Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 592: cat's past

"Azazel, what's wrong with calling me here?"

"Hantian, you're here, I'm looking for you about kittens."

"Kitten Sauce, what's going on?"

"What should I say? She's quite anxious at the moment. Forget it, it's better to say that she has doubts about her own strength."

Hearing Asachel's words, Mu Hantian suddenly remembered the kitten who was not in good condition recently. what happened to her?

"She overworked. This morning, she collapsed."

"What? How is it possible? Did something happen?"

"No, the injury has been treated by Aisha, but the physical strength has not recovered. Especially the muscle pain caused by overwork has the opposite effect. Because there is not much time before the game, it is quite dangerous."

"Okay, let's go. Han Tian, ​​I was called to take you back once. We're going back to the Gremory branch now.

"Eh? Asazel, who wants to see me?"

"It's Rias' mother."

Lias' mother? What's the matter with me?


"Okay, turn there. Well, very good, learn quickly."

In a room in the branch not far from Gremory Ribbon's house. Mu Hantian was practicing dancing with Lias' mother.

"Let's take a break."

As soon as the permission came out, Mu Hantian sat down on the spot and panted.

"Well, can I ask a question?"

"what is it then?"

"Kitten sauce she... Kitten sauce she doesn't matter, right?"

"It's okay. It's just overwork. It only takes a day or two and your body will recover if you take a good rest."

"Kitten-chan, she looked a little weird before she came here, I'm very worried."

"She is now facing her own existence and power with all her strength. This is a very difficult question. If she hadn't come up with the answer herself, she would definitely not be able to move on."

"Presence and power?"

"Well, it's only natural that you don't know. Let me tell you a little bit."

Lias' mother sat down facing Mu Hantian and began to talk. That's the story of two sister cats:

The sister cats are always together. Whether it's sleeping, eating, or playing, they are always together. When their parents died, there was no home and no one to rely on. The two cats lived every day with each other.

"Two cats were picked up by a demon one day. The elder sister became a dependent and the younger sister lived with the elder sister. They finally got a peaceful life and they always believed that happiness would last."

However, something has changed. Sister Cat, because of her strength, she grew very fast. Her hidden talent was also drawn out by becoming a reincarnated demon.

"She was originally a race that was good at sorcery. On top of that, her magical talent also blossomed, and finally she was able to activate even the magic that only immortals could use."

The cat sister, who surpassed her master in a short period of time, was swallowed up by power and turned into an evil being who only pursues blood and battle.

"Miss Cat, who couldn't stop the increase in strength, finally killed the demon who was the master, and eventually became 'Lost'. In the 'Lost', she was the most dangerous being. Even the pursuit troops were wiped out by her. "

So the demons temporarily gave up chasing and killing Sister Cat.

"The rest of the cat sister. The demons demanded to be held accountable. It was Sazex who rescued the cat that was punished. Sazex kept trying to convince the superior demons that the cat sister was not guilty. In the end, the situation that Sazex was in charge of monitoring subsided."

However, the young cat sister, who was betrayed by her most trusted sister and constantly accused by other demons, was about to collapse. What a sad story this is.

"Sazex, gave Rias the cat sister who lost her smile and the meaning of life. After meeting the cat sister and Rias, she gradually regained her feelings. Then, Rias gave the cat a A name. That is, Kitten."

"She was originally a youkai. Do you know the cat? That is the cat demon. And she is the survivor of the strongest race among them, the cat mandrill. She is one of the superior youkai that can use not only sorcery, but even fairy magic. ."

"Ah, it seems that everyone is working hard. Everyone has their own story, including me." Mu Hantian sighed, feeling a little emotional.

"Forget it, I'll go see the kitten. I'm sorry!" Mu Hantian stood up, bowed to Lias' mother, and walked out of the room.


"That, Lias. How is the kitten?" Mu Hantian asked Lias next to the bed when he came to the kitten's room.

At this time, Lias showed a complicated expression and said, "See for yourself." After that, she went out, leaving only Mu Hantian and Zhu Nai, who was taking care of the kitten.

"Eh? That's it!" Mu Hantian was shocked when he saw what was growing on the kitten's head - it was cat ears!

"Hantian, this is..." Zhu Nai saw that Mu Hantian reacted to the kitten's cat ears, and planned to explain.

"It doesn't matter, I've heard about it." Mu Hantian replied to Zhu Nai. Then he went to the bedside and asked about the situation.

"Kitten, is your body okay?" I asked with a smile.

Then, the kitten replied with a half eye: "Why come here?"

"Because I'm worried about you, so come and see."

The silence continued, and the kitten did not answer. Seeing this, Mu Hantian continued: "Kitten, I heard about it. There are all kinds of things. In short, it's not good to be overworked. It's not good to not take good care of your body."

"Want to..." the kitten muttered softly.

"Eh? What are you talking about?"

The kitten gritted her teeth, tears in her eyes: "I want to become stronger. I want my body and mind to become like Yuto-senpai, Xenovia-senpai, Akeno-senpai... If this goes on, I will be useless. Now... I am obviously a 'chariot', but I... am the weakest... I don't want to be useless!"

"Kitten, why do you think so." Mu Hantian smiled wryly.

The kitten continued with tears streaming down: "But. The power that sleeps in the body - the power of the cat, I don't want to use it. Once I use it, it will be like my sister. I don't want... I don't want to be like that... …”

This is the first time. It was the first time I saw a kitten cry.

The kitten's sister lost control because of her power and ended up killing the demon as her master. Then, dropped the kitten and left.

There is also a dangerous power lurking in my body that will kill my master, and it is because I know this that I feel fear.... However, considering the future requires strength anyway. The kitten came to the underworld with this kind of contradictory mood.

Don't you plan to use the power sleeping in your body even if you're overworked?

The kitten has a warm heart for the sake of her companions. It must be because he is trying to keep himself from doing nothing. I guess it's not okay not to repay the minister who saved him.

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