Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 841: swag library

Mu Hantian and Feirut negotiated, and the next day, they went to a place called the 'swag library' to meet the so-called buyer. So Mu Hantian will go to the hotel to sleep first.

Walking on the road, Mu Hantian was thinking about what to eat at night.

While he was thinking, a figure bumped into him.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?" A woman's voice sounded.

"Ah, I'm very sorry. I didn't hurt you, miss."

Mu Hantian raised his head and smiled at the person who came.

At first glance she was a beautiful woman. About 20 years old, wearing a black coat, the open front part makes people unable to take their eyes off. Soft and beautiful.

"I'm really sorry, I was thinking about something just now." The woman apologized again.

Mu Hantian suddenly narrowed his eyes, and he felt a heavy smell of blood on the woman's body.

It's not the ordinary **** smell left after killing people, but the kind of atmosphere that accumulates on the body bit by bit after killing people without interruption.

"That's it, I don't want to see you again, because... I don't really like the smell of blood on your body." Mu Hantian smiled slightly, revealing the truth without concealing what he was thinking.

Sure enough, hearing these words, the woman stopped walking, then turned her head and looked at Mu Hantian coldly. And in those dark pupils, a chilling killing intent disappeared in a flash.

"Ah, little brother, you really know how to joke. Haha~" The black-haired woman denied in a pleasant tone, but the expression on her face was still as cold as frost, and her eyes were extremely cold.

"Haha." Mu Hantian didn't care about the woman's words, he just smiled and left, he didn't want to do unnecessary things.


The next day, after having breakfast, Mu Hantian walked towards the destination agreed with Feirut - the direction of the loot storehouse.

"Is it here?"

Mu Hantian soon reached the deepest part of the slum—in front of the loot storehouse. Although it was very fast, the sun had already completely set in the west, and it was night time.

When he came to the door, Mu Hantian knocked on the door.

"Oh, Mr. Rom, someone is here."

Then, a very familiar voice sounded from it. Sure enough, that guy was already here.

"Tsk, really, there are still people here? Outside..."

boom! ! !

With a loud bang, the door blocked in front of Mu Hantian was directly blown away by his punch, and then with brisk steps, Mu Hantian walked into the so-called 'loot storehouse'.


Mu Hantian waved at the bald old man who stretched out his hand and looked like he was about to open the door. Then he looked at the girl who was drinking tea with his back to him with a "kind" expression on his face.

It was a girl with blond messy medium-length hair. Her pupils were as red as rabbits, and mischievous tiger teeth stuck out from the corners of her mouth. The petite body is easy to wear, and to put it bluntly, it is ragged clothes.

That's right, it's Felt.

"Oh, you're here, Mu Hantian."

"Ah, but I didn't expect you to arrive so early, Feirut."

"Hey, Feirut, when did you meet this little brother? It looks like your relationship is also very good!"

"Master Rom, don't talk nonsense, who, who has a good relationship with this guy! And this guy is so rude, he doesn't know how to be gentle!" When Feirut heard the words, his mind immediately flashed with Mu Hantiangang The scene when they met, and then stood up and shouted loudly.

In response to Felt's complaint, Lord Rom smiled slightly, and then looked at Mu Hantian with interest.

"Speaking of which, boy, your dress is very unfamiliar. Which country's dress is it from?"

Feirut recalled for a moment and said, "I heard him say that it seems to be from a country called M78 Nebula..."

Hearing the unfamiliar words, Lord Rom pondered for a while with a dignified expression, and then shook his head.

"No matter how you think about it, there is no memory of this country."

of course. Wouldn't it be weird if there was such a country? Mu Hantian just smiled without saying a word, thinking to himself.

Just when the two were troubled by the 'M78 Nebula', an anxious voice came from the door.

"Wow. What's the matter, why is there no door? It must have been attacked!"

Just as Felt and Lord Rom were looking puzzled, the owner of the voice had passed through the entrance without a door and entered this dim room.

He has black hair that is rarely seen here, he is wearing a set of dusty sports clothes, and he has a fierce look that is comparable to that of Lord Roma next to him.

"Eh? Why do people still come here now, do you know Mr. Rom?" Feirut looked at Mr. Rom in the stage with a puzzled expression, but the other party also shook his head in surprise.

"Hmph, there are only two purposes for the guy here, either to bring the stolen goods or to find the stolen goods. Who do you think he looks like?"

Hearing this, Feirut carefully looked up and down the black-haired boy in front of him, and immediately shook his head: "Ah, I didn't target this guy just now. And this guy's eyes are similar to those of Lord Rom."

"Is it really good to say that the old man's eyes are fierce?" Hearing Feilute's evaluation of himself, Lord Rom's expression was sad.

"But that kind of costume is very similar to yours, Mu Hantian. Did he come to see you?"

"I've only met this guy once."

Feirut sat up from the bench and walked towards the black-haired boy with a stunned face.

"Hey, who are you?"

Hearing the approaching footsteps, the black-haired boy seemed to finally regain his senses, and looked at Felt in front of him with surprise.

"My name is Laiyue Subaru, and I am a wandering prodigal son who is busy... In short, I am here to exchange the gem badge in your arms."

Feirut was startled and raised his eyebrows. Knowing the facts of the theft and the details of the stolen goods made her raise her alert level for the teenager.

The boy named Leyon raised his hands to relax Felt's guard.

"I don't do anything, I don't do anything. The only thing I can do is a mouth. In other words, let's negotiate."

The raised fingers of both hands pointed to the small table next to the counter.

"Hey, I said that badge is what I want, can you please leave it alone?"

"Huh!!" Looking at Mu Hantian, who was looking at him with a half-smile, he suddenly widened his eyes with an incredible expression on his face.

Since it was too dark just now, I didn't notice the figure sitting there, but I noticed it when I looked at it.

"It's you, you're the man in the morning. Are you the buyer?"

"I still think you are the buyer. Didn't I promise that Satila? I want to help her get it back."

"Oh, yes, hehe. My purpose is the same as yours." Ang smiled awkwardly.

"Haha." Mu Hantian smiled and sat down in his seat, taking a sip of the milk on the table.

"What, old man, are you so stingy? You actually prepared white water for the guests to drink?"

"Ah, have you all colluded? Everyone said that there is something wrong with the cow's milk prepared by the old man." Hearing that the milk he carefully prepared was said to be white water, Mr. Rom couldn't stand it. Appears to complain.

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