Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 851: Have a meal

"Interesting?" Listening to Roswaal's evaluation of himself, Mu Hantian half-squinted his eyes, and then said with an inexplicable smile: "Each each other, you look very interesting too, Mr. Pervert."

"Haha, that's right. Let's each other..." Roswaal also laughed loudly, then lowered his head and looked at the hands held by the two, and obvious discomfort could be seen on his face.

"Then, if possible, can I call you Mr. Hantian?" Roswaal raised his head, looked at Mu Hantian with a happy expression, and suddenly asked, "Can you please let go? Haha. To be honest , my hands are almost unconscious!"

"Haha, I'm sorry, I almost forgot." Although Mu Hantian said apologetically, there was no apology on his face, instead he showed a playful look.

"Kaza...kaza!" The sound of two broken bones resounded in the spacious dining room, and the corners of Roswaal's mouth twitched a few times. It's not something unknowing now, it's completely abolished.

Mu Hantian gave a firm grip and finally let go.

Roswaal closed his eyes and chanted a messy spell in silence, only to see a faint green light emanating from the palm that was crushed by Mu Hantian.

"Hehe, since that's the case, I'll excuse me for now." Roswaal shook his right hand that was restored to its original state and could continue to move, smiled at Mu Hantian and Betty, then turned and left.

"You are so brave..."

Betty, who had been watching their every move, was full of shock on her puppet-like delicate cheeks.

"Do you know who the person who made a grandstanding like a clown just now?" Betty raised her head to look at Mu Hantian, her blue crystal eyes seemed to be looking at a monster in human skin, not a normal human being .

"The owner of the mansion. The frontier earl of Luknica Kingdom, Roswaal L. Mezas." Mu Hantian pouted, and his black eyes glanced at Betty, who was stunned, and slowly said A message from Emilia.

"Humph!" Betty snorted lightly, stared at Mu Hantian with a fool's eyes, and said angrily, "Then do you know that he is the strongest magician in the kingdom?"

"Just a magician, nothing." Mu Hantian shrugged casually.

"Tsk. You're really a weird guy, and you're not afraid of making trouble for yourself." Betty said lightly with such an expression as she expected. But after thinking about it, he seems to have the strength to say such a thing, after all, even he can't help the young man in front of him. Not to mention Rosvall, who is comparable to her.

"Trouble? I like trouble the most." Mu Hantian shrugged his shoulders, looked indifferent, glanced at Betty, and said slowly: "But you have to be more careful, this person is not that simple." And there may be some conspiracy . Of course, the latter sentence is completely in my heart.

"Alas." Betty sighed. Immediately, she remembered the scene where she was 'played' by Mu Hantian, and glared at Mu Hantian fiercely. Hmph, what does he have to do with himself?


"elder brother!"

Betty bounced from her seat and ran to the door, rocking her long skirt. Her figure with a blooming smile on her face was filled with infinite tenderness, and even Mu Hantian couldn't help being dumbfounded by the sudden change in her personality.

"Brother?" Mu Hantian looked suspiciously, and saw that Emilia in a pure white dress also came to the dining room, but it was not her who responded to Betty, but Parker standing on her shoulders.

"Yo, Betty, I haven't seen you for four days. Have you been staying at home well?" Looking at Betty, who was running towards here happily, Parker said with a relaxed expression.

Betty nodded in response to Parker's greeting, "I've been looking forward to my brother's return. Can you stay with me today?"

"Well, no problem. Let's get along with each other leisurely after a long absence today, shall we?"

"Wow—, that's great!" Parker jumped up from Emilia's shoulder, and then landed on Betty's outstretched palm. Betty lovingly held Parker in her arms and circled in circles.

"Hehe, surprised? Beatrice, who is usually arrogant, is so sticky to Parker." Emilia came to Mu Hantian's side, bent down like a blooming flower, and smiled softly.

"Huh? Hantian, isn't your position in Roswaal's place? You are so casual..." Emilia was surprised, only to realize that Mu Hantian was sitting in a wrong position, and then said with a worried expression.

"It's alright, I don't think he would mind!" Mu Hantian waved his hands casually and said slowly.

"Eh? You called him 'Mr. Pervert' just now, but it has changed so quickly?" Leyue Ang, who had no sense of existence, decided to come out to brush up on his sense of existence.

"You talk too much." Mu Hantian glared at Lai Yue Ang, who stopped talking for a moment.

After listening to Lei Yue'ang's words, Emilia frowned, looked at Mu Hantian with a worried expression, and said, "Although... Although Roswaal's personality is indeed a bit like that, he is still a person of status. Is it really good to call him that?"

"What does it matter?" Mu Hantian shrugged with a look of indifference. Then he looked around, pouted and said unhappily, "This meal is really slow."

"Well. Maybe it's because there are so many people, so Rem and the others are a bit busy." Emilia said without hesitation, still looking at where Mu Hantian was sitting with some anxiety, and said softly: " Han Tian, ​​you should change your position, no matter how you look at that position..."

"Forget it, forget it. Emilia don't mind. It's rare to have such an interesting person as a guest in this lonely house, so just play with his temperament."

The door to the dining room was opened again, and Roswaal walked in with a smile on his face, followed by the twin maids pushing a dining cart.

Rem brought the soup to the table, while Ram served a bowl for each.

"Hey hey! The guest who eats white rice. Although it's not my turn to say this, don't you feel rude to sit in that position without authorization?" After setting the tableware on the table, Rem looked directly at Mu Hantian, The pale blue eyes were full of anger.


"You!" Rem was speechless. I wanted to make fun of Mu Hantian's lack of etiquette, but the other party didn't seem to understand the meaning of what he said, and he was still very casual and took it for granted. This made Rem very annoyed, but he didn't know what to say.

Roswaal took out a chair from the side of the table very casually, sat down, then waved to Rem and said, "Didn't I say it's okay? It's rare that Mr. Hantian can be so relaxed in our house. Pleasure, there is nothing better than that."

Looking at the perverted aristocrat dressed as a clown who was shameless and generous, Mu Hantian showed an expression of "you know what you're looking for", then looked at Rem and smiled provocatively.

"Humph!" Looking at Mu Hantian's smug expression, Rem stunned, then snorted coldly and stood by with his sister Ram.

Led by Roswaal, who was sitting on one side, everyone took their seats and began to eat.

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