Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 770: Evil in this world

Emiya Kiritsugu raised his right hand again and gestured to Saber, who was below, with the back of his hand—there was the last Command Spell on it.

"Use the third Command Spell to order again—"

"Stop!" Saber screamed with tears in her eyes, seeing that her pride and hope were about to vanish in an instant.

"Saber, destroy the Holy Grail!"

This is an absolute power that is completely irresistible. The enormous coercive force of the Double Command Spell ravaged and squeezed Saber's body, and at the same time drew out the remaining magic power in her body and incorporated it into the Light of Destruction.

The released beam traversed the entire auditorium, hitting the Holy Grail floating on the stage. Mu Hantian swiftly avoided this attack.

"This... what is this?" Saber's confused expression, the hatred emanating from that pitch-black swamp! despair! The breath of sadness almost suffocated her.

Pure and pure extreme evil thoughts without any impurities! Is this the Holy Grail? How can it be? How could the Holy Grail be such a thing?

How could the Holy Grail, which he has been pursuing, be such a thing?

The golden Holy Grail, which once belonged to Irisviel's body, quietly lost its form in the scorching heat of the flash, and then the hour passed. Saber closed her eyes, daring to face this scene - now, the last hope was dashed. Her battle is also over.

That being the case, how could I open my eyes to witness this tragic scene.

In fact, she never opened her eyes again. The Noble Phantasm forcibly exerting power contrary to his own intentions has exhausted all of Saber's remaining magic power, and he can't even maintain his Servant's physical form. Saber counted the strength and will to stay in this world. Of course, this was also because the Master who was the contractor did not intend to keep her.

Maintaining the posture of swinging the sword, Saber began to leave the world, and soon, her physical body disappeared.

Although Saber left this world with scars all over her body and failed to realize her ambition, but not having to witness the tragedy that followed, perhaps it was a kind of compensation for her,

The beam of the 'Sword of Victory of the Oath' that destroyed the Holy Grail smashed the ceiling of the stage and split the entire Civic Hall in two. The building, which had already been burned to such a degree, could not withstand such a blow, the superstructure was destroyed, and half of the roof, which had lost its support, fell into the auditorium like an avalanche.

Then, through the rubble fragments like pillars, Emiya Kiritsugu saw 'it' in the night sky exposed again.

The Black Sun - The symbol of the end of this world, seen in contact with the black mud.

That's because Kiritsugu couldn't see clearly, its substance was actually a real 'hole'. It is the space tunnel that is hidden in the altar of the advent ceremony and under the Enzo Mountain on the east side of Shenshan Town, and is connected to the 'Great Holy Grail' magic circle. It has absorbed the energy of the leylines for 60 years, and now it has won six The inside of the Great Body Holy Grail of Heroic Soul was filled and turned into a huge magic vortex. This is the real body of the black 'hole'.

The 'tool' taken from the androids of Einzbern is nothing but the key to open the hole, and it is also the control device that keeps the hole in a stable state.

Kiritsugu, who was unaware of this secret, made a well-known mistake. He should not have ordered Saber to destroy the Holy Grail, but should have let her use the 'Sword of Victory of the Oath' to burn the hole in the sky.

Due to the loss of control of the 'vessel', the black sun began to dissolve and the hole gradually decreased, but it was completely impossible to stop the black mud from flowing out of the inside of the hole until it was completely closed.

Originally, it was an attributeless power that was only used to create a breakthrough to the 'outside', but due to Kiritsugu's previous mistakes, it was dyed with a dark curse.

Filled with the cursed black mud of one of 'all the evils in the world'. Possessing the power of destruction to burn all life, at this moment, it is like half of the waterfall falling from the top of the town hall.

"Finally there, 'the evil of this world'! It's your turn to deal with you."

"Wind, blow, blow away this evil and filthy soul! The true name liberates 'Wingofthestorm'!" A green slash attacked the black mud, and the black mud tried to resist, but it was just a senseless resistance, the green The sword qi directly wiped out 'all the evil in this world'.

After a while, the hole in the sky disappeared, and the black mud no longer gushed out, but began to dissipate. but……

"Looks like I was careless." Looking at his left hand covered in black mud, Mu Hantian laughed at himself.

"Get out of here, the evil of this world!"

As Mu Hantian's words fell, the black mud on his arm began to roll and grow slowly, eventually covering Mu Hantian's entire body.


Sin, the evil in this world, circulates, increases, chain, and changes in its whirlpool.

Gluttony, ****, lust, depression, anger, laziness, hypocrisy, arrogance; jealousy, violated over and over again, sprouting and rolling up a whirlpool.

The vortex of cursed voices swirled. There is something here that shouldn't be there.

Sigh, beside Mu Hantian is an endless pitch-black swamp, the pitch-black ominous aura lingers in it, and they bind Mu Hantian's body, like countless pitch-black ropes wrapped around his body.

Roaring, pain, lamentation, unwilling souls, souls who died in vain, and resentful souls, wandering in the endless abyss for life and life... can never be liberated.

Here is where all filth gathers, where all darkness ends, and where redemption will never come.

crime! crime! crime! You are guilty! Damn you! kill you! asshole! Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell! Go to hell!

"Enough!" growled! Tired of the chaotic voices constantly echoing in his ears, Mu Hantian roared.

The black swamp tumbled for a while, and then calmed down again, but the ropes around Mu Hantian became more and more.

"It's really weak, is this 'I'?" An evil voice rang out, and Mu Hantian looked at the man who appeared in front of him with incomparable surprise.

" could it be..." Mu Hantian was surprised when he saw the same self in front of him.

"What the **** are you!"

"Me? Haha, have you forgotten? I am your half body, your shadow!" Another Mu Hantian abruptly brought his face closer, and the two looked at each other at close range, as if they were facing a mirror Generally weird.

"No, no! 'The evil of this world', no, it's Angola Manuel! Now I will kill you, and you dare to become like me, absolutely, will never spare you! Ha!" Mu Hantian growled, Shattering the rope on his body, 'Storm Wing' appeared in front of him, grabbed it, and swung his sword.

"Hahaha, you can't kill me."


The evil of this world has completely swallowed Mu Hantian, and how the trajectory of fate will turn, Sa, who knows.

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