Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 498: new sprite

Army Self-Defense Force Tiangong Garrison Base:

"What the **** is going on here!" Ryoko Kusakata and Tobiichi Origami impatiently pushed open the office door and slammed the written document on the boss's desk.

"What's the matter?" Tsukamoto Sansa was also suppressed by Liaozi's angry aura, and he didn't even correct her rudeness.

"Look at it for yourself, this kind of organization is too messy! The 10 foreign nationals... and also give that independent unit special decision-making power in emergency! What are the upper management thinking!" , Liaozi banged the table again with a thud. Tsukamoto Sansa's shoulders also twitched.

The written information is supplementary information from AST personnel. The number of people in this supplement has reached 10, and all of them are members sent by DEM, and all of them are foreigners. In addition, it also has the authority to detach from Liaozi's command according to the actual situation.

"AST is not a baseball team! How can foreigners join the team! And to give them such authority, I can only think there must be something tricky in it!" Tsukamoto became hesitant.

Liaozi scratched his head impatiently, thinking, it's just a waste of time to talk to you any more. So decided to leave.

Just then, the door to the room was opened again, but this time slowly. Then, about 10 foreigners entered the room one by one.

"Huh?" The red-haired woman in the lead saw Liaozi and Origami with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth. He looks about the same age as Liaozi. Since the corners of her eyes hang high at both ends, she can't help but think of a fox.

"It's the face I've seen in the documentation. It should be the captain of AST and Tobiichi Origami, right?" After speaking in a unique tone, the woman's smile grew even thicker.

"Who are you?" Liaozi asked back.

The woman nodded exaggeratedly and stretched out her right hand. "I'm Jessica Bailey assigned to AST today. Please advise."

"Humph!" After showing an unhappy expression, Liaozi handed over and shook hands.

"Although I don't know what you are here for, you don't want to act recklessly here. As long as you belong to the AST one day, you must obey my orders."

After hearing Liaozi's words, Jessica widened her eyes, and the subordinates behind her all looked at each other and shrugged.

"According to your orders, can you defeat the elves?"

"What did you say!"

"I've heard a lot about AST. It's obviously the most frequent space quake in recent years. It's an anti-elf unit, but it's just a play team that hasn't even caught a single elf." Jessica stole. Saying this while laughing, the team members behind also laughed meaningfully.

"Captain, what you said is a bit too much anyway."

"How can the junk team members in the extreme east demand them based on our benchmarks?"

"That's right. They're not so weak because they like to be weak."


The members of Jessica's body taunted in turn.

Liaozi was trying to stop Jessica and the others.

Suddenly, a high-pitched siren sounded all around.

"Origami, ready to attack!"


When Origami was about to run away after answering, Jessica and the others began to laugh again: "The weak will always be the weak, you can't succeed."

"Stop Origami. Now is not the time to do such a thing!" When Origami glared at Jessica, Ryoko stepped in to stop her.

"We're ready to go. No matter what you say, we have to protect the city. ... So, what are you going to do?"

"We? That's right, well, the timing is just right, let's attack too. I'll teach you a good lesson and let you know how to fight. It's just..." Jessica raised her index finger, Continuing: "We still have a special mission. According to the actual situation, we will give priority to that mission."

"Special mission?" Origami said while frowning.


"Brother Hantian, the elf has appeared, and I will send you over immediately." Mu Hantian, who had just returned home, received Qinli's cell phone.

"Damn, I just got home. Hey, I'm really upset." Mu Hantian muttered in annoyance, and then said to Qinli, "Qinli, send it, I'll turn on the headphones."

After a while, Mu Hantian was teleported away. Looking around, Mu Hantian found that where he was now was the square in front of Lilang Station in the west of Tiangong City.

Since it is the closest station to the Tiangong Grand Theater, which is a multi-purpose activity center, whenever there is a concert or event, it will be crowded with people. When Mu Hantian held a concert here before, the crowd was huge and it was very spectacular. But now there is no sign of anyone.

Most of the sights that caught Mu Hantian's eyes had been dug away to form a beating bowl, just like a volcanic crater. Most of the square in front of the station also disappeared, and only a part of the fence remained.

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