Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 694: Accident

"Next, it should be around here." After speaking, Mu Hantian looked around.

The current location is west of Asterisk, on the outskirts of the business district. After calling Saya, based on the information obtained, the scope was narrowed down to this area.

"Then we can only find it slowly."

"Yes!" Qi Lin, who was meeting with Mu Hantian, also looked around.

Since Saya has been told to try not to leave the place, it should at least prevent the situation from getting worse.

"Anyway, let's split up and find her before dark."

"Ah, then I'll go look for it here."

"Well, please, Qi Rin."

"Okay." Qi Rin bowed politely, and then the trot disappeared on the other side of the road.

Although it is during the period of the "Xingwu Festival", perhaps this area is close to the redevelopment zone, so there are not many tourists. In addition, probably because of the proximity to Rewolf, there are quite a few guys who look a bit ferocious nearby.

Thinking about it this way, it might be a bit too hasty to act separately with Qilin, but there shouldn't be many people strong enough to act against Qilin. Coupled with the former No. 1 Qilin, whose appearance and strength have long been known to everyone, no one will die, so let's fight her easily.

It's better to say that the problem lies with Sha Ye. If someone deliberately finds fault, the consequences will be serious.

Of course, the opponent has serious consequences. Basically, Saya doesn't know what 'showing mercy' is. Thinking of this, it might be the right choice to find her as soon as possible.

"According to the view displayed by the space window, it doesn't feel like a main road. Does that mean that you can only find alleys slowly?" Mu Hantian sighed, and then went into the nearby alleys to take a look.

The damp-feeling alley is dark and seemingly empty. After walking for a while, nothing changed, Mu Hantian Lingdou guessed that this was not the case, when he was about to turn back.

In the front of the alley, there was a voice that sounded like a person talking from the shadowed part.

Mu Hantian stopped and listened carefully.

"Please...don't...! Let go...!" This time I did hear a voice, and it didn't sound very calm.

Mu Hantian peeped quietly and saw a girl surrounded by several boys under the shadow of the building.

This is……!

Several people, Mu Hantian, have seen each other, the girl is Priscilla Wuersesh, and the boys are the gang who fought with Irene Wuersesh on the road a few days ago. So don't think about it and know what's going on in front of you.

"Hey, don't cry and scream, I don't want to have any more troubles."

"Yes. If you want to hate, then hate your sister."

"No! No no no!"

Priscilla was smashed by the boy, who had five people in total.

"Oh, there's no way!" Shaking his head with a wry smile, Mu Hantian emerged from the shadows.

"Who are you!" One of the boys found Mu Hantian and activated the short-sword-shaped brilliance-style armament. Unexpectedly, the other party responded very quickly.

"I just passed by, but... can you let go of that girl?"

"What!?" Hearing Mu Hantian's words, the boys all glared at him. Get ready to punch someone without saying a word.

"Suddenly came to intervene, little brother, you are very courageous." The boys stared at Ayato and activated their brilliant weapons one by one.

At this moment, one of them suddenly pointed at Ayato's face and yelled. "Ah! Isn't this, this kid the 'white knight'?"

"'White Knight'...the first place in the Star Guide Museum?" (ps: Explain, because Mu Hantian likes to wear white in this world, so Claudia gave him such a title.)

"It's this rotten boy? Really?" For a moment, the boys seemed a little overwhelmed.

"Sure enough, there's nothing wrong with the sentence 'the villain died of too much talk'." Mu Hantian finished his words and immediately started, kicking them away one by one. Very simple.

"Sure enough, the dragon trick is to set off the protagonist's style. Oh, by the way, are you alright!" Mu Hantian was narcissistic when he suddenly thought of Priscilla.

"I'm fine, thank you!" Priscilla bowed deeply and took out her phone.

"Well, then... can I contact my sister?"

"Oh, no problem."

Priscilla nodded slightly and started to operate the phone. Probably to change the settings of the space window and sound so as not to attract attention.

Mu Hantian looked around boredly.

"This, classmate Han Tian?"

"Oh, sorry. Have you contacted your sister?" Mu Hantian responded with a smile to Priscilla, who spoke in trembling, and she nodded in relief.

"Well, she said she'll come pick me up soon."

"Really? Then you can rest assured."

" did you come here?" Mu Hantian asked curiously.

"Those people are the casino elements of Happy Street...should be."

"Happy Street?"

"Ah...that's part of the redevelopment zone, where a lot of illegal shops gather. It's the general name there."

"Oh! I didn't expect such a place to exist."

"Why are those people in the casino bothering you?"

"It, actually... my elder sister seemed to be making a fuss there before... and she almost smashed the casino..." Priscilla lowered her head shyly and told Mu Hantian the reason, but in the second half, the more she spoke, the quieter she almost smashed. Can't hear what she said.

In fact, she already knew exactly what she wanted to express. That is, in order to get revenge on Irene who smashed the casino, but could not beat her, she turned her target to her younger sister Priscilla. That's roughly it.

"No, but please don't misunderstand! Sister... Irene is indeed a bit rough and impatient, but she's actually a very, very gentle person!" Priscilla waved her hand while trying her best to defend herself.

From her appearance, it could be seen that she really cared about her sister, and Mu Hantian smiled and nodded.

"Haha, so that's right—I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Mu Hantian. But you probably already know that."

"I'm Priscilla Wuerses... I'm sorry, please forgive my sister's rudeness the other day." Priscilla held Mu Hantian's outstretched hand and smiled bitterly.

Both of them are contestants of the "Phoenix Star Martial Festival", and they are strong candidates, so it is impossible not to know each other.

"Actually, you should rely on your own strength to deal with people of that level... But I'm not as good as my sister." As she said that, Priscilla's expression was a little sad.

Priscilla is indeed the 'Star Vessel Generation', but it seems that she has no combat experience at all. It should be said that after contacting her face to face, I really don't think that with her personality, she has the ability to resolve this kind of dispute on her own.

"Then why do you want to participate in the 'Phoenix Star Martial Festival'?" Mu Hantian was very curious.

"This..." Just as Priscilla looked confused and was about to speak—

"Hey, what are you doing there!" A fierce murderous aura attacked Mu Hantian from behind with a sharp voice.

Mu Hantian turned his head reflexively, and put on a stance at the same time.

I saw Irena floating in the air holding the 'Blood Scythe'.

"elder sister!"

"Aren't you going to take a shot at Priscilla?" Her eyes were obviously hostile, and at the same time, she had a strong sense of vigilance.

"No, no! Didn't I say it just now! It was classmate Han Tian who saved me!"

"Shut up, Priscilla. What's more, why did Mu Hantian save you? It doesn't make sense. What obligation does this guy have to save you, and he is an enemy at all. Normally, he will die." Shira hurriedly explained to Irene, but Irene seemed to turn a deaf ear. She stared at Mu Hantian's eyes, as deep and dark as dusk and twilight.

"What kind of enemy... Maybe it's the enemy on the stage, but this is not the stage."

"Bah! It sounds better than it sings, but I won't be fooled by you!" Irene said with a look of disdain, and then landed on the roof, slowly holding up the 'Blood Scythe'.

"I don't know what your intentions are, but I will definitely make you regret taking action against Priscilla."

"Since you're unreasonable, then..." Mu Hantian stretched out his hand to the sleeve around his waist, ready to fight.

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