Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 791: Red Dragon

"The famous King of Sages and King of Heroes are indeed extraordinary!"

Under the watchful eyes of Mu Hantian and Gilgamesh, the mad man in red clothes stepped on the flames and walked to the top of the fortress.

Although with an honest smile, the inexplicable majesty exuded made the Sumerian soldiers in the fort feel a burst of heart palpitations.

Red Dragon Keira.

Mu Hantian had already sensed the explosive power contained in the man. Even if he was in melee combat, he would not be the opponent of the man in red clothes and hair that looked like a burning flame.

Of course, in terms of comprehensive combat power, Mu Hantian could defeat him.

"It's really rare, you actually use the appearance of a human to see us, so you have something very important to do with human beings, Red Dragon!" Mu Hantian said lightly.

"Sure enough, you have already guessed your identity, Your Excellency the wise king of Sumer!" The red dragon bowed to Mu Hantian with his unfamiliar human etiquette.

"In the next Red Dragon Kaila, a member of the giant dragon, this time there is indeed a very important matter that needs to be communicated with the wise king and the king of heroes!" Red Dragon Kaila said.

"Oh?" Gilgamesh showed a funny smile.

Calling her His Excellency the King of Heroes is rare for the arrogant dragon.

Gilgamesh was also interested in what the red dragon Keira said. What is it that makes Red Dragon Keira do this.

"Don't your dragons have a contract with the gods? Are you planning to break the contract with the gods?" Mu Hantian said with some playfulness.

"It's all self-defeating, and there is nothing to violate!" Red Dragon Kaila shook his head.

Don't look at the appearance of Red Dragon Kaila as a fighting faction, but in fact, Red Dragon Kaira is responsible for the mind among the giant dragons. It is also the closest to inhibition.

From the moment human beings were born, the red dragon Kayla knew that the future of the human race was terrifying, perhaps unstoppable.

Red Dragon Keira also had the idea of ​​exterminating human beings at the beginning, but after being warned by the restraint force, she completely guessed it.

Whether it is the gods or the fantasy species, it will accompany this era to pass until the next era.

And human beings are the beginning of the next era, or what the inhibitions have chosen.

It was not until the birth of Gilgamesh and the appearance of Mu Hantian that the Red Dragon Kaila confirmed this even more.

The lock of the sky, the sword of the end, the treasure house of the king, aren't all these things bestowed by restraint?

Although there are no signs, the red dragon Keira is certain, this is the suppression force to clean up this era.

Whether it's the Old Ones or the gods, it's a fantasy species to be alive.

Even the Red Dragon Kaila dare not confirm, if it is true that the suppression force needs to be cleaned up, whether the bloodline of the giant dragon still exists, and whether it will become extinct.

Then, the red dragon Keira also pinned her hopes on human beings.

Humans have the most excellent tolerance among all races. With some rituals, dragons can allow humans to obtain the blood of dragons, and then pass them on from generation to generation.

If it was before, the giant dragon would naturally not do such a thankless thing, but the red dragon Kaila had a hunch that the suppression force would be liquidated, and those who possessed great power and authority would be cleaned up.

If you want to pass on the blood of the dragon, you can only rely on humans.

"Are you representing the giant dragon or yourself!" Mu Hantian couldn't help but be silent when he heard the request of the red dragon Kaila. Also thinking.

In this world, why Gilgamesh became the king of heroes, and the acquisition of the lock of the sky, etc., also have some clues.

Mu Hantian did not resist the request of the Red Dragon Kaila. The power to accommodate the giant dragon belongs to the human beings. It does not cause any damage to the human beings, and at the same time, it can enhance the combat power.

"On behalf of myself!" said the red dragon Kaila, with a helpless expression on his face, but he was the only one among the giant dragons who was afraid of this future.

Perhaps it was because he was the one who knew the most restraining power among the giant dragons.

The dragons were too confident in their own strength, believing that they would not die and that no one could destroy them.

The prophecy of the red dragon Keira was not taken seriously by other dragons. And the giant dragons are all violent, especially the red dragon Kaila. Since they don't believe it, the red dragon Kaira is too lazy to take the time to persuade them.

His bloodline has been passed down, so doesn't it also represent the inheritance of the dragon's bloodline?


Compared with humans, he still needs to have human nature, and he must appear more sacred than gods. The strongest king and wise king standing at the top of everything is Mu Hantian!

This was En Qidu's evaluation of Mu Hantian.

Perhaps when he first met Mu Hantian, En Qidu still felt that Mu Hantian was lacking as a king, but it was later proved that En Qidu's worries were all vain.

As a clay puppet of the gods, the first time she met a prostitute, maybe it was fate. From then on, she gradually moved closer to human beings and possessed everything that belongs to human beings.

After that, whether it was fate or what, En Qidu wanted to assist Mu Hantian according to his own thoughts.

Mu Hantian was more dazzling than she imagined.

Leaning on the wall, En Qidu's line of sight seemed to penetrate space and time, generally in line with Mu Hantian, he smiled, and his thoughts would pass.

Ishtar fell asleep leaning against the trees.

There is also a complete refresh for Ishtar's highlights.

Under the bright appearance, Ishtar is just a girl who lacks love, is self-willed, and is vulnerable and weak.

It is necessary for Han Tian to improve his view of Ishtar.

Maybe it's because of Ishtar's obsession with Mu Hantian. Now Ishtar has nothing left. If Mu Hantian, who is the only one who supports Ishtar's belief, rejects her, then it will be true for Ishtar. is too cruel.

Enkidu could not imagine how much suffering Ishtar would suffer without the blessing of the gods.

Even if her father is Anu, but, affection? Is there really such a thing among the gods?

Ishtar's theft of his father Anu's key has angered Anu's bottom line, and Ishtar can no longer return to the Protoss.

Even though the bloodline is noble, but now Ishtar is different from even the lowest gods in the eyes of the gods.

Perhaps, if Mu Hantian rejected Ishtar, Ishtar would become a tool for reproduction in the future. Without the threat of Anu, there were not a few gods who took a fancy to Ishtar's blood.

Ishtar also subconsciously noticed this, so she came to the only palace where she could feel safe after being expelled.

Even if Mu Hantian and Gilgamesh weren't here, even if Sumer's main fighting force was gone, even if she was weak now, it wasn't easy to mess with.

not to mention……

Enkidu looked towards Uruk's highest peak, where a red light shone.

Everyone in Uruk saw it. Yesterday, a red dragon descended from the sky, smashed the peak, and dived into the magma.

It was an active volcano, and it should have taken tens of thousands of years before it could erupt, and it was activated by the red dragon.

However, the power of the volcano was also suppressed by the red dragon.

Han Tian is really more capable than he imagined. Has he reached some kind of agreement with a giant dragon?

Enkidu closed his eyes with a smile, relaxed his vigilance, and fell into sleep.

There is no need to worry anymore, a red dragon is more deterrent than she is now weak.

If the gods want to make a move, they have to pinch it.

After all, this red dragon is not one of those giant dragons with strong self-sustaining power and fearlessness. In terms of wisdom, the red dragon is also a wise man. The loose giant dragon can be on an equal footing with the gods, and he has contributed greatly.

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