Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 764: Kariya, Sakura is in your hands

"It's so boring~" Mu Hantian lay facelessly on the sofa.

Weber hid for some reason. His servant, the Conqueror King, seemed to be preparing something, but it had nothing to do with Mu Hantian.

"Huh? Lancer actually quit! It seems that Emiya Kiritsugu used that trick, it's really despicable." Mu Hantian raised his head and muttered to the sky.

"Speaking of which, Lancelot is about to retire. He has been provoking the King of Heroes again and again. It is estimated that Jill has already found Kariya, but it's still not enough. I can't take Sakura, if that's the case. Yan Ye can't die." Mu Hantian sighed helplessly.

"Forget it, go find her and ask for someone!"


"Ha~ha~ha~uh!" Kariya was running fast in the forest, and Lancelot had already been sent by him to block Gilgamesh.

"What?! Damn..." The Command Spell in Kariya's hand suddenly flickered, which meant that Lancelot had been severely injured.

"Where do you want to go? Lord of Rabid Dogs!" Just as Kariya was about to take a break, a voice that terrified him suddenly sounded. Kariya looked back and found that Lancelot was being locked by a dark chain, the lock of the sky.

" it here?" Kariya whispered.

"As the owner of this rabid dog, you should take good care of this dog, as the price of offending the king many times..." As Gilgamesh said, a golden ripple suddenly appeared beside Gilgamesh, and a Noble Phantasm probed from it. Come out.

"Wait a minute, Gil!" Mu Hantian suddenly appeared and stopped Gilgamesh.

"Huh? It's you, what, you want to intercede for him?"

"Sorry, Jill, I don't mind killing Berserker! But Matou Kariya can't die, and Sakura wants him to take care of him."

"Your Master?"

"Yes, can you grant this request?"

"Forget it, I'll give you this face this time," Gilgamesh said after watching Mu Hantian quietly for a while. Then disappeared with Berserker.

"Kan Ye, you should know, I'll be leaving in a few days."

"I know, but Sakura she..."

"That's why I asked you to help take care of her. I might take her with me next time I come, but this time it really won't work."

"Next time? Don't you want to..."

"Yes, the Fifth Holy Grail War." Mu Hantian nodded.

"But whether or not I can summon you is still a matter of choice!"

"It's okay, I'll leave Sakura the medium that summoned me."

"But... Sakura will be sad."

"She's a tough kid and I trust her."

"Oh, I understand, I will definitely take good care of Sakura."

"Ah, I believe in you too."


After a completely unbelievable day. Weber finally believed the significance of the current situation.

After getting up in the morning, Weber told the old couple that he would be back later today, and then hurried to Xindu without even having breakfast.

Although it wasn't crowded time for work, the bus to the station seemed to be full because there were too many people traveling between Fuyuki and neighboring towns.

While Webb was not used to being crowded with people, he felt the noise of the people around him. But for the current Weber, it made him feel some peace in his emptiness.

Over the past few days, an overwhelming sense of presence has been surrounding him. Compared with that, the crowdedness and depression now is like a person standing in the open space after the memorial service.

Of course, Rider's breath was always by his side. Even in the current atmosphere, the coercive atmosphere of the Spiritual Servant can still be felt.

Speaking of which, that big man has maintained his spirit body posture since the battle with Caster the night before yesterday and has never appeared.

If this is replaced by other Servants, there is nothing strange about it. Since it is not in a combat state, there is no need to materialize it to consume excess mana. But that doesn't work for Iskandar. Originally, the purpose of this man was to participate in the Holy Grail War in pursuit of materialization.

If this situation only lasted for a few hours, it can also be understood as a whim. But he didn't show up for a whole day, which seemed a little unusual. There was probably only one reason why that Rider didn't materialize.

Even in a spirit state, as a Master, he can still communicate with his Servant at any time. If Webber called him now, Rider would definitely respond right away, but now Weber didn't dare to ask. It's better not to start this kind of question and answer until you don't know what kind of answer Rider will give, and make a complete countermeasure based on his answer.

To get everything ready, Webb decided to start shopping in the morning. First of all, go to the outdoor equipment section of the department store and buy sleeping bags and thermal pads that can be used in the mountains and fields in winter. Although it costs a lot to buy these things, they are nothing compared to the game consoles that Rider bought.

Weber felt deeply depressed about being born in the current era. He was born out of time. It would be great if he grew up in an era full of admiration and fear of magic. Why did you want to be born in such a difficult time when you only need 400 yen for a furnace?

In short, after buying these necessities, Webb took the bus back to Miyama-cho, bought an eel ball lunch box at the convenience store that was two more stops before the Macakey's house, and heated it a little in the microwave. In order to be able to eat this meal while it is still hot, we need to hurry to our destination.

In fact, Webb couldn't help but want to ask Rider what happened. But there was nothing he could do about the Servant who didn't give any explanation or even showed his face. If Weber could be more open-minded, he would have asked the answer he wanted long ago. But he must have a lot of concerns. As a magician, he is still immature, and his powerlessness makes him afraid to ask Rider.

But even though he thought so in his heart, he still refused to bow his head to Rider. After all, it was shameful enough to be yelled at by his Servant.

I am really weak and incompetent. But Weber himself was very reluctant to admit it. If he can bring the best results through careful preparation, then even Rider can no longer underestimate himself, so Weber, who has this idea, chose stubborn silence for Rider's silence.

Soon, Webb had passed through the residential area and came to a forest of weeds that was to be developed into a green park.

Through the small jungle where the road has not yet been opened, Weber has been walking towards the deepest part. Although the scene of day and night here is completely different, but for Webber, it is still very easy to move forward.

After finally arriving at the destination and confirming that everything around him was safe, Weber sighed in relief. After spreading the insulation mat on the ground covered with fallen leaves, Webb sat on it and took out the bento he just bought at the convenience store and ate it. The microwaved bento has cooled and tasted less delicious, but that doesn't matter anymore. The most important thing now is to take in the energy needed to sustain life.

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