Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 633: battle begins

"Teacher, what is the weakness of this ferocious artifact?" Ise asked

"Aim at the main body. Of course, there are cases where the main body itself is very strong, but it is not as ferocious as a divine weapon. And the holder of the 'Beast Creation' is probably still in the growth stage at this stage. If he grows up, I've already sent teams of monsters to the strongholds of various forces. If you want to defeat him, you can only take advantage of the fact that he has not yet formed."

Cao Cao listened to Asazel's words with a wry smile.

"Oops. It always feels as if the 'creation of monsters' has been grasped. That's right, Your Highness, the Viceroy of the Fallen Angels. This child has not yet had such a mature imagination and productivity. But there is only one thing that is very good. The monster that is the weak point of the opponent. The production power of 'Beast Creation' has been specially enhanced. The monster that is produced now is a monster that is only used by demons to fight against."

Saying that, Cao Cao pointed his finger to a shop in the field.

A monster opened its mouth wide and...


A beam of light appeared. Just this moment.


A powerful explosion that blew the store away!

"Light attack... this guy is!"

In the storm, Azazel screamed: "Cao Cao, you bastard! Is sending assassins into the main organs of each faction also to collect data on our fight against monsters?"

"You're half right. Isn't there a black army with the owner of the artifact sent in?"

"That is the monster created by this child. Through that kind of thing, it deliberately endured attacks from various factions, angels, fallen angels, demons, dragons, and gods of various myths. Although it also suffered a powerful attack of the clearing style, but because of this , this child's artifact has received good information."

"Is that black weirdo for data collection?"

"Yes, with the increase in the use of forbidden hands, the construction of anti-beast monsters has also developed. Thanks to this, anti-beast monsters such as demons, angels, dragons and other big guys have also been created. Demon's confrontation If the monsters are fully fired, they can emit light that rivals the light power of an intermediate angel."

Azazel glared at Cao Cao with disgust, and laughed again in a blink of an eye.

"But, Cao Cao. It seems that the only monster that kills the gods hasn't been created yet."

Cao Cao did not refute Asachel's statement.

"Why did you find out?"

Azazel replied feebly to Ise: "If they can do it, they must have done it. Then let's deal with us like this. A group of people who can attack at the same time from each faction will not fail to try this. And If the gods in various myths are killed, it is not surprising that it will have an impact on the world. At present, there is no monster that can kill gods. Although this is the only thing I know, it is also a great gain."

Cao Cao's spear pointed at Mu Hantian and the others, and said, "God's words use this spear to slaughter. Come on, fight—let's start."


The beasts who let out a chilling roar rushed towards Mu Hantian and the others!

Kiba and Xenovia are on the front lines!

"Kiba, please make me a holy sword."

"Understood. Sure enough, it's more appropriate for you to use the second sword."

Kiba quickly created a sword in his hand and threw it at Xenovia who had already driven up.

Xenovia, who caught the holy sword in the air, used the holy sword to dash directly with Ascalon's two-sword style!

By Xenovia's bold slash, a large number of opposing monsters were easily wiped out!

At this time, a monster grew up and spit out a beam of light.


The emitted light bounced off the holy demon sword in Kiba's hand that flashed in front of Xenovia, piercing a building in the distance and breaking it down.

"With this level of light, it's fine if you don't get caught."

"No, just knock them out before they get hit."

Xenovia, who slashed monsters with the holy sword and Ascalon, answered that.

Although the beasts were constantly being eliminated, Cao Cao and the others did not panic.

"Kiba, Jerowa, come back, they are collecting your data, give me these demons." Mu Hantian frowned and took a step forward.

"Oh, is the Sword God going to start? It's interesting, let me see the legendary man who defeated the god!" Cao Cao said with a smile.

"It's really troublesome, but forget it, I didn't want to use them." After speaking, Mu Hantian raised his right hand and began to sing the incantation, and the beasts became stronger with Mu Hantian's power. "My guardian, follow the ancient oath and come to my side. The legendary sword, the light from the meteor, penetrate the world, Feiyu Xingblade." Mu Hantian's right hand released light, and with this At the same time, a pink giant sword fell from the sky, and the speed was getting faster and faster. Cao Cao and his party hurriedly avoided it, but the monsters had no time to dodge.


The giant sword fell, the smoke filled the air, and the surroundings could not be seen clearly.

"Wind, blow it!"

The sudden wind blew away the thick fog, and a green sword appeared in Mu Hantian's hand - 'Storm Wing'.

"We made a mistake. I didn't expect Sword God to have such a powerful means. It seems that it is impossible to use the crowd tactics with more wins and less." Can only smile.

"Cao Cao, do you want to be defeated by me?" Azazel took out the Dragon Jade - Fafnir's Treasure Jade, and immediately wrapped himself in the golden armor of an artificial artifact. At the same time, the twelve black wings stretched out and charged towards Cao Cao at high speed.

"This is truly glorious! To be able to fight the fallen angel governor recorded in the Bible!" Cao Cao landed on the shore of Guichuan, with a fearless smile on his face, he lifted the holy spear, the front end of the spear opened, and a brilliant golden force field Formed the gun blade!

The moment the front end is opened, the entire air in this space vibrates!


The moment Azazel's spear of light and Cao Cao's holy spear collided, there was a powerful wave! This impact caused Guichuan water to make waves, and the water splashed everywhere! The water in the center of Togetsukyo Bridge fell like a torrential rain.

Asachel and Cao Cao attacked each other and marched towards the bank in the downstream direction of the river.

"Looks like this, it's just us fighting!" A man walked out, smiled slightly, pointed at Ise, and said to the other heroes: "Everyone, pay attention, be careful. That person, he is Chi Dragon Emperor. Although he has the least talent and lack of strength in all dynasties, he is not indulged in powerful power, and he is a dangerous red dragon who can exert himself freely. Those who possess powerful power and are not conceited about it, I am afraid there is no fear of it. Things. Don't keep your hands lightly."

"It's true that the enemy said so..."

The man tilted his head slightly and said to Ise: "Is that so? You are the current Red Dragon Emperor who is more dangerous in our eyes than you think. You are a dangerous guy other than the Sword God."

"Next, should I do it?" The man took a step forward. The sword was released from the scabbard on his waist.

"First time. Gremory's family. I'm a descendant of the hero Siegfried, Gek. My buddy calls me 'Siegfried,' it doesn't matter what you call me."

Looking at the weak man Siegfried's face, Xenovia, who looked surprised, seemed to sense something.

"I always feel like I've seen it somewhere. Sure enough, is that so?"

Irina nodded at Xenovia's question. "Well, it should be. Judging from the number of magic swords on his waist, it is absolutely."

"What's wrong with you two? Do you have any impression of that handsome guy like Shirakiba?"

"Shiragiba? It's too much, Ise-san."

Xenovia answered Ise's question. "That man was an exorcist - Irina and I were former compatriots. A top fighter of the Catholic Church, the National Church, and the Orthodox Church. 'Magic'. The gray hair was brought up from a fighter with Fried. It came from the agency. The soldiers who came out there were all white hair. It seems to be a side effect of some kind of experiment."

"Jek! You betrayed the Church - betrayed the heavens?" cried Irina.

The corners of Siegfried's mouth twitched happily. "It should be said to be a betrayal. Now I belong to the 'Breach of Calamities', because..."

Hearing this, Irina looked angry. "Why do you do this! Betrayal of the church and join the evil organization is impossible to redeem!"

"It hurts a bit." Xenovia scratched her face hard.

Siegfried chuckled. "Is there something wrong? I'm gone, the church still has the strongest warriors. As long as there is that person, I can completely make up for the share of me and Xenovia who used Durandal. But what I didn't expect was that that person. Isn't the person a Joker candidate for the "Apostle"? Well, that's all for the introduction, but your fellow swordsmen are very capable, right? Xenovia, the user of Durandal, Irina the Wisteria, the ace of the Archangel Michael , and Yuto Kiba of the Holy Demon Sword."

The swordsman——No, Siegfried who declared war on three people related to the church, the sword in his hand began to be wrapped in magic power, and the battle began.

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