Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 507: sneaky origami

The second Gnaku in the Tiangong station of the Ground Self-Defense Force was unusually quiet. Even though it was not late at night, the AST members and maintenance personnel were completely absent. It's as if someone purposely drove everyone away for some purpose.

Origami, who had penetrated into Gnaku through the unlocked back door, turned his gaze to his destination without saying a word.

The crisp footsteps resounded throughout the space. Origami's heartbeat gradually accelerated with the crisp sound, and took a deep breath quietly.

The outfit on her body is neither the school uniform for Zen High School, nor the outfit for today's performance, but the black dress-type connection device that is the basic equipment of AST. This is the magic armor that humans put on to fight against spirits. It is a battle attire that can maximize the consciousness of origami.

That being said, there are no space-quake alarms blaring, and combat training is not required. Origami is wearing this outfit for other reasons entirely.

After walking to a certain area of ​​​​Gnaku in silence, he stopped. According to her observation, now the crime prevention system has all been shut down. In that case, even if someone invaded the Gnaku and took away CRUNIT, no one would notice.

This is really the best situation for me. Origami looked up at the machine standing in front of her.

"Brother!" Origami murmured to Mu Hantian.

After hearing Ryoko's exaggerated 'talking to herself', Origami immediately began to investigate Jessica and the others.

Even so, he didn't actually take much action. It should be said that there is absolutely no need to do so.

After Origami questioned the team members, everyone started 'talking to themselves'. Even though Minnie (that is, Mildred F. Fujimura), who did not speak clearly at that time, told her the relevant situation in detail when she called her later while complaining.

Origami couldn't help shuddering after hearing the point of the battle. Forget about Tohka, who is an elf, why even her own brother, such an ordinary person, would be targeted.

"I won't let you succeed." After Origami whispered, she took a step forward. It is the crystallization of human wisdom placed in front of him—the tactical display device that carries the body.

"Brother, I can't lose you."


"Here, classmate Han Tian. You want strawberry cream, right?"

"Ah, yes!" Mu Hantian nodded and took the beautifully decorated crepe from Meijiu.

Miku smiled contentedly, and after taking a bite of the chocolate-banana-flavored crepe she was holding in her other hand, she showed an extremely happy expression.

"Sure enough, crepes are the best." With that, Miku swayed the corners of her skirt and twisted her body.

"Really? I'll try it too." After speaking, Mu Hantian also bit into his crepe.

"Well, it's really good, I'm going to learn to make it too, and show them something to eat."

"Eh? Han Tian, ​​what do they mean?"

"It's Tohka and the others." Oh, I can't say it's my other women.

"There is not much time left until the stage performance starts, let's stroll around for a while."

"Ah, wait a minute!" Mu Hantian hurriedly stuffed the rest of the crepe into his mouth. After putting the wrapping paper left in her hand in the trash, she followed Miku and left. However, Mu Hantian was still very happy, because Meijiu had no resistance to him anymore.

Follow Miku through the eating area and into the area with shooting, simple haunted houses and other items.

"Hantian, look at that. It's a ring toss game. Let's play too." With that, Miku pointed forward, with a vast space like a temple fair booth. There are many prizes on the red carpet.

"It's really, Miku, which one do you want, I'll get it for you."

"That's it." Hearing Mu Hantian's question, Meijiu pointed to the ragdoll cat that was relatively close to her.

"Leave it to me." Mu Hantian smiled slightly, paid the fee to the girl standing next to him, and received three plastic rings. Then he threw it at the target pointed out by Miku.

The ring thrown by Mu Hantian was accurately placed on the target.

"I'm sorry, can you help me with it?" Mu Hantian said to the girl just now, seeing that he had hit the target.

"Okay, please wait a moment." After the girl nodded, she took out the doll from the blanket and handed it to Mu Hantian.

After receiving the prize, Mu Hantian handed it to Meijiu and said, "Meijiu, do you have anything else you want? I still have two rings in my hand."

"Hey, you can get one for Tohka-chan," Miku said, biting her fingers.

"Good idea, get one for Tohka and Yoshino." After speaking, Mu Hantian threw the two rings out of his hand.

Under the unbelievable gaze of the salesperson girl, the rings were put on a rabbit rag doll and a husky rag doll respectively.

"Please." After seeing the target, Mu Hantian said to the girl again.

"Ah... ok, please wait a moment." The girl came back to her senses and handed the two dolls to Mu Hantian.

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