Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 590: Canna's dream

"I'm Sigbella Agares. Grand Duke of rank, the next head of the Agares family." It was the girl who had just put on glasses—the eldest lady of the Agares family was talking to Gremory. Family members say hello.

After the commotion just now, the staff who came here had already repaired it with magic power, and it was roughly restored to its original state. The newcomers and demons also gathered again and greeted each other. Except for the bad things just now and his family, everyone gathered around the table.

"Guian, I'm Rias Gremory. The next head of the Gremory family."

"I'm Canna Sidi. The next head of the Sidi family." Rias and Canna introduced themselves one after another.

"I am Sairaog Barr. The rank king, the next head of the Bar family."

Just now, the gentle boy who was still drinking tea elegantly in the commotion also spoke up. "I am Theodora Astaroth. The next head of the Astaroth family. Please give me some advice."

"I'm so sorry to keep you all waiting. Everyone is waiting for you." An old man walked in and said.

The young demons followed behind the servants and came to a place with a strange atmosphere.

People at the top are sitting in very high seats. A little further up there are demons sitting in what looks like a background. Above them are the Four Great Demon Kings.

"It's really hard for you to come here. This is a special meeting to take a good look at you who will shoulder the responsibility of the next generation. Of course, this also includes the meeting of young demons that will be held within a certain period of time." The old male demon said in a dignified and solemn voice while holding hands.

"However, it seems that we started fighting as soon as we met." This time it was the bearded male demon's turn to sarcastically. It's about what just happened. It's really coming up soon.

"The six of you are all next-generation demons with great families and strengths. That's why we want you to compete on the same stage and improve your strength together before you really debut," said Sazex, who was sitting at the highest point.

"In other words, sooner or later, we will also participate in the battle with the 'Band of Calamities', right?" Sairaorg immediately asked the question straight to the point.

"I don't know yet. But I don't want to do it if I can," Sazex replied.

Sairaorg raised his eyebrows in relief after hearing this. "Why? Although we are young, we are also capable of shouldering the mission of the devil. At this age, we still have to rely on our predecessors, but what if we don't give anything."

"Sairaorg, your courage is very commendable. However, it is too reckless. I want to avoid sending you who are still growing to the battlefield no matter what. Because the loss of the next generation of demons will hurt us. Speaking is an unbearable burden. I hope you can understand. Your value to us is much higher than you think, and you are our treasure. That is why I hope you can grow up step by step. "

After listening to Sazex's words, Sairaorg also seemed relieved to say "I see". However, there was still dissatisfaction on his face.

After that, the executives talked about complicated topics and the Demon Kings also explained the future policy of RatingGame.

"Okay, I'm sorry to keep you listening for so long. We pin our dreams and hopes on you young people. I hope you can understand this only. You are the treasures of the underworld."

Sazex's words were deeply engraved in the hearts of everyone.

"Finally, I want to hear about your future dreams. I don't know if you can do it?"

Sazex's voice just fell, and the first answer was Sairaorg. "My dream is to become a Demon King."


The executives also sighed because of the goal that Sairaorg said without hesitation in front of everyone.

"It's unprecedented for a demon king to appear from the king's house," said a male demon at the top.

"If I can make the people of the underworld feel my existence, then I can only become a Demon Lord."

"I want to live as the next head of Gremory, and then win the Rating Game. This is my goal in the future." Rias also said.

After that, the young demons all expressed their dreams and goals one by one, and finally came to Canna.

"I want to build a school in the underworld that teaches RatingGame related knowledge."

After hearing Canna's words, the higher-ups frowned.

"Speaking of a school related to RatingGame, it has already been established, right?"

Cang Na replied indifferently: "That school is a school that only high-level demons and a small group of privileged demons are allowed to attend. What I want to build is a school where reincarnated demons, no matter the lower-level demons, can study without barriers. ."

"Hahahahahahahahaha!" The high-level laughter resounded throughout the venue.

Then, the senior executives said in a mocking tone: "That's impossible!" "So it is! This is the so-called dreaming girl!"

"Although it's good to be young! However, the next head of the Sidi family actually said this kind of dream talk out of nowhere. Fortunately, this is the place to meet before debut."

"Well, even if the underworld is constantly changing, there are still differences between the superior and the inferior, and the reincarnated demons. There are many people who take this for granted." Kiba said lightly.

"However, isn't the minister's family welcoming us as a guest?"

"Ise-kun. Gremory is a powerful family of demons. Many people don't look at humans and lower-level demons with colored glasses. However, think about Phoenix."

After hearing Kiba's words, Ise recalled Raisel Phoenix. Yes, that guy is totally discriminating.

In the face of many doubts, Cang Na said, "I'm serious."

After hearing Canna's words, the higher-ups said coldly: "His Royal Highness Canna Sidi. Lower-level demons and reincarnated demons usually find their talents when they serve higher-level demons. If you build such a training facility It would be the same as trying to defeat the old family with tradition and glory? Even if the world of demons has entered an era where it has to be changed, there are still things that cannot be changed. If you want to educate the subordinates who are completely irrelevant The devil's words..."

"Oh, I think you are really ridiculous. If you don't have the glory of your father or grandfather, what are you? You look down on lower-level demons and reincarnated demons? Then why do you need them to develop demon chess pieces?" Mu Hantian said lightly. .

"and who are you?"

"Me? I am Rias Gremory's former 'chariot'. Because the demon chess piece left my body, it was once."

"Hmph, it turned out to be just a small subordinate."

"Should we come and see? I don't mind, but you don't dare." Mu Hantian continued to mock.

"Okay, you don't have to quarrel anymore, that's it! If my family's Canna-chan wins the game, no one will complain, right? After all, if you get good results in the game, things will be realized. There are more!" Seraph's sudden proposal surprised everyone.

"Really! The grandfathers have been bullying my family! I can't take it anymore! If you guys go too far, it's my turn to bully the grandpas!" Serafel said to the devil tearfully. The higher-ups protested. No matter which high-level executives dared to meet the Devil King Leviathan, it was very embarrassing.

But Canna felt embarrassed.

"Exactly. So let's have a game. A game between young people," Sazeks said.

"Rias, Sona, do you want to compare?"

Rias and Canna looked at each other, their eyes blinking in surprise.

Sazex didn't care and continued: "Originally, the competition for Rias was planned to be held soon. Ask Azazel to gather RatingGame fans from various factions, thinking that the competition of the young demons before his debut will make the competition of young demons. Let's watch the battle. That's just right. How about a match between Rias and Sona?"

Rias sighed, then looked at Canna with a defiant smile. Canna also showed a sneer!

"Even though it's not an official match, my opponent in the first Rating Game is actually you. It feels like fate, Rias."

"Since it's a comparison, I won't lose, Canna."

"Very well, the date of the battle is August 20th in the human world. Before that, you can spend your time at will. The detailed details will be sent on the same day."

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