Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 602: Elsa's heart

"One, two, three, four, one, two, three, four, one, two, three, four..."

Early in the morning, Mu Hantian and Aisha started their three-legged practice in gym suits. And later Xenovia also blended in.

The location is after the gym.

Now compared to when I first started practicing, I'm a lot more decent, and I can trot like a race walk.

"Ah woo! One, two! Ha woo! Three, four!" Aisha tried her best to follow Mu Hantian's rhythm in order not to fall (la) by Mu Hantian.

Sure enough, sustained practice is still very effective. As long as you make persistent efforts, you will improve little by little no matter what. (Well, this is the author's philosophy of life.)

"Okay. I feel like I'm almost up. Then, let's try to fight." Xenovia helped the two organize the tether again and said.

Mu Hantian turned his gaze to Aisha, her expression was still a little gloomy.

"Aisha, if you have any idea, just say it."

"I saved him at that time, and I don't regret it."

When Elsa was still in church, she once saved a wounded demon. And because of this, she was regarded as a heretic and lost her place. It is such a sad memory. And the devil who was rescued was Theodora.

That guy is unforgivable. If he hadn't secretly watched the plot with permission yesterday, it would have been impossible to know, che, nun accusation? Will definitely kill you.

"Hantian." Aisha said, staring at Mu Hantian's face.

"You look so ugly. You look sad."

"Hey, Elsa. What would you do if you could go back to your old life?"

Elsa rolled her eyes in surprise.

"I don't want to go back." He said without hesitation with a smile on his face.

"I asked Han Tian you before. 'Can I stay by Han Tian's side forever?'. And Han Tian you said, 'No problem.' Such an answer."

"I like it very much here. The Kuo Academy and the Occult Research Department also like it. The headmaster, Akeno-san, teacher, Ise-san, Kiba-san, Xenovia-san, Kitten-chan, Gasper-san, Ise Lina-san and Kiryu-san like it very much. And you, Han Tian. The new life that I started here is really important and cherished to me, full of happy things, very happy and wonderful. I am very happy every day. Happy. I am happy to live with you all."

Mu Hantian hugged Aisha's shoulder and said, "Yes, I will be with Aisha forever!"

"Aisha, I want to apologize to you again. When I first met, I said such ugly things to you. I regret it to this day. . …Aisha approached me regardless of the past. Also as... Friends...friends..." Xenovia blushed rarely.

Aisha took Xenovia's hand and said with a smile in front of her, "Yes. I'm good friends with Xenovia."

"Thank you. Thank you, Elsa."

"Woooooooo! It's really touching..."

In this moving scene, there was a sudden whimper. Turning to the direction of the voice——Irina.

"Irina. Are you here too?"

"Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuously, she said that the Kuo Academy was also very good in the early morning. As a result, I came to see the wonderful friendship. This is also the guidance of the Lord and Michael-sama. What?" Irina prayed to the sky with a moved face.

"Speaking of which, you are not from the Occult Research Department, are you?"

Hearing Mu Hantian's question, Irina wiped her tears, changed her mood, showed a smile on her face and extended her thumb.

"Well, I decided to join another club. And I created it myself!"

"Oh, you have to create your own club. Then, what about the name and the content of the activities?"

Irina raised her chest and solemnly announced. "Wufufu, you will definitely be shocked when you hear it! The name of the club is 'Wisteria Irina's Love Relief Club'! The content of the activity is very simple! Help those in need in the academy for free! Ahhh , I, who have a deep faith, continue to pour out love for the Lord and Lord Michael, and also for the sinful infidels!" Irina put on a strange posture and prayed to the sky.

"Oh, um. Well, come on." Mu Hantian casually said.

Irina patted her chest and said: "Leave it to me! Of course, if the Occult Research Department encounters a crisis, I will definitely help! This time, I was entrusted by Minister Rias to come to help. You practice club activities against races!"

"By the way, what is the number of your staff?"

"I'm the only one! Thanks to this, I can only stay at the level of a fan club, and the official activities and operating funds have been greatly restricted. So I have to start by persuading President Canna."

"Anyway, I'll be under the name of the Supernatural Research Department now."

"No matter what, let's continue practicing." Mu Hantian said with a smile.

Xenovia and Irina also participated in the two-legged tripod and began to practice together.

"Huh, I'm a little tired." Elsa patted her gym uniform and gasped.

"Then take a rest first." Smiling, Mu Hantian handed the mineral water beside the three of them.

"Thank you." The three found the bottle and started drinking.


After school, club activities time.

"Everyone is here."

After confirming that everyone was there, Rias took out what looked like a recording medium.

"This is the record of the youth demon competition. We and Sidi's family are also in it."

Azazel stood in front of the huge screen and said: "In addition to you, there are also newcomers who competed. The King Bar's family and the Demon King Asmodeus's Garcia Labos family, the Grand Duke Agares and the Demon Lord Beelzebub's Astaroth's house, after your duel, there were several matches. This is the recorded video of that. Please watch it carefully because it is your opponent's match."

"Yeah." Everyone replied earnestly.

Everyone quickly turned their attention to the display screen. The kitten sitting on Mu Hantian's lap also focused. Well, this is now the exclusive location for kittens.

"The first is Sairaorg - the match between the Baal family and the Garcia Rabos family."

Start playback of recorded images until several hours later. During this period, everyone's excitement because they were looking forward to seeing the competition of others other than themselves was swept away shortly after the video started.

Except for Mu Hantian, all the members of the team became serious and sharp-eyed.

What everyone saw - was overwhelming 'power'.

A duel between that bad boy and Sairaorg. The scene is that the bad boy is unilaterally suppressed.

The battle between the kin is over. Both sides have powerful relatives, and each fought a white-hot battle, but the problem is the battle between the 'kings'.

In the end, the delinquent boy who lost all his pawns——Zefadolu provoked Sairaorg. Ask the two to head to head one-on-one. Sairaorg accepted without hesitation. Sairaorg blocked all the attacks of the bad boy one by one. Even Sairaorg, who was attacked from the front, counterattacked the bad boy as if he was completely fine.

Seeing that his attack was completely ineffective, the bad boy showed anxiety and lost his composure.

At this time, Sairaorg released a punch!

Theraorg's attack shattered several layers of defensive warlocks like paper and directly hit the bad boy's abdomen.

The delinquent boy was knocked out on the spot, and then kept moaning while covering his stomach. It is clear that Sierra Org has not used any attack methods other than boxing and kicking!

The striking power is not on the same level at all. While the delinquent boy was escaping, an attack hit a nearby building, and it was half-destroyed on the spot, and all the surrounding objects were blown away.

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