raising you guys if you don't have anything? You have dozens of people, but you can't beat each other alone. Do you think I'm stupid?" Jiang Ningyu yelled into the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Jiang Ningyu sat in the chair very angry. "Hmph, a bunch of trash, Mu Hantian, I didn't want to do this, you forced me." Jiang Ningyu's face gradually became gloomy, and he said in his heart.


"Okay, Hantian, it's time for me to go back!" Lin Feng looked at the sky and said to Mu Hantian.

"Well! By the way, do you know Jiang Ningyu?" Mu Hantian thought of Lin Feng's background, maybe he knew this Jiang Ningyu.

"Jiang Ningyu! You mean, Jiang Ningyu is the one who wants to punish you?" Lin Feng's voice was a little shocked.

"Yeah! That's what the scarred face said!" Mu Hantian said.

"If that's the case, you must go home immediately. I know Jiang Ningyu a little bit, he might attack your parents!" Lin Feng's voice was a little worried.

"What!" Mu Hantian was very surprised!

"Don't think I'm joking, to tell you the truth, my family and Jiang Ningyu's family are one of the five major families in the imperial capital, so I have some understanding of his character, he is a pervert. Fortunately, he didn't succeed this time. Otherwise, you may never see your girlfriend, and even if you do, it may be just a corpse." Lin Feng explained anxiously.

"Qiu, the three of you will go back right away, I'll go see your parents, Fengzi, you should go back too!" After Mu Hantian finished speaking, he hurried to the house, and when he ran into an alley, he quickly used the I want to get home quickly. And Qiu Sannv also disappeared in an alley.

Lin Feng looked at the disappearing backs of several people and murmured, "Xiao Tian, ​​I can only help you so much this time!" After speaking, he took out his mobile phone from his trousers bag and made a call he didn't want to make.

"Hello!" A middle-aged man's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Dad, I have something I want you to help with..."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Feng looked at the sky with a bit of sadness: "Han Tian, ​​the rest is up to you, my good brother!"

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