Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 808: Tracked

The second day of the school festival.

Mu Hantian was dragged by Silvia and wandered around the campus of Kui Enwei Children's College.

"Alas, the architectural style and atmosphere of each college are completely different."

"It's alright, but our atmosphere is closer to the Star Guide Museum. As for Gary Dowath, they are the real orthodox. On the contrary, it is Leiwofu, Jielong - and the Alcant who visited yesterday. Quite distinctive."

Yesterday, after walking around the Star Guidance Hall, I went to visit Alcant College. Sylvia was right, it was indeed a rather distinctive academy.

The Star Guidance Hall and Quinnville still look like schools, but all the buildings in Alacante focus on functionality, and as a whole they look like research institutes. Most of the events are academic in nature, such as research presentations, so the hustle and bustle of the school festival is hardly felt. Perhaps because of this, the crowd is less than that of Star Guide and Kui Enweier.

"In terms of crowding, this place is the most crowded right now... Oops, sorry."

While chatting, I kept bumping on the shoulders of people passing by. This area is the lake shore outside the academy. Although the scenery is unobstructed, there are no vendors. But the crowds were overwhelming.

"No way, it's a secret garden after all. It's a rare opportunity, of course men want to see the secret, right?"

Silvia was right, there were so many men in the school today that it was impossible to tell that it was a girls' school. And the most striking thing is not the tourists from the outside world, but the students of the foreign schools.

"I said Sylvia, did you find out..." After getting closer to Sylvia, Mu Hantian said hesitantly.

"Well... we seem to be being followed."

"Is it against me?"

"Um... maybe it's me?"

Obviously, someone was following behind Mu Hantian and Sylvia.

At first, Mu Hantian thought it might be the fans or the media who saw through Sylvia's true face, so he didn't pay any attention, but he still sensed something was wrong. However, the opponent's way of hiding his breath is quite clever. Now he may also realize that he was discovered by the two, and immediately mixed into the crowd.

However, the skill of concealment does not mean that his or her stalking skill is skillful. On the contrary, the stalking skill is simply scum in Mu Hantian's view.

"Silvia, what do you think we should do?" Mu Hantian was still unfamiliar with this academy after all.

"Although it's a rare opportunity, let's temporarily split the army. This way, we can also know who the opponent's target is."

"Okay then, but the meeting point... Where should I choose? Although we keep in touch at any time, depending on the situation, it may be better to meet outside the academy than inside the academy. But Han Tian, ​​you are not familiar with this area, right?"

"That's true, but I've been to a nearby coffee shop before... ah, here." Mu Hantian said, opening a small space window at the same time, showing the information of the shop that Yingshilang told before.

"Oh, I also know this store, that's just right." Sylvia nodded slightly, indicating that she should do it like this, and then she only used her sight to signal.

Then, head to the center of the academy, the most crowded area. Sylvia turned to the right, and Mu Hantian ran to the left. Increase your speed while being careful not to bump into other people.

There is quite a lot of greenery in Kwai Enweier's campus. The Star Guide Pavilion also has a similar structure in terms of environment, but compared with the landscaping of the Star Guide Pavilion close to the park, Kwai Enweier's design pursues the reproduction of natural greenery.

Mu Hantian stopped abruptly while advancing along the green promenade.

"I guessed wrong." Mu Hantian explored the surroundings and found no strange aura. In that case, the opponent's target was Sylvia.

"Anyway, try to contact her first."

Mu Hantian opened the space window to the smallest screen, only to see Silvia's hesitant attitude and subtle expression.

"Is it cold? How are you over there?"

"Huh? No one is chasing me...isn't there either on your side?"

"Well, is that true? No, I could still feel the breath on the way, but there was a little commotion. The other party seems to have disappeared while the chaos." Saying that, Silva showed a very regretful attitude.

"A little commotion?"

"Well, we'll talk about this after the meeting."

The Space Window screen disappears.

"Forget it, go and meet Sylvia."


Mu Hantian took a sip of coffee and asked, "By the way, what did you mean by 'a little disturbance' just now?"

"Oh, it actually has something to do with this incident..." Speaking of which, Sylvia seemed to think of something funny, and laughed with shaking shoulders.


"Hehe, sorry, sorry... Remember the girls named Luca Luca who held the concert yesterday? They walked around the academy with almost no disguise. Although they seemed to be hiding to some extent, the result was exposed."

"Uh, I see what you mean."

"Hehe, those children are really..." As if she was completely poking a smile, Sylvia was still laughing non-stop.

"But on this point, Sylvie, you are amazing. Even though you are wandering around, you haven't been seen through at all. And you are still with me."

"Hehe, I know what you mean. It might be quite shocking to take a boy on a secret date at the school festival, right? If the situation is not right, a press conference may be held to explain it."

Sylvia's tone was always light, but Mu Hantian couldn't laugh at it.

"Please, this will trouble you."

"Haha, don't worry. I'm not the same age as those girls."


"That's right. I started wandering around like this a few years ago, and I haven't worn it at all yet."

"Having said that, it doesn't mean that you can't wear gangs 100%, right?"

"Let's talk about it later. If anything happens, I don't care if I retire."

"Retire? Not really." Mu Hantian was surprised.

"I will choose my position now because it will allow the largest number of people in the world to hear my singing. In any form, if it cannot be heard by others, it is meaningless."

Sylvia continued: "Of course there are other reasons. First of all, because I want to be stronger."

"But you are strong now, aren't you?"

"Haha, thank you. But when it comes to being strong, it doesn't just refer to the strength of combat ability, but a broader meaning. For example, spirituality, or position, etc., I hope to become strong in all aspects. For this goal , we can only continue to learn from each other.”

"In short, the more capable people are, the more things they can achieve, right? In this way, I can increase my options, and I can also help others-because I couldn't do anything before."

"You also have your own story. But yes, everyone has their own unforgettable story, it depends on whether the story is good or bad."

Silvia nodded and continued: "I just think that the current position is worth working hard, in fact, there is nothing to be missed. If you just want to let everyone hear the song, there are other ways, and I still have many things I want to do, as well as non-essentials. Do the impossible."

"Can you talk to me?" Mu Hantian asked this question inexplicably.

"It doesn't matter, I'm actually looking for someone."

"Find someone?"

"Hehe, do you care? But it should be different from what you think Hantian. The person I'm looking for is a woman." Sylvia's mouth showed a mischievous smile.

"The person I'm looking for is my teacher."


"Yes, teach me to sing, and teach me the teacher in the whole world." Saying that, Silvia gently put her hand on her chest.

From her remarks, it can be heard that attending Ervia really attaches great importance to this person.

"Well, I'll ask Claudia to see if she has any information."

"Well, thank you, Han Tian." Sylvia smiled with relief.

"Okay, enough rest now, it's time to leave for the next academy."

"Let me see...According to the scheduled itinerary, it's Gary Dowath, right? But is it about to leave?" Mu Hantian asked.

"Of course, how can a rare and precious holiday be wasted casually."

"You really are full of energy." Mu Hantian said while drinking the rest of the coffee.

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