"Since you're full, Yoshino-chan, do you want to take a bath with me?" Shiori looked at Yoshino expectantly, cute things are always liked by girls.

Yoshino was startled and shook his head without hesitation, making Shiori look disappointed.

"I...I want to...I want to take a bath with my brother." Seeing Shiori's face full of disappointment, Yoshino made up the knife without hesitation, although she might not understand it herself.

"Pfft!!" The sound of spraying rice came from the mouths of Tohka and Kotori at the same time. The food stuffed in the mouths of the two women also turned into a beautiful firework, which exploded on the dining table, leaving only the mouths. Shizhi and Allen, who had no food in the middle, escaped the disaster. As for Mu Hantian, he wanted to spray, but unfortunately the food got stuck in his throat.

Desperately pounding his chest, Mu Hantian hit his chest with a 'bang bang' sound, and finally swallowed the food in his mouth, but the result was panting like a dead dog. Mu Hantian doesn't care about everything, what makes him care is, Yoshino, even if you want to wash with me, you don't need to say it!

When Mu Hantian didn't react at all, Tohka and Kotori stood up abruptly, slammed their hands on the dining table with a 'bang', and shouted in unison. "Can't!!"

Seemingly aware of the inaccuracies in her words, Kotori said quickly, "Yoshina is a girl! How can I take a bath with my brother!" As she spoke, Kotori looked at Mu Hantian, as if to say, "You I promise to make you look good.

And Tohka said very domineeringly: I just don't agree! There is no reason!

Seeing this situation, Allen blew his hair in confusion, and then as if thinking of something, he murmured: Fortunately, Origami left!


Tiangong City, Mu Hantian's home

In the bathroom, the steam of hot water is distributed throughout the space, and the thick hot mist covers up all the situation in the bathroom, making it difficult for people to see the scene.

Vaguely, you can see that in the fog-filled space, there are two figures, one big and one small, shaking slightly inside.

Sitting in the bathtub, Mu Hantian lowered his head involuntarily. In front of him, Yoshino was sitting there with his back to him.

At this moment, Yoshino's long azure curly hair had been tied into a ponytail, exposing her smooth and tender neck to the air, and the water in the bathroom simply couldn't completely remove Yoshino's smooth body. cover up.

"Why does Yoshino want to take a bath with me? No matter what, I'm also a man." Mu Hantian asked in confusion.

"Young man, you can't guess the girl's mind." Yoshina smiled.

Hearing Yoshina's words, Yoshino hurriedly covered its mouth. Then he whispered to Mu Hantian, "I don't know, I just want to take a bath with my brother."

"Uh, that's right! Uh, Yoshino! You have to learn to get along well with other people, not just me. Tohka, Shiori, Eren and the others like you very much, you stay with them. Is there any pressure to be together?" Mu Hantian asked.

Yoshino shook his head.

Seeing Yoshina's appearance, Mu Hantian continued, "Sitina, don't be afraid, and I believe that Yoshina doesn't want to see you become a coward, so she has to make friends boldly, of course, make friends. Friends should also be divided into objects, we will talk about this later, and now I just want to tell you, don't be afraid, Tohka and the others have no ill will towards you, you can make friends with them at ease." Mu Hantian said.

"Yeah! Yoshina, Yoshina also hopes you can make friends with them. Yoshina can see that they like you very much." Yoshina also persuaded.

"This...I understand, thank you brother and Yoshina, I...I will get along well with...and everyone!" Yoshino said in a low voice.

"Well, Yoshino, come on!" Mu Hantian encouraged.

"Yeah!" Yoshino nodded, showing a firmness in his eyes.

"Hehe, Yoshino-chan, let my brother wash your hair for you." Mu Hantian said gently.

"Yeah!" Yoshino replied in a low voice, then lowered his head blushing.

The two did not find that at a certain moment, outside the bathroom, the door of the dressing room that led directly to the bathroom behind the glass door was quietly being opened at this moment.

Outside the door, a young girl with long dark purple hair tied with a bow-tie headband sneakily stuck her head in. , Amethyst-like eyes glanced around the entire space, and then, crept into the door and closed the door.

The person who comes is naturally Tohxiang! Tohka glanced at the glass door of the bathroom not far away, and then swept the entire dressing room a few times. When she saw Mu Hantian's clothes in a basket, Tohka was furious.

"What is Han Tian doing? Are you really taking a bath with Yoshino?" Tohka couldn't help pinching her fists, and her feet kept stomping on the ground. You could see Tohka's heart of anger. (Cough, from the author's point of view, Tohka is completely worthy of the title of "East Asia Vinegar King")

When Tohka raised her head and was about to go to the glass door to investigate the situation, the corner of her eyes was careless and turned to a corner to the side. At this sight, Tohka opened her mouth wide.

"You..." Tohka's voice involuntarily raised a little bit, and just as she was about to scream out, one hand slammed her mouth, blocking all the voices behind Tohka!

"Shh..." Kotori made such a gesture solemnly, pointing in the direction of the glass door, meaning it was very clear.

Tohka blinked, and then suddenly, she nodded her head, letting Kotori breathe a sigh of relief, and let go of Tohka's mouth, the two looked at each other the same, one red and one purple eyes, Kind of weird.

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