"No...it's not good...what should I do...?"

In the unprecedented crisis, Mu Hantian held his head and his eyes became uncertain. (Author: I'm actually looking at girls everywhere! Mu Hantian: No, it's just normal thinking.)

If they were found to be hiding here, they would undoubtedly be condemned. No, it would be fine if it ended like this. Labeled a **** offender who will never go away, the rest of his high school life will undoubtedly be treated as the incarnation of perverts and **** and the faults of being too young.

Then, Tohka moved over to hide Mu Hantian's figure.

"Ten, Tohxiang...?"

"Hantian shouldn't be doing it on purpose...? Then, hide behind me and run away."

"Yes, I'm sorry. Thank you so much...!"

Fortunately, due to the fog and the russet-colored hot water, Mu Hantian's figure became difficult to spot. If Tohka covered her, maybe she would be able to escape to the outside of the women's bath.

"Okay...then I'm leaving."

"Whoa whoa."

She nodded to Tohka's voice. So while Tohka was soaking in the bath, he slowly started to move with crab steps. Hiding behind her, advancing in the hot water. But……

"Ah~, found Tohka~ ​​sauce!"

"What's wrong? In that corner."

"Speaking of which, my skin is so beautiful~ I really want to touch it~!" In front of Tohka, the three of Yai, Maimei, and Mei appeared.


"No, no, nothing! Don't worry about it!"

Even if Tohka said that, Ai Mai Mii still seemed very interested in Tohka. If this continues, Mu Hantian who is behind Tohka will soon be noticed.

Then, this time.

"Wow...! There's a huge loaf of bread in that place!"

Kuang San approached at some point, shouted, and pointed into the distance, but his eyes were fixed on Mu Hantian.

It has to be said that Kuang San's shouting created a good opportunity for Mu Hantian, and the three-clothed group had already looked in the direction of Kuang Sanzhi.

"Kangsan, thank you!" Mu Hantian said in his heart, then turned over and jumped from the edge of the rock into the sea.


at the same time. In a corner of the men's bath, several gentlemen gathered in a circle, chatting softly.

"Hey Tonomachi, is this true?"

Facing the classmate's question, Tonomachi raised the corner of his mouth proudly.

"Ah, that's right. You wouldn't notice it if you entered the Furo normally, but there's actually a subtle gap in a part of the wall separating the men's bath and the women's bath."

"Oh...!" The like-minded comrades in arms shouted together.

Tonoming nodded humbly and stretched out his palm in the center of everyone. Naturally, everyone's palms were folded on top.

"Are you ready and enlightened?"


"Very good! Then come with me! Come and see the paradise in this world...!"

"Oh..." A rough voice resounded, and everyone raised their hands together.

Tonomachi closed his eyes in order to taste the intoxicating aftertaste, and moved forward slowly. Then he moved his footsteps along the wall as silently as possible, and ended up reaching the destination point.

"Very well, then..."

After Tonomachi looked around at his comrades, everyone agreed.

"Let's start with you, Tonomachi."

"It was you who gave us courage. Guided us."

"This will be firmly engraved in this eye, in this heart."

Tonomachi wiped the hot tears with his arm, and nodded vigorously in response: "Then let's go... My way of life, let you see clearly!"

After speaking, Tonomachi stretched out and peeked through a lightly cracked gap in a part of the wall.


Four eyes, relative.

It was Tobiichi Origami who was watching from the women's bath.

"...Hang, sorry to bother you."

After Tonomachi said this in a dry voice, he returned to his original position.



Reine, who was operating a small terminal in the room, suddenly tilted her head. From outside the door, there was the sound of clattering footsteps.

Then the sound seemed to stop at the front of the room, and there was a knock on the door.

"...Please come in."

After Lingyin finished speaking, the door was slowly opened, and Mu Hantian, who was only wrapped in a towel, entered the room. For some reason, there is a feeling of guilty conscience.

Seeing this, Reine thought for a few seconds—then clapped her palm.

"Hantian, are you trying to attack me at night?"

"Night attack you ghost, I have something to ask you, who is that Mia Nicholas, I think she is very suspicious, you can help me check, yes, this may be a fake name, be careful, look See if there is a name similar to this one."

"No need, based on the information we know so far, if I guess correctly, she should be Mia Nix. DEM is also the strongest magician in the world." Reine pushed glasses, said.

"So that's the case, is it from DEM? Then her purpose should be Tohka and the others." Mu Hantian frowned slightly and said.

"It should be, but anyway, you have to be careful. Kotori went to the 'round table meeting'. Now 'Fraxis' is in charge of the deputy commander. We will come to support if necessary."

"I know."

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