Boom! boom!

Countless explosions sounded, and the blasting battle between Roseweather and the giant Hercules was in full swing.

"Tsk! After eating the magic attack, I was unharmed!"

Rossweather unleashed endless magic, and Hercules endured it all head on, laughing with ecstasy! "Hahaha! Okay! This magic attack is just right!"


Every time Hercules punches, there will be an explosion there! It was as if he was punching with a bomb in his hand!

Rossweisse-san deftly avoided, and Hercules swiped his iron fist into the air, hitting the tree behind. In an instant—the big tree exploded into dust at the same time as the explosion sounded!

"My artifact is the 'giant's prank' that will make the opponent explode while attacking! It's okay to continue to perform a blasting show while blowing your magic with your fists. But watching this and that are all banned, if I don't follow I’m afraid I’ll be nagged again after I’m done! I’m sorry, I’m going to ban your hands in one breath, and I will crush you! Ban your hands!” Hercules roared, and the giant body glowed. ! Light gradually formed thick objects on his arms, legs, and back!

When the light dimmed, the big man, Hercules, had countless protrusions all over his body! Those protrusions... they look like missiles!

"This is my forbidden hand! 'Superman's malicious fluctuations'!"

Hercules' attack was aimed at Roseweather! Roseweather realized this and moved away!

"Damn, it's not safe to go on like this...!"

With a bitter expression, Rossweisse quickened her pace and moved away from the Honmaru Palace!

"Haha! What a good woman! In order not to involve my companions in the explosion, are you trying to distract my attention! All right! I'll be the last time!" Hercules laughed excitedly and loudly.

Miss Roseweather, who left the Honmaru Palace, turned around in the air and unfolded countless magic squares!

Hercules' missile entered the launch state and shot out in one go.

"Will you succeed?" Mu Hantian pointed his sword in the direction of Hercules, just as he was about to swing the sword...

"Oh, your opponent is me." Cao Cao instantly moved to the front of Mu Hantian!

"Okay, let's try this trick!"


A sword qi flew towards Cao Cao.

boom! Cao Cao raised his spear lightly and blocked Mu Hantian's attack.

At this time, countless missiles fired by Hercules also flew towards Roseweather——.

Boom boom...!

The moment countless missiles directly hit the magic circle that Roseweather had unfolded, a huge explosion occurred in the air! A strong blast swept the surrounding area!

A figure appeared in the smoke cloud of the explosion! Taking a closer look, Roseweather was covered in bruises, but she still landed firmly!

Mu Hantian frowned, Rossweisse had become a 'chariot', and his defense power had risen. Not only that, but he also deployed a defensive magic circle, but he still suffered considerable damage.

To make matters worse, Rossweather's magic had the power to destroy an entire city as long as he had the will, but it didn't seem to work on this Hercules.

"Aisha, reply!" Mu Hantian sent instructions to Aisha.


The green aura was sent to Rossweisse! Asia gave Roseweisse-san an aura of reply. Roseweather gave a thumbs up thank you. It seems that the reply has been almost completed!

"Ha! Reply? Well, it doesn't matter!" Hercules happily accepted Roseweather's reply. This guy is also a fighter.

Hercules ran and rushed in the direction of Roseweather!

"It's really troublesome, no matter who it is, it's forbidden."

"Very good, right? Banned sales are on sale. Humans don't have that level of inflation, so how can they compete with these extraordinary beings like you."

"Don't you use the forbidden hand?" Mu Hantian asked Cao Cao.

"No need for now, because I want to know, your strength!" Cao Cao raised his gun. The sharp point of the spear pointed directly at Mu Hantian, and then opened the front end of the spear to create a blade of light!

"come on!"


The aura released by Cao Cao increased.

"Interesting, come on, I don't have any cost at all. Let you see the complete one. Underworld God Stream - Wing's Edge!" A huge crescent-shaped sword energy slashed at Cao Cao.

"Although it looks very ordinary, in terms of power, it would be dangerous for me to eat this move directly with my flesh!" Cao Cao's spear was ready to parry the attack.

The corners of Mu Hantian's mouth rose slightly, already expecting this. When the sword qi slashed towards Cao Cao, he had already disappeared in place.

Cao Cao raised his spear high, swung it vigorously, and split the huge sword energy in half! It's like cutting a watermelon!


Mu Hantian suddenly appeared in front of him.


The sword energy from Jing Jue flew towards Cao Cao. It seems that only this move exceeded Cao Cao's expectations. He didn't even dodge!


A dull voice sounded, and Cao Cao's left arm fluttered in the air.

Cao Cao inserted the gun into the ground, stretched out his right hand to catch the left arm that fell from the air. With no expression at all, he tucked his left arm under his arm and took something out of his pocket. Strangely, Mu Hantian's sight was taken away by the familiar bottle!

that is……

Cao Cao lifted the lid of the vial, poured the liquid inside on the wound, and attached his left arm to the wound. The wound on the left arm was emitting green smoke, and it was back to normal as if nothing had happened!

That's definitely...the Tears of Phoenix!

"Why do you have that thing!" Mu Hantian asked with a frown.

Cao Cao smiled. "I got it through the black market. As long as I secure the access and pay for it, I can get it. The Phoenix family would never have thought that this thing would fall into our hands."

"It's a good attack. It seems that there is no chance of winning without banning."

"You can try it!"

At this time...

"Irina!" Aisha screamed with grief!

"Oh? Are you still fighting here?" The woman's voice——. Casting her eyes, Joan of Arc... was holding Irina covered in blood.

"Well, because it is a legendary existence. It should be better than them, right?" Siegfried's voice. ...His six arms embraced Kiba and Xenovia, who were also covered in blood. ...

"If only I fought the Sword God."

The giant Hercules threw something in front of Mu Hantian. ——It was Roseweather, whose body was stained with blood.

"Goooooooo!" Mu Hantian heard a roar. ——Frito was bound by the nine tails of the nine-tailed fox, and let out a painful roar!

Cao Cao tapped his shoulder with his spear, "I'm so sorry, Sword God. It seems that this is the end. Very strong, your companions are very strong. It is very good among the demons. However, this kind of We, who possess the power of heroes, cannot be stronger than us. Besides, demons, fallen angels, dragons, and youkai are too scary to cooperate as companions of these enemies of mankind? Humans will also feel threatened. Isn't it? In that case, we have to resist. It is normal for humans to defeat demon kings and dragons. That is the basic principle of action of our hero faction. Well, whether it is me or the other members here, this is also the goal One.—So, Georg, what happened to the magic circle?"

Fog answered Cao Cao's question with a nod. "We'll have to wait a while, but, if that's the case, will the True Chilong God Emperor come?"

"If you don't come, you will get the data that won't come. Just try other methods."

"Even so, it's going to cost a lot to get things done. Do you want to get things done anyway?"

"Don't look at me, I want a good result if I can!"

Joan of Arc, Siegfried and Hercules threw Kiba and the others in front of Mu Hantian and started a conversation with Cao Cao.

"Everyone!" Aisha ran in front of Mu Hantian and began to reply with tears in her eyes.

"Drink!" A red light flew towards Cao Cao and the others - it was Ise.

"Oh, the Red Dragon Emperor?" Cao Cao looked at Ise.

"Cao Cao, I will definitely knock you down." Ise roared and punched Cao Cao.

"Oh, you? You can't do it." Cao Cao chuckled, stabbed Ise's body with a spear, and then kicked it towards Mu Hantian.

"Cao Cao, the hero faction, I won't forgive you." Mu Hantian stretched out his hand, caught Yicheng, and handed him over to Aisha.

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