Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 812: Sylvia's decision

In Asterisk, flying boats are relatively common means of transportation. The miniaturized flying ship using Luoxing engineering technology, as long as it has the size of a helicopter landing field, it is enough to take off and land. Having said that, the main passengers of the flying boat are tourists, and students are rarely on board.

"This, I'm sorry I haven't introduced myself yet...! I, I'm Zhao Hufeng, and I'm the secretary of the Jielong Seventh College Student Union!"

"Are you classmate Zhao from 'Tianku Wufu'? Of course I know you. Remember to come and listen to my concert."

"Huh? You, how did you know?"

"Every time I try to see the audience's face as clearly as possible from the stage. Of course, I can't remember it completely."

"I'm sorry, this kid really likes His Highness the singer." Xinglu, who was sitting directly opposite Mu Hantian, said, and then laughed.

The flying ship of the Seventh Academy of Dragons, the hull is painted with dragon patterns. The cabin is small, but the interior is quite spacious. However, the room can accommodate up to ten people. The interior is very much in the style of the dragon flying ship, showing oriental furnishings, and there is a large window on the wall, which can overlook the Asterisk street scene.

"Speaking of which, this... By the way, it's okay to call you Xinglu, right?"

"It doesn't matter, you are not my mother's apprentice, the honorific can be avoided." Xinglu nodded.

"So Xinglu, do you want to participate in this event too?"

"No, this time my mother is participating as the operator, and this kid Hufeng will replace my mother."

Hearing this sentence, Hu Feng, who was originally elated, suddenly frowned.

"Actually, I didn't want to, but Master insisted that I participate."

"In addition, there is the extra-large guest who suddenly decided to participate in the battle last night. That is the opponent I want to fight." Hu Feng showed eager eyes, and it could be seen that he was very eager for a good opponent.

"King guest?"

"Well, it's His Highness the Paladin."

"Could it be Gallardoise's?"

Mu Hantian shouted out in surprise, and Xinglu nodded in satisfaction.

"Oh, is Anister also competing?" Sylvia, who heard the news, seemed to be thinking about something.

"Hey, Xinglu, can you still register for that event?"

"What? Are you..."

"Haha, is your technique itchy, Your Highness Singer?"

"This must be a rare opportunity." Sylvia nodded.

"Very good, that's it. Don't worry, although the registration for the competition has ended, leave it to the old lady. If the old lady comes out, I will help you settle the big troubles - besides, there should be no fools who will reject the famous Silvi. Let's take part in the competition." Xinglu took out her phone in high spirits.


"Okay, everyone gathered at the venue! Did you enjoy the annual school festival to the fullest? Whether you've enjoyed it enough, or those who think it's not enough, you can be sure that you didn't watch it. If you go home after this performance, it will be a big loss for a lifetime! Let the audience wait for a long time! The top arena is now open!"

The Sirius Dome resounded through Eishirou's voice, followed by a storm of cheers. The unprecedented pomp is not lost to the 'Xingwu Festival'. All the contestants have gathered on the stage, there are about 30 people.

As soon as Mu Hantian and the others arrived at the venue, someone immediately handed over the brilliance-style armament, and they were immediately brought to the stage. So there is absolutely no idea what to do at the moment, and the same goes for the other contestants.

"This event is jointly organized by the three schools, and it will be broadcast live by Eishiro Yabuki from the news agency of the Seidokan Academy. Please give us a lot of advice."

Looking at the commentary seat, Eishirou held the microphone tightly with a cheerful expression on his face.

"Yo, Hantian, long time no see." At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind Mu Hantian.

"Long time no see, Irene. You are still full of energy."

"Hmph, forget it. I don't know who caused the entire reimbursement of the 'Blood Scythe', and it is now ranked eighteenth."

"Well, let's do it, I'll give you a weapon after a while, it will definitely not be worse than the 'Blood Scythe'."


"Of course it's true." Mu Hantian nodded.

"By the way, by the way, you've been to our booth during the day. I heard it, and it seems that you brought a woman here. I can't think of it." Saying that, Irene grinned.

"This is because..."

"The players who participated in the top arena this time are all the strong players in the rankings of each academy who stood out in the strict examination! Since the opportunity is rare, let's introduce the particularly famous guest contestants to the audience! First of all, you still remember The new 'Phoenix Star Martial Art Festival' champion, and also the No. 1 ranking of the Star Guide Academy! 'White Knight' - Mu Hantian!"

The spotlight suddenly focused on Mu Hantian, so dazzling that Mu Hantian couldn't help but narrow his eyes. At the same time, the cheers calling out Mu Hantian's name became louder, and the hot atmosphere was clearly felt.

"There is also the 'Holy Knight' of Galedois who made an urgent decision to participate in the battle! The leader of the Silver Wing Knights, who dominated the last and last 'Griffin Star Martial Arts Festival' in a row, ranked first! Sword' debut, the knight of knights, Anestre Fairclaws!"

This time, the spotlight moved to the right of Mu Hantian, and the handsome man in the uniform of Gala Dowas raised his hand in greeting. Suddenly there was a scream of cheers like piercing the eardrums.

"And there's more! Unexpected characters are urgently participating in the battle! Rare singer, the world's strongest top idol, Kui Enweier ranked first, and the runner-up of the 'Wang Long Xingwu Festival'! The singing is enough to overwhelm everything's battle Lil Witch', Sylvia Runeheim!"

Then the spotlight moved diagonally forward to the left, and the Sirius Dome burst into a deafening cheer that far surpassed that of Mu Hantian and Anister. It's closer to screaming than cheering.

"Silvia is really popular."

"No way, she's a world-class singer, of course." Listening to Elena's tone, she didn't seem to be interested in Sylvia.

"For me, the kid over there is more interested." Irene looked at Hufeng who was doing warm-up exercises by the wall.

"After returning to the unarmed fight again, I felt that Jielong's martial arts really made sense. It seems to be called the use of Xingchen Force, right? He is one of the best."

"Oh... So, Irene, have you seen Zhao Hufeng's battle with your own eyes?"

"That's it. Oh, did you finally start explaining?"

Hearing Elena's words, Mu Hantian's attention returned to Yingshilang's voice, and it was indeed just in time to explain the content of the event.

"So, now I finally have to explain to the audience what kind of event is the top arena! After all, it was only revealed before the event that this event is a participatory arena simulation battle. The contestants should also be interested in this point. Bar."

"First of all, this top arena consists of three stages. Players who meet the conditions for passing each stage will be able to advance to the next stage. However, if the conditions are not met, they will be eliminated on the spot. Please pay attention to the players."

"Okay, come on." After speaking, Irene waved her hand and left Mu Hantian's side at the same time.

At this time, a huge space screen opened above the stage, gradually displaying the detailed conditions that Eishirou was explaining.

"Another important point is that it is not a big fight at the top of the arena! Therefore, battles between players are prohibited. If you attempt to attack other players, you will be disqualified immediately. Players should pay attention. In addition, in order to pursue fairness, contestants will be allowed to use the Ordinary brilliant weapons prepared by the operator."

"Oh, so that's the case." Looking at the brilliance-style weapon in his hand, Mu Hantian just smiled.

"Similarly, 'Witches' and 'Magicians' are also prohibited from using their abilities - having said that, only one contestant this time meets this requirement."

"Okay, then the preamble comes to an end, let's start the first stage!"

Following Eishirou's commentary, the lighting was switched at the same time, and countless flashes poured from the ceiling into the center of the stage.

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