Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 758: Archer's real body

"This is where I live temporarily."

"Oh, is that right here?"

"Yeah, but... won't you put away your disguise? It's weak, but I can still feel it, Jill."

"Haha, I knew I couldn't hide it from you, just like before." With a chuckle, Archer's body was shrouded in golden light.

After a while, the light dissipated, and what appeared in front of Mu Hantian was a beautiful blonde girl in casual clothes.

"Hey, Hantian, are you shocked by this king's beauty?" Archer felt very happy seeing Mu Hantian staring at him all the time.

"Well...let's go in and take a rest."

"Ha ha ha ha!"


Mu Hantian and Jill walked into the living room and just sat on the sofa...

"Please use tea!" It was Xiaoyu who came over with black tea.

"It's Xiaoyu, what about Xiaoying and Yi? Why didn't you see anyone?" Mu Hantian looked around and asked.

"Oh, the two of them went out to buy groceries, because you never came back, so..."

"Okay, it's my fault, I carry the blame."

"Hahaha, Han Tian, ​​you are getting more and more interesting now." Archer laughed.

"Don't say that, I..." Mu Hantian stopped suddenly before he finished speaking.

"This magic power is Caster, and Sakura is near there." Che, obviously the sea devil didn't appear now, didn't expect to speed up.

"Oh, is that your Master?"

"Ah, Xiaoyu, watch the house, Jill, let's go!"

"I really can't help you."


Mu Hantian and the others were not the only ones who noticed the unusual magical aura.

The wave of the spell released near the Nongyuan River is equivalent to the multiple chants of the ritual spell, and it is the kind that can only be activated by using the magic power of dozens of people. All the magi in Fuyuki City, in other words, all the Masters who participated in the Holy Grail War must have felt it.

Lancer, and Sora Nazelei Sophias who had newly acquired the right to master, this is the roof of the Fuyuki Center Building under construction at a high place with the best view for the purpose of searching for enemies.

Tonight, a thick fog appeared strangely over Weiyuan River, making the view west of the central building extremely poor. With human eyesight, the Fuyuki Bridge can only be seen dimly.

"Can you see what's going on? Lancer!"

Hearing Sora's question, Lancer, who saw through the thick fog with his Servant's extraordinary vision, nodded.

"Sure enough, Caster. It seems like standing in the river is planning to do. I can't see the specifics."

"It's still the same, I didn't plan to hide at all. As far as Caster is concerned, it shouldn't be defenseless at all."

Due to the processing of the bounty issued by the supervisor, other Servants targeted him, but he didn't seem to notice this.

"If you want to solve him, now is the best time, isn't it?"

"Yeah, whatever he's doing, it's best to get rid of him before it bears fruit."

"I will fight, Lord Sora, please stay here and enjoy the merits I have established."

"Why do you say that! I'm also a Master now. I have to cover by the side."

Seeing her pleading look, Lancer shook his head resolutely.

"That won't work. With all due respect, you don't have the abilities of Lord Kenneth. It's dangerous to go to that river bank. It's very difficult for me to fight while protecting you who can't defend yourself. Hope you understand."


"Does it mean that Sora-sama, you have doubts about my skills? You think that I am playing a role without permission?" Lancer asked with narrowed eyes.

Sora quickly shook her head.

"Lancer, the judgement on the spot is all up to you. Please have a good fight."

"Understood." Lancer lowered his head quietly, then stomped on the steel bars under his feet and jumped into the brightly lit street.

Seeing the back of the Servant who was jumping on the roofs of the lined houses and galloping all the way to the river, Sora let out a sad sigh.

This Heroic Spirit has not shown Sora a single smile since becoming the Master in place of Kenneth.


Saber drove the Mercedes, and in just a few minutes, rushed from the base prepared by Kiritsugu to the source of the abnormal magic power, Genmitogawa.

The old streets in the deep mountain villages are narrow and complicated. Generally speaking, it takes more than 30 minutes no matter what, but the Servant's riding skills completely subverted common sense and completed this miracle. The silver-white car body galloped through the slender corners, and its speed had broken through the shackles of the laws of physics.

When speeding into the Riverside Boulevard, Saber made a sharp left turn and stopped Mercedes, jumped out of the car before the gullwing door fully opened, and ran towards the embankment. The dense fog that is enough to make ordinary people lose their vision can't affect the Servant's line of sight at all.

Finally, the enemy appeared right in front of the line of sight, and he stood leisurely in the center of the two-hundred-meter-wide river. Irisviel, who got down from the co-pilot seat and stood on the dam, also stared at the figure in the fog with her magic-enhanced vision, frowning anxiously.

"As expected, it's Caster."

Saber nodded, watching the actions of the hostile Servant vigilantly.

Caster, who is still not accompanied by a Master, stands in the middle of the river without an island, just like standing on the surface of the water. If you look closely, you will find a large number of terrifying alien shadows gathered on the water surface under his feet.

The group of monsters that had fought in the forest not long ago gathered at Caster's feet to form a shoal.

Judging from the extremely unusual release of magic power, there is no doubt that Caster is performing some kind of large-scale magic. The dense fog formed from the source of the river is probably the aftermath of this magic power.

And Caster not only didn't chant, he didn't even show concentration, just stood there casually, from the magic book in his hand, a frantic vortex of magic power poured out continuously, and the surrounding space became distorted.

As an out-of-the-ordinary magic furnace, a Noble Phantasm capable of unleashing spells alone falls into the hands of a madman, and it becomes an extremely dangerous weapon.

"Welcome, saint. It is my greatest honor to see you again."

Caster bowed graciously, Saber's pupils burning with anger.

"Unrepentant guy, you demon! What tricks are you going to play tonight?"

"I'm sorry, Joan of Arc. You're not the guest of honor at tonight's banquet." Caster replied frantically with an evil smile on his face.

"However, if you are willing to attend the banquet, I will feel extremely happy. Gilles de Leibucai has prepared a banquet of death and depravity, please enjoy it!" Caster laughed loudly. Under his feet, the dark water also began to stir. The countless monsters gathered at the feet of the Summoner shot out countless tentacles and engulfed Caster, who was standing on their heads wearing cloaks.

At first glance, it seemed that rebellious familiars attacked Caster, but Caster, whose body was covered in tentacles, raised his voice and laughed wildly. Arrogant laughter borders on screaming.

"Now I will hold high the banner of the Savior again! Gather to me the outcast! Gather the despised! I will command you! Lead you! The resentment of our bullied will be conveyed to God! Heaven! Lord! I will wash away my sins and praise you!"

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