Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 643: Heroes... die

"Leave that Cao Cao to me. I'm interested in him, and he also uses a gun." Xing stood up and said to Mu Hantian.

"Whatever, Samuel is mine, and I dare to face Lolita in front of lo*ic*n." Mu Hantian glared at Samuel and said.

Paper fan hits... bang!

"Sure enough, you are a lo*ic*n." Nayue said lightly.

"Okay, okay, let's fight, the first generation, the Demon Sword Emperor and Juewu will ask you and Yulong, Ise, your words will save the nine-tailed fox."

"no problem!"

A new battle begins.


"Oh, who are you? My opponent." Cao Cao looked at the woman with the gun opposite.

"Me? Changshan Zhao Zilong." Xing Jiang turned the 'Dragon Tooth' gun in his hand and said to Cao Cao.

"Huh? Zhao Yun? Since he is a descendant of a hero, why don't you join my hero faction?" Cao Cao frowned.

"Sorry sorry, I don't like Cao Cao." A lily girl. Of course, the latter sentence is said in the heart.

"Really? Then we can only fight. I have admired Zhao Yun for a long time."

"You won't know if you come to a fight." Xing shrugged fearlessly.

"Really? Just solve you directly."

Cao Cao raised his gun. The sharp point of the gun pointed straight at the stars.

"Forbidden!" Cao Cao's gun burst out with flashes! As the power of words erupted, Cao Cao's body began to change! A round wheel emitting divine light emerged behind him, and seven bowling ball-sized spheres floated around Cao Cao!

Cao Cao took a step forward. The sphere surrounding him also moved in the air.

He looked at Xing and said, "Zhao Yun, this is the forbidden hand of my 'Sacred Spear of Twilight', 'Huihui Spear of the Heavenly Wheel Saint King of Extreme Night' - although it has not been completed, it is enough to deal with you. "

"Oh right, by the way, these orbs are the reason why my 'Sacred Spear of Twilight' is called the 'God Slayer Tool'. Each orb has a special and irreversible ability."

"Whatever you are, let me solve you." Xing stabbed Cao Cao directly with his 'Dragon Tooth'.

Cao Cao unhurriedly used his spear to meet Xing's "Dragon Tooth", and the tips of the two spears collided.

"Lunbao!" As Cao Cao's words fell, a bead shone brightly, and then Xing's "dragon tooth" shattered.

"How can it be!"

"Hehe, this is one of my forbidden abilities, Lunbao: Destruction weapons. But each one can only be used once." Cao Cao said with a smile.

"Thank you in this case, I also want to change the weapon, connect it, 'Dragonfly Cut'!" (ps: Erdu's Dragonfly Cut is very fierce.)

Seeing this scene, Mu Hantian smiled. Sure enough, that lottery opportunity was not wasted in vain.

"What's that gun?"

"Dragonfly Cut, don't you know?"

"Is it one of the three famous guns in Japan's Warring States period? But...Impossible, the gun in your hand makes me feel very bad." Cao Cao said with a frown.

"Really? Your forbidden hand 'The Huihui Spear of the Heavenly Wheel Saint King of Extreme Night', let me cut it off, 'Dragonfly Cut', upper drive, connect it, Dragonfly Cut!" 'Dragonfly Cut' The blade of the gun reflected Cao Cao's forbidden hand, and then Xing stabbed Cao Cao with a dragonfly cut.

"Hmph, although I don't know the ability of that gun, it is useless in front of me. The ability of 'jewel' and 'jewel' can absorb and transfer the opponent's attack."

"It's useless, the upper drive of 'Dragonfly Cut' is to be able to cut off the things and concepts that are mapped, so your ability is useless." (ps: If you don't understand, go to "The Horizon on the Realm") 'Dragonfly Cut' does not have Stop the offensive and stab Cao Cao's body.

"Do you know why it's useless? Because the concept is gone, the power of the artifact can't be used at all, but this ability has a weakness, that is, one, flee to the outside of the effective range at the moment of activation, that is, three meters away.

2. Cover the blade before activation so that it cannot reflect itself.

3. Have a plural name, and think that the name is just a clothing-like existence for oneself. These are the three methods, I don't know about the others. So, feel free to go! Xing smiled slightly and pulled the 'Dragonfly Cut' out of Cao Cao's body.

"I'm not reconciled!" Cao Cao smiled bitterly, clutching his chest and falling down.


"It's over." Looking at the battlefield, Mu Hantian said lightly.

"Yeah, the enemies have been resolved."

"Then, Orpheus, come with me, talk to the True Chilong God Emperor, and see if I can help you get back the 'eternal silence'." Mu Hantian waved at Orpheus.

"Aren't you going to rest?" Orpheus said while holding Mu Hantian's head.

"No, let's go before it leaves now."



"You haven't left yet? People from another world."

"Sorry, True Chilong God Emperor, I'm leaving soon, but I have something to deal with before I leave. I promised Orpheus to help her."


"Yes, return the silence to me! The True Red Dragon God Emperor" Orpheus widened his eyes and looked at the True Red Dragon God Emperor angrily.

The really red giant dragon, the True Red Dragon God Emperor shook his head. "No, the territory in the dimensional gap was grabbed by me with my strength. I can't give it to you. Unless you can defeat me."

"Then, help me, hit it! Power. Lend it to you!" Orpheus looked at Mu Hantian and said with blinking eyes.

"Outlander, do you want to intervene?"

"Wait a minute. Actually, there is one thing I haven't figured out. Orpheus, why do you have to take back the silence?"

"Because then no one can disturb me."

"What about you, the True Chilong God Emperor."

"Because only here can hold my power."

"It turns out that, I probably understand. In fact, I have a way. Orpheus, you leave with me and go to another world, and I will find a new silence for you." Mu Hantian said.

"Find a silence again? Is it okay?"

"Of course it is, but it's a little troublesome. I need the help of the two of you to help me wake up this thing." Mu Hantian took the 'Phantom Dragon God' out of the system space and handed it to the two of them.

"This is... a dragon, very powerful, stronger than us, but the breath is very weak, it feels like it's going to die." Orpheus frowned.

"Yes, you are right, so I want some of your power to help me recover it so that I can leave this world." Mu Hantian said.

"Is that so? I'm fine, how about you? The real Chilong God Emperor." Orpheus asked.

"I can too."

"Then please." With a slight smile, Mu Hantian handed over the 'Illusory Dragon God' to the True Red Dragon God Emperor, and the two of them did not disappoint Mu Hantian.

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