Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 449: battle between sisters

"Brother, why did you bring me to the ast?" Qin Li finally spoke, although his tone was very bad, but Mu Hantian didn't mind.

"Well, I brought you here to reach a consensus." Mu Hantian explained.

"Well, Hantian, why are you here?" Rixia Liaozi, who was eating on a chair, asked in surprise when Mu Hantian appeared here.

"I'm here to make an agreement with you, Captain of the Japanese Army. The organization I belong to is Ratatosk. I think you must have heard of the Captain of the Japanese Army!" Mu Hantian said lightly.

"Ratatosk? So that's the case, is that the organization? I have indeed heard that Ratatosk is an organization dedicated to peaceful coexistence with elves. Although it is very mysterious, as the captain of ast, I still have something to do with it. Understood." Hibakata Liaozi said.

"Really? That's good, the commander of Ratatosk next to me, Wuhe Qinli, I brought her to find you to reach an agreement with you. I don't think you like the organization ast either. !" Mu Hantian said.

"I understand what you want to say, you're right, I really don't like the top management of ast, but it's impossible to cooperate with you, even if I agree, it's impossible for my boss to agree. "There was a bit of disappointment in Liaozi's voice under the sun, why didn't she want peace, it's just those who are officials, it's so disappointing.

"Well, I also know what you said, Captain Sun, so this agreement is not for you to give up chasing and killing the elves, but to give me a space to talk to the elves. In short, after your first round of attacks, I I hope you can stop the fire for a while and let me and the elves have a good talk, if the elves don't listen, it's not too late for you to start." Mu Hantian said calmly.

"This... This can't be done. After all, our attack order was given from above." Hikata Liaozi was a little moved.

"This is very simple. It only needs a small reason: 'Until the truth of the elves is clear, a rash attack will only cause unnecessary casualties.' What is the reason?" Mu Hantian looked at the lower part of the sun and said.

"I understand, I'll do my best!" ~Hikata Liaozi sighed and said so.

"So, that's it, what about Origami?" Mu Hantian asked.

"Origami has gone to the 'Princess' side." Ryoko Hibakata said.

"Really? See you later." After leaving these words, Mu Hantian took Qin Li, who was still in a daze, and walked out the door.


"Brother, why are you doing this?" Kotori said dissatisfiedly in the corridor.

"Well, what does it matter, isn't it bad? This is a rare opportunity. I brought you to see her just to make things more convincing." Mu Hantian said lightly.

"That's not what I asked. I want to know, brother, what do you think? The ast side obviously doesn't deal with us. You still do this. Besides, she is just a small captain, and she can't control those big people at all. Ideas." Qin Li said helplessly.

"Qinli, it's not right for you to say that, don't you understand the agreement I made with her, it's buying us time, she really can't control the thoughts of those bigwigs, but it's still possible to help us buy time to leave. , do you want my brother to attack the elves in the hail of bullets?" Mu Hantian said angrily.

"This... that's fine." Qin Li did not convince Mu Hantian in the end, but she herself was persuaded by Mu Hantian.

"Okay, Kotori, have some fun. We went to play with Shiori and the others. If you don't come, I'll go to Origami. You know, she's my sister too." Mu Hantian finished speaking, He strode to the room where Shizhi and the others were, and Kotori hurriedly followed, still saying, "My brother is mine, and no one can take it away."


"Shiori, what are you doing?" Mu Hantian asked when he saw Wuhe Shiori who was engrossed in playing the game.

"Hantian, you don't know, it's fun here, there are so many games." Seeing Mu Hantian coming back, Tohka hurried over and explained to Mu Hantian.

"That's right, then let's go play too." After saying that, he took Qin Li's hand and walked towards the game console.

Mu Hantian hadn't played this arcade game for a long time. In the original world, he played it when he was a child. Of course, he played King of Fighters, Three Kingdoms and so on.

Mu Hantian found a game at random, similar to Bomberman, while Qinli found Origami, and the two played against each other. Not good to intervene.

The day's hot spring trip was over. At night, everyone didn't choose to stay overnight. After waiting for dinner, Mu Hantian and the others went home through Flaxinas. As for the ast side, they were also equipped to take advantage of the night. The device appeared and returned to the camp directly from the air.

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