Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 504: What kind of person is Mu Hantian

"Brother, what did you do just now? Yu Xiaomeijiu's favorability level has suddenly risen to intimacy. It's not you who betrayed her." Mu Hantian, who was walking in the corridor, listened to the sound coming from his earphones. Kotori's shocked voice.

"I didn't do anything, I just enlightened her, don't think about it." Mu Hantian twitched the corners of his mouth and said speechlessly.

"Oh, really?"

"I said Kotori, what's with your disbelieving tone!"

"Well, don't care, don't care. By the way, brother, where are you, why didn't I see you."

"I'm on the high platform at the edge of the venue now, so I won't look for you anymore. I'll ask Meijiu to have dinner at home in a while, you can just bring Tohka and the others to my house." After speaking, Mu Hantian hung up. Headphones, quietly listening to the singing of Miku who just came out.

"Although it sounds nice, it's not his real voice. No matter how hidden it is, the power of the elf is still somewhat obvious." Hearing Meijiu's singing, Mu Hantian shook his head.


When the sun goes down, someone once said that the scenery of sunrise and sunset is the most beautiful, and it is true. (The author thinks so.) Richly-colored clouds float on the horizon, and the sun at sunset pours down the streets, reflecting the faces of pedestrians.

Although night is about to fall, there are still many pedestrians on the street. It's just that the night is already faintly visible, and the sky is gradually dimming. I believe that soon, the people on the street should be replaced by a group of night owls, wandering in the Tiangong City at night.

It didn't take long for the pedestrians on the street to become sparse.

Mu Hantian and Meijiu were walking on the street. Meijiu was still wearing a gorgeous dress of light. The yellow and white dress was dazzlingly dazzling in the light of the setting sun. The long violet-colored hair went up and down with the movement of its owner. It floats, giving the illusion that every strand of hair can be clearly seen, which is quite eye-catching.

"Miku, are you tired?"

"It's okay, although I sang for a long time, but I am very happy." Miku shook her head relaxedly and said.

Of course, Mu Hantian didn't know what Meijiu was happy about, so he turned his head and said to Meijiu, "Meijiu, I hope that during the Tianyang Festival, you can sing with your own voice, not this fake voice."

"I'll give it a try. Actually, I don't know if I can get my old voice back."

"It's definitely possible, you have to believe in yourself." Mu Hantian smiled slightly.

Seeing Mu Hantian's smile, Meijiu herself was extremely shocked by her current situation. Bright silver eyes stared at the figure in front of him tightly, and his mood was very complicated. He clearly hates men the most, and even being a little closer to a man will make him feel like vomiting, but being with him will only make him feel at ease. Maybe he is my savior! With such thoughts in mind, Meijiu followed Mu Hantian to Mu Hantian's house.

"It's here, let's go in!" Mu Hantian clapped his hands, glanced at Yu Xiao Meijiu who lowered his head, and smiled.

"Compared to that false voice, to be honest, I really want to hear your own voice." After speaking, Mu Hantian opened the door and walked in.

Yu Xiao Meijiu has been following behind Mu Hantian very peacefully.


"Hantian, hurry up and cook, I'm hungry." As soon as Mu Hantian and Meijiu entered the living room, they heard Tohka complaining.

"Okay, right now." Mu Hantian responded, and said to Meijiu at the same time, "You can sit in the living room for a while, watch TV or something, I'll cook two dishes, and you can eat right away." Entered the kitchen and got busy with Alan.

"That... your name is Tohka, right?"

"Hmm, what's the matter?" Tohka asked, looking at Miku who was sitting beside her.

"That, it's nothing, I just want to ask, about Mu Hantian, what kind of person he is."

"Hantian, he is very gentle, very gentle to the friends around him, and very kind to us." Tohka said.

"Is that so." Miku nodded.

"Ah, I'm back." Kurumi's somewhat frivolous voice came from outside the door.

"Ku San, you are not allowed to go to Han Tian's room tonight." Tohka said angrily, looking at Ku San who entered the door.

"Ah, why is it, Tohxiang Sauce."

"No reason, in short, it's not good. I always feel very uncomfortable watching you go to Hantian's house."

"Okay, okay, I won't go tonight. But now, I still have something to tell Hantian, where is he?"

"In the kitchen."

"I see." When Kuangsan heard the words, he was about to find Mu Hantian, but was stopped by Meijiu.

"What's the name of this beautiful big sister, do you have time to have a cup of tea?"

"Cough cough..." Mu Hantian, who came out carrying the vegetables, heard Meijiu's words, and then looked at Kuang San, almost pouring out the vegetables.

"Meijiu, that's enough, what is it that you come to GY my sister in front of me like this." Mu Hantian complained slightly, and sure enough, Meijiu's lily was no longer saved.

"Well, don't worry about this anymore, you are the only man I recognize, so let me take care of your sister." Meijiu waved her hands at Mu Hantian and looked at him with fiery eyes Crazy three.

"It's muddy, come over for dinner. I'll take care of my sister myself." Mu Hantian wanted to vomit blood.

"Hey, sure enough, we came at the right time, we don't have to wait." Kotori's voice came from outside the door.

"Sorry, Han Tian." Shiori said apologetically.

"It's okay, let's eat." Mu Hantian said that I didn't mind at all, come here a few more times, let's enhance our relationship.

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