Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 546: This matchup is up to me

When Raisel's lips left, he pulled out a sliver of saliva, and then he kissed the other girls!

After Raisel finished the second game, he looked down at Ise mockingly.

"You guy, you can't do such a thing in your life. The lower-level demon king."

"What I said is exactly what I thought! Damn it! Boosted Gear!" Issei, who was blinded by anger because of jealousy, shouted loudly, raising his left hand to the sky.

With a red light, what was lodged in Ise's left hand appeared. The red caged hand with the dragon's pattern painted on it - the "Caged Hand of the Red Dragon Emperor", was ready to use because of Mu Hantian's training.

Issei pointed at Raisel and said, "A guy who hugs and hugs like you is not suitable for the Minister!"

"Huh? Don't you look forward to the me who hugs from left to right?"

"Noisy, noisy! This has nothing to do with the minister! That way, even if you marry the minister, you will get along with other girls, right?"

"Hero, love beauty. This is indeed a legend in the human world, right? This sentence is very good. Well, this is the skin-to-skin communication between me and the servant."

"What a hero! A guy like you is just a stink bird planted everywhere! Firebird Phoenix? Hahaha, it just happens to be roasting chicken!"

Under Ise's provocation, Raisel showed an angry expression.

"Roast chicken? This, this lower-level demon! I'm getting carried away! How dare you treat the higher-level demon with such an attitude! Rias, how on earth did you educate your servants!"

"I don't know." Rias turned around with a snort after speaking.

"Boiled chicken bastard! My Boosted Gear will take down this kind of guy!" Proud artifact! In ten seconds, the power of the host can be doubled, as long as it keeps accumulating, it will definitely defeat him!

"There's no need for a match! I'll knock everyone down here right now!"


Baoyu on the surface of the cage made a sound, and at the same time, power poured out from the body!

"Mira. Get it on me."

"Yes, Lord Raisel." Raisel gave an order to the girl who served. The opponent is a little girl with a childlike appearance similar to Kitten Sauce.

The other party took out a long stick that looked like the one used by a martial artist, turned it dexterously, and set up a stance against Ise.

Hmm, I don't want to use a child as an opponent, but if she shoots down the stick in her hand, she will lose her fighting spirit—

As I thought about it, my body suddenly became lighter. A sense of levitation hit me.

huh? The floor is down—


A loud noise entered the ear. Pain runs all over the body. What's wrong, what happened?


Asia ran to my side and put her hand on her stomach. In an instant, a faint green light surrounded me. Something warm took the pain away from my belly. It's the healing power that Asia possesses. The ability of an artifact that can heal even demons who are not protected by gods. It was for this reason that Aisha was targeted by the Fallen Angel before.

Then again, what happened to me? Falling to the ground is understandable though. If you look around, you can see the half-destroyed table, and the debris that was originally on the table is now scattered on the floor.

When I looked at Raisel, I could see a girl with a stick sticking out. Eat the opponent's blow. I did not see it. He was hurt without even knowing when the attack was? Also hit the table.

Raisel approached me lying on the ground, squatted down in my ear and said, "You are too weak."

"The one who just fought with you was my 'soldier' ​​Mira. He is the weakest of my servant demons, and has more experience than you in actual combat. Even your qualities as a demon are above yours. Boosted·Gear ? Ha." Knocking on my artifact, the guy sneered with his nose.

"Indeed, this is one of the most ferocious and invincible artifacts. Depending on how you use it, you can defeat even demon kings and gods, let alone me. There were countless people who used it before you. No one has achieved defeating the demon king and destroying the gods. Do you know what that means?" Raisel sneered.

"This artifact is flawed, even those who use it are weak! Even you are no exception! At this time, in the words of the human world. ... By the way, 'you can't use treasures', 'put Pearls to pigs' uh haha! That's right, 'pearls to pigs'! That's exactly what you are! Rias's 'soldier'! Raisel patted my head happily, seemingly happy.

"However, if it works a little bit, this battle will be a little more interesting." Raisel dragged his chin with his hand, as if thinking about something.

"Rias, how about the competition in ten days? It's fine to start right now, but that's too boring."

"Ise, step back and train hard when you go back, don't make small moves." Mu Hantian stood up and said.

"Lias, who is he?" Riesel pointed at Mu Hantian and asked.

"It doesn't matter who I am, Lias, I promise you that, but I will take over the ranking game here." Mu Hantian said lightly.


"He wanted to hurt Asia and Ise just now, just based on that, it's fine for me to take over!"


"Gurefia, isn't it, okay? Let me and my entourage be the opponents of Risel Phoenix." Mu Hantian said directly, ignoring Lias' words.

"This..." Grefia was a little embarrassed.

"Forget it, Risel, it's alright, the stakes are still the same, it's just a different opponent."

"Of course, then ten days later."

"No, it'll be fine tomorrow, you don't have to wait ten days." Mu Hantian set the time.

"Oh, I'm really brave, then I'll listen to you, hahahaha."

"I see, so let's settle the game like this."

"Hey! That man, didn't you just say that you have a family too? Take it out and see, I don't want to bully you."

"Is that so? All right. Oh, yes, my name is Mu Hantian, not hello." After speaking, Mu Hantian snapped his fingers, and a magic circle appeared again from the ground, which was different from what everyone knew. Magic Array. A group of people emerged from inside.

"Hey, this is my family. Of course, they're all women."

"Nani, brother, why don't I know."

"Ise-oh, how could you let you know about such a thing!"

"Hantian! Long time no see." The moment he saw Mu Hantian, a purple-haired girl rushed over.

"Okay, Tohka, there are so many people watching here." Mu Hantian gently stroked Tohka's hair.

"Well, I see." Tohka obediently left Mu Hantian's side.

"Hmph, since I've seen your servant, then I'm looking forward to tomorrow's duel, let's go." After speaking, Riesel and the servant girls disappeared into the magic square. in the light.

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