Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 571: little loli squatting at home

After school the next day.

Mu Hantian was standing in front of the room on the first floor of the old school building called the 'Classroom That Can't Be Opened'.

All the staff gathered here. The room was so tightly closed that it was impossible to see inside from the outside. I haven't explained exactly what it's used for... But according to the topic, there seems to be a 'monk' here.

This 'monk' has long been a mysterious member of the newcomers such as Mu Hantian. Except for Xenovia, who is also a new face, all the other members are aware of it.

It existed a long time ago. But it has been sealed for some reason.

It is said that its abilities are considered extremely dangerous, and it looks like it is uncontrollable by the power of the minister, and it has been sealed by the top. Who is it? Mu Hantian was very curious.

On this door, there are several layers of tape on 'KEEPOUT', with the Seal Curse spell engraved on it. It's very weird anyway.

"Here. I live here all day. If it is late at night, the spell will be lifted. If it is the old school building, you can come out of the room, but the child inside refused to come out."

At this moment, Rias opened a magic circle with her hand towards the door. Appears to be unsealing.

Wouldn't it be weird to be sealed in such a small place for half a day every day? I can't stand it. Thinking like this, Mu Hantian asked, "Is it squatting at home?"

Lias sighed and nodded at Mu Hantian's question.

Kiba removed the tape, and Akeno was also releasing the surgery with the director.

"The children inside are cash cows in the family." Zhu Nai said.

"Using a computer as a medium to execute a special contract with humans. Because there are humans who don't want to meet us directly. If you encounter this type of person, you must use a different kind of negotiation. That is, use a computer to solve it. The transaction rate of the computer It can be ranked in the top ranks of the new demon's family."

"Okay, let's open the door."

All the spell engravings on the door vanished, turning into an ordinary door. Rias opened the door.

"Don't...!" A voice came from inside - a very loud scream!

Rias was not surprised, as if she was used to it, she just walked in with Akeno with a sigh.

"Good day. It's good to see that you are in good spirits."

"Is there something wrong?"

Inside is negotiating, the voice is neutral, I don't know if it is male or female.

"Ahhhh. The seal has been broken. You can go outside. Okay, let's go out with us." This was Akeno's gentle voice. It felt warm.

"No! It's fine here, just right here! I don't want to go outside! I don't want to see

other people. "

Mu Hantian and other uninformed people looked into the room curiously.

It was a room with all the curtains drawn. Pretty shady. The room had unexpectedly cute decorations, and it looked like a girl's room. There are even dolls.

In the corner of the room was a coffin that looked like it was used at a foreign funeral.

Rias and Akeno were both deep in the room. The 'Monks' are there.

If you get closer, you will see a beautiful girl with blond hair and red eyes with a dignified face like a doll. He sat limply on the floor, as if trying to escape Rias and Akeno. Shaking badly.

Also, she was wearing the girls uniform of Kuo Academy. By the way, it's really cute!

"Oh! Girl! And it's a foreigner!" Issei was a little excited. (PS: Author set, Gasper is female.)

"Tell...Say...Speaking of which, who are these people?" the girl asked Rias.

Lias pointed to Mu Hantian, Ise, and Xenovia and said, "They are the added vassals during your stay here. Hyoudou Issei of the 'Soldier', Xenovia of the 'Knight', and the 'chariot' ' Mu Hantian."

After the introduction, the three of Mu Hantian said 'please take care of them' and greeted them.

The girl was like, ‘Yeah, there are so many people! ' So scared.

"Please, go outside, okay? Hey? You don't need to seal it." Rias said softly.

"Don't! It's impossible for me to go outside! It's scary! It's scary outside! Anyway, I'll only cause trouble if I go out."

"Okay, the minister said to go out..."

Saying that, when Ise pulled him.

"Yeah...!" With the girl's scream, everyone's eyes became snow-white.

"It's strange. Just a moment ago..."

"Don't be angry! Don't be angry! Please don't hit me!" The girl shouted as always.

Akeno explained to everyone who felt doubts: "That child has a magical tool that stops the time of all objects in sight for a certain period of time if he is excited."

"Because he couldn't control the artifact, he was sealed here according to the orders of the Archduke and Lord Sazex."

"This child is Gaspar Veradi. My servant 'monk'. For the time being, it's a first-year student at Kuo Academy. Also, before the reincarnation, he was a hybrid of a human and a vampire." Rias hugged the girl, said.

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