Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 434: Tohka going to school

"Tenxiang, I'll go first!" After breakfast, Mu Hantian warned Alan, then left home and went to school.

"Brother, good morning!" As soon as Mu Hantian arrived in the classroom, Origami greeted him.

"Origami, you really are. If you want to move out, you have to tell me. I'm your brother anyway. Tell me, I can help you move, really." Mu Hantian Rubbing Origami's face, he complained a little.

"Does my brother have anything to do with elves?" Origami asked suddenly.

Mu Hantian was a little surprised by this sudden question.

"Origami, you know?" Mu Hantian said.

"Brother, what are you hiding?" Origami asked.

"Origami, remember that elves are also innocent, don't be too arbitrary." Mu Hantian patted Origami on the shoulder and said.

"Brother, I can only promise you, if I can't detect her spiritual power, I will not do anything to her, but if she still has spiritual power, then I'm sorry." Origami said through gritted teeth.

"Origami, that's enough." Mu Hantian smiled.

"Brother..." Origami wanted to say something, but was interrupted by Mu Hantian.

"Okay, class is over, don't talk about it." Mu Hantian said.

"Tell everyone the good news, our class is going to have a transfer student, let's welcome her." As Xiaozhu's words fell, a young girl walked in from outside the classroom.

"Hello everyone, my name is Tohka Yato, please give me some advice." The girl's voice was very nice. Of course, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that this is a beautiful girl.

However, the moment he saw Tohxiang, Mu Hantian had to sigh, the power of the official is really strong!

"Hantian!" Tohka was excited the moment she saw Mu Hantian.

"Does classmate Ye Dao Shen know classmate Han Tian?" classmate A asked.

"Hmm, Han Tian is the most important person to me." Tohka said happily.

Hearing Tohka say this, Mu Hantian was very happy, but he couldn't show it because Origami was staring at him at this moment.

"Hmph, I can't agree with you saying that, why is my brother yours." Origami slapped the table and stood up.

"It's you?!" Of course Tohka had seen Totoichi Origami, and it should be said that the other party was the most troublesome one among those who hunted her down. Tohka naturally couldn't forget it if she wanted to!

Then, seeing Tobiichi Origami again, Tohka directly regarded her as her worst enemy.

"It really is you!" After hearing Tohka's words, Touichi Origami's eyes suddenly lit up. When she saw Tohka just now, she had already recognized Tohka, but she couldn't be sure, let alone Dare to believe that an elf dared to swagger in front of him.

"Origami, have you forgotten what you promised me just now?" Mu Hantian said solemnly.

The moment he saw Origami beat the table, he knew he was going to suffer. Fortunately, this was a school, and Origami couldn't do anything.

"I see!" Origami was very unwilling, the other party had no spiritual power, just like an ordinary person, of course she couldn't do it, and this was a school, so even if she was unwilling, Tobiichi Origami could only give up .

"Hey, I said, why don't you agree with me!" Tohka asked reluctantly.

"Just because he's my brother, I like him." Origami was also very straightforward.

"You, hum!" After all, Tohka's study was too little, and a quarrel was no match for Origami.

"Okay, you two are here to go to school, if so, listen to the class carefully!" Mu Hantian stood up and said. He knew that he had to stand up and not let them continue to make trouble.

"I listened to my brother!" Origami said.

"I also listen to Hantian." Tohka said the same thing.

"Then, classmate Tohka, sit next to classmate Hantian, there happens to be an empty seat there." Teacher Xiaozhu spoke.

Teacher, you really are a natural black man. You know that this is the Shura field, and you are here to cause trouble.

"My dear friend! You have to be careful." Tonding Hiroshi said to Mu Hantian in the tone of a visitor.

"Hehe, I'm fine, don't worry." Mu Hantian closed his eyes and said.

It seems that school life will not be boring in the future. Mu Hantian thought so.

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