Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 853: conspiracy?

Compared to Mu Hantian's practice, Lai Yue Subaru's side was extremely hard.

Laundry is clumsy, and the fingers of chopping vegetables are bloody. In short, there is no housework that can be done by hand.

Tired like a dead dog lying on the ground breathing, Subaru turned his head to look at Mu Hantian, who was resting on the lawn.

"I'm so envious—I knew I would be a diners earlier. Sigh, a man can't go back when he says a word, so let's honestly learn how to cook with the maids."

"It looks like you're in good spirits." Parker floated in the air watching Mu Hantian's actions, washing his face with his short hands like an ordinary cat.

"What does it mean to be energetic, I just take a rest when I'm tired."

Hearing Mu Hantian's words, Parker nodded.

"Well, Betty has been saying that you are very active, and it seems that you are. Then I will not disturb your practice."

"Come on, Hantian." Emilia walked over from the side and handed a cup of tea to Mu Hantian.

"Thank you." He raised his head and drank, Mu Hantian looked sideways at Emilia's face.

—Silver-haired half-goblin, and she’s also the heroine.

Mu Hantian suddenly sounded the jealous witch that Betty said.

"What's the matter? Is there something on my face?"

Being stared at by Mu Hantian, the gentle smile that disappeared from Emilia's face became somewhat unnatural.

"It's nothing, I'm going to continue to practice. Oh, by the way, the tea is delicious."

Funny half-elf, still with silver hair, oh hehehehe.

"Thank you for the compliment."

Time passed slowly, and even Mu Hantian had to admire the shortness of time.

At dusk, the periphery of the sky gradually dimmed, and some clouds slowly emerged.

"What a beautiful sunset!" Mu Hantian exclaimed, looking at the red clouds around him, and gradually calmed down.

The process of dinner was much duller, but not too active.

Maybe it was because both Subaru and Mu Hantian were too tired, while Emilia and the twin sisters and others didn't have so many topics to talk about.


"And then, what do you think of those two?"

The time is night—it is when the sun sets and the moon is high, and there are secret reports going on here.

Spacious room. In the center of the house is a couch and a coffee table for welcoming visitors, and inside is a desk and chair for the owner of the room to work. Documents and quills were scattered on the ebony desk, and a slightly soft aroma emanated from the steaming mug beside it.

This is the top floor of the main building of the Roswaal mansion, the office of the head of the house, Roswaal. Sitting in the chair, it was him who asked the original question.

Hearing Roswaal's question, a hesitant voice came from beside him.

"Well... I think the person named Lai Yue Subaru can be ignored for the time being. I don't think there is any possibility of a spy, but that Mu Hantian..."

"Well, then Lai Yue Subaru will leave it alone for now. Keep an eye on that Mu Hantian, after all, his strength can be used." Roswaal smiled and said calmly.

"Yeah. Understood..." Ram nodded and accepted the task of monitoring Mu Hantian.

Suddenly thinking of something, Roswaal frowned and muttered to himself: "Could it be... Did he know something to do this?"

If he really knew anything, then this instability factor had to be removed.

Roswaal narrowed his blue-yellow eyes, and his killing intent was fleeting without any emotion.

"Well... Sure enough, we still have to deal with that guy?" Ram seemed to notice the killing intent flashing in Roswaal's eyes, and his tone became cold. In her view, all unstable elements that hinder the plan must be eliminated.

"Hehe, I'm afraid that with your current strength, Ram, it's hard to beat him. Forget it, surveillance is unnecessary. With his ability, it's useless at all." Roswaal shook his head, expressionless. Glancing at Ram. Although it was only a short time to have breakfast in the early morning with Mu Hantian, the impression left on him was extremely deep.

That mighty force, even the defensive magic that could cast him on the flesh, could be easily crushed. It's fine if you just master strange powers, but it's a bit tricky if you also have unknown abilities!

Ram also seemed to know that he was not the boy's opponent, so he sighed and lowered his head with a gloomy expression.

"Don't be so depressed, Ram, after all, your value is not reflected here. So, did you have any details on the matter that I asked you to investigate before?" As if to dispel Ram's inferiority complex, Roswaal revealed a touch of unclear meaning. smiled and said slowly.

"Well. The results after Ram went out to investigate, in conclusion." Ram raised his head, looked directly into Roswaal's eyes, shook his head regretfully, and said, "Everything is unknown!"

"Everything is unknown?" Roswaal narrowed his bi-colored eyes as if interested in the word.

"Yes. Whether it's identity, place of residence, the authenticity of the name, or the purpose of coming to this country. Everything is unknown!" Ram said in one breath the results of his investigation of Mu Hantian.

"The only thing that can be known is that he emerged from the 'slums' and met Emilia-sama there."

"Is it a slum? Judging by his clothes, he should not be those poor people. He doesn't see anything on his face, nor does he wear any weapons or magic props. Forget it, the last question, what do you think of his heart?"

"Very bad character, he speaks straight, and he doesn't know what it means to be considerate and gentle." Ram replied bluntly while gritting his teeth.

"Oh, these are not difficult to see." Roswaal smiled as if very satisfied.

Roswaal changed his body position as he spoke, and the chair creaked. In contrast to the previous posture of facing the desk, Roswaal was facing the large window where the moonlight poured in.

Roswaal squinted his pupils of different colors on the left and right, and the corners of his mouth slackened as he watched the scene at hand.

"Okay, you go down first. I need a quiet moment..."

Today is the night of the full moon, the full moon hanging high in the night sky, for some reason, an inconspicuous small gap can be seen in the corner of the bright full moon.

Ram bowed respectfully, said "yes", and left the room with light steps.


After confirming that the door was closed, Roswaal withdrew Mochizuki's gaze, raised his white arm and waved it gently.


Inadvertently, a breeze blew through, blowing out the only light on the desk for lighting. Roswaal's body was completely hidden in the darkness, and only those eyes of different colors flickered with a strange light.


The dazzling white light instantly illuminated the entire room shrouded in darkness, which was so dazzling that it was difficult for people to open their eyes to look directly, but Roswaal quietly looked at the center of the white light without blinking.

After the white light disappeared, a strange book emitting a purple light was floating in front of Roswaal.

Roswaal stretched out his hand and touched the closed book lightly, suddenly. The sound of flipping books echoed in the empty room.

Roswaal silently stared at the book in front of him. Since it is impossible to investigate with a simple method, the only way to investigate it is to use the book in front of you.

after all.

Nothing can escape the ability to peer into the future.

Whoa, whoa, whoa~~

The flipping of the book finally stopped, and it stayed on the page about Mu Hantian.


The eyes, which had not been emotionally fluctuated before, were now staring at the boss, and Roswaal's face was filled with an incredible expression.

I saw that the page of the quaint book that floated in front of Roswaal had everything about Mu Hantian.

But only understated four characters.


"Forget it, let's observe it for a while."

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