"Inari Station" is one stop from Kyoto Station, and after getting off there, you can enter the approach to Fushimi Inari.

Mu Hantian and the others arrived at Inhe Station after bumping in the tram for a few minutes.

"Hey, look, Elsa, Irina. There are a lot of rare things on the store."

"Wow, what a cute fox!"

"I wonder if the pocket money is enough to buy some small specialties here?"

As soon as they arrived, the **** of the church began to enjoy the air of Kyoto early. The chattering Aisha and the others looked no different from ordinary schoolgirls.

Passing through the front torii, a gate appeared. There are fox statues like stone lions on both sides.

"Oh, this is a statue to ward off evil spirits. Originally, there was an aura that didn't allow us demons to approach. Thanks to the previous pass, it didn't make a fuss." Xenovia said while looking at the stone lion-like fox.

"Sure enough, are you being watched by something?"

Issei also expressed the sense of incongruity he had noticed from the moment he left the station.

"Well, of course. We are demons and angels. For the things in charge of this place, they are alien beings who came from outside. Although we said hello in advance, we still need to monitor in general."

Everyone didn't care, they continued to move forward, and when they entered the gate, they saw the stairs to the Inhe Mountain. The crowd moved forward while taking pictures.

On the way, while looking at the small shop in the rest area, I continued to challenge Fushimiyama.

"Oh, what a wonderful view!"

"Yeah, it's wonderful."

"Let's take a picture of it then. Speaking of which, this mountain road is also a running route for the local school? But it seems that I didn't run today." Xenovia and Aisha were moved by the scenery of Fushimi Inari Mountain, while Kiryu While talking about knowledge, I took pictures of the scenery with my camera.

"By the way, no matter how you go, there are still a lot of red torii. The name of the company or the store is recorded on the torii. It is worshipped to pray to the **** of Fushimi Inari."

"That's right, Ise-kun," Kiryu explained.

"Sorry, I went to the top of the mountain first." After Mu Hantian greeted everyone, he ran quickly on the steps.

While running, Mu Hantian tried his best not to hinder other tourists, and kept climbing the stairs. Then, reached the top of the mountain. Standing there is an old shrine.

"Ah, is this the top of the mountain?"

Surrounded by trees, the sunlight can barely shine through, and the surroundings are thin and dark.


The wind blows and the wood moves, and there is no popularity. There was no one except Mu Hantian.

"Forget it, let's go down the mountain after feeling the scenery, Aisha and the others should come up too."

"Isn't it from Kyoto?" A voice suddenly came. Pay attention to the atmosphere around you...

"Oh, it seems, I am surrounded?" Mu Hantian said with a wry smile, feeling several auras that were obviously different from humans.

It's not very powerful, but there are quite a few.

What appeared in front of Mu Hantian was a cute little girl in a witch costume.


Her blond hair shone brightly, and her eyes were golden. He looked like he was about the age of the third grade of elementary school. However, just by looking at the thing growing on his head, he knew it wasn't human.

- Beast ears!

Similar to a kitten, with ears on its head. Mu Hantian, the tail sticking out from his hips, already knew that the little girl in front of him was a fox!

"You foreigner! How dare you...! Come on!" Along with the girl's cry, a large number of hermit-like accomplices in the mountains with black wings and birds' heads emerged from the forest. There are also a lot of priest-like guys wearing fox masks!

"Oh oh oh, it's a crow tengu, it scared me."

The girl gave Mu Hantian no room to breathe, and immediately pointed at Mu Hantian and shouted, "Return my mother!"

Tengu and the fox priests attacked Mu Hantian together!

"Mother...Mother? What are you talking about! I don't know who your mother is, she just came to the capital!" Mu Hantian roared at the girl after dodging the attack.

But the girl didn't seem to listen to Mu Hantian's words at all!

"Stop deceiving people! My eyes will not be deceived me!"

"I didn't lie to you! Really, it won't be so unlucky."

When Mu Hantian was about to leave, Tengu's tin stick smashed towards Mu Hantian.

When Mu Hantian took out Jing Jue to block—


The figure who took the opponent's tin stick in place of Mu Hantian was...

"What's the matter, Han Tian."

"What? Is it a monster?" Xenovia and Irina came to help! A little late, Ise Aisha also arrived.

Seeing Mu Hantian and the others gathering, the girl and her party were startled, and immediately became even more angry.

"Really, it's you who gave your mother to... You can't spare you! The existence of unclean demons! You have defiled the sacred place! You will never be spared!"

"I really can't do anything, I can only fight. Ise, you are guarding Asia. Xenovia, Irina, although I don't know very well, this is Kyoto. Although the opponent is messing around, it hurts the opponent or breaks it. It's bad here. Just rush back if you can."

"Understood!" The three said in unison.


The girl's comrades attacked together!

Xenovia and Irina brought them down with wooden knives, crushing the enemy's weapons while destroying them. Mu Hantian also put away Jing Jue and fought with his bare hands. Of course, he didn't use much force. Just dodge the enemy's attack quickly, and then kick them away to stop the opponent.

The opponent felt that Mu Hantian had the upper hand, so he slowly retreated to the rear.

After glaring at everyone with hateful eyes, the girl raised her hand and said, "Let's retreat first. The current battle strength is no match for them. Damn, evil existence. I must ask you to return Mother Mother! "The girl said these words and disappeared like a gust of wind from her companions.

"Really, what are you doing!" Mu Hantian shook his head with a wry smile.

"Everyone, I always have a premonition that something is going to happen that I don't want to happen," Elsa said.

"Aisha, don't worry, it's fine with me here. Let's go back to the hotel first."


In this way, Mu Hantian and his party descended the mountain.

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