Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 863: Feirut's identity

A carriage pulled by a giant lizard galloped down the street.

Mu Hantian sat quietly in the car and looked out at the surroundings. And with great interest, he turned his attention to the big lizard in front of him.

Well, this lizard is called Earth Dragon. It is about the size of a horse and looks a bit like a dinosaur.

What Mu Hantian is currently riding is the so-called dragon carriage, a means of transportation in this other world.

You ask how did the money come from? Of course, it is to ask the system to recycle some unwanted things, and then exchange the coins of this world, that's it.

"Here we are, guest."

The old driver on the dragon carriage, a white-haired old man in a black dress who looked like a gentleman, said. Although this old man looks old, his physical exercise is unusual, and the aura he releases can make ordinary people unconsciously not be able to straighten their heads in front of him.

"Thank you so much." Mu Hantian, who jumped out of the dragon carriage, waved to the old man and walked towards the slum.

When he came to the place where he made his debut, Mu Hantian didn't take too many pictures, but kept walking towards the loot storehouse.

At this point in time, Felt should stay here and discuss something with the old man, right?

However, when Mu Hantian pushed open the door of the newly built loot storehouse, the first scene he saw made Mu Hantian's star-like eyes shrank suddenly, and for the first time there was a flash of anger.

"Ah~" Standing at the gate of the newly built loot storehouse, Mu Hantian looked around the situation and sighed slightly.

Although he has an extraordinary understanding, it still took him some time to grasp the tragic situation in front of him. After all, the whole room seemed to be visited by the demolition team, and there was nothing intact at first glance. However, Mr. Roma, who fell under the counter, was not injured at all. Instead, he seemed to be thrown here after being knocked unconscious...

According to common sense, if it is an enemy attack, it can also be explained that the room is messed up like this. But why is Lord Roma okay, but just fainted?

However, Mu Hantian was very aware of Lord Rom's strength. Although he could only be hanged and beaten against a character like Elsa, the intestine hunter, if it was ordinary cats and dogs, the situation might be different.

So, who is it?

Mu Hantian looked at the loot library again. Although it was very strange, Mu Hantian always felt that the fainting old man smashed these things himself.

"It seems that what I thought was correct..." Mu Hantian looked at the big wooden stick in Lord Rom's hand and muttered to himself in a determined tone.

"Hey, old man...isn't he dead?" Mu Hantian came to squat down in front of Mr. Rom, and patted the man's face with a violent expression despite fainting.

"Cough cough..." After being patted by Mu Hantian a few times, Mr. Rom woke up from a cough, but his consciousness seemed to be still blurred. He opened his confused eyes and saw Mu Hantian raised a wooden stick and smashed it.

"The old man beat you to death, you stinky boy!"

Looking at Lord Roma who was swaying and rushed over, Mu Hantian narrowed his eyes, stretched out his hand and grabbed the wooden stick and then squeezed it hard.


With Mu Hantian's light grip, the wooden stick was directly shattered into pieces and scattered around. And Mr. Rom maintained the action just now, and seemed to be stunned and didn't move.

"Hey. Are you confused? Or was your head knocked stupid?" Mu Hantian poked Lord Rom with his finger, revealing a heartless smile, and said softly.

"Ah? It's you, boy. I'm sorry, but the old man was confused just now." It seemed that his consciousness finally came to his senses, after Lord Rom put his hand on his head, he said apologetically.

"Okay, there's no time to greet each other." Mu Hantian waved his hand, came to the side to clean up the messy stool, and sat down directly with a casual look.

"Hey, old man." Mu Hantian supported his chin with his hand, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"There's not much time now! Because..." As if he had remembered something, Lord Rom looked anxious, but Mu Hantian calmly motioned him to calm down.

"Did something happen?"

Yes, Feirut was taken away by the contemporary Juggernaut, Reinhard van Astrea. ' said Lord Roma.

"Eh? Why did he take Feirut?"

Reinhardt, a contemporary swordsman, has the bloodline of the previous swordsman and more than 40 kinds of protection. His strength is unbelievable. He is a famous celebrity in the royal capital and belongs to the royal guard.

"Why do you want to take Feirut away because of him?"

"That kid came here just now and asked us if we knew where you were, and Felt replied that he didn't know." Lord Rom looked at Mu Hantian, swallowed, and continued: "I couldn't find the target, but he seemed to want to He left, but he glanced at Feirut intentionally or unintentionally, and seemed to notice something like a surprised expression, and then he wanted to take her away forcibly, saying that he wanted to confirm something."

"I see." Izayoi showed a smile, and continued, "Then you wanted to protect Feirut, but ended up being hanged and beaten by the other party, right?"

"Tsk. I haven't seen you for a few days, your mouth is still very annoying!" Seeing that Mu Hantian said so frankly, Lord Rom exclaimed loudly.

"Well, since they didn't have a long time, let me catch up and ask." Mu Hantian shrugged and said with a smile.


Not far from the slum, the two sides faced each other.

"Reinhardt, why did you take Feirut away, can you tell me? After all, I've been chasing you for a long time."

"This..." Reinhardt looked at Feirut, who had been knocked unconscious on his shoulder, and didn't want to say anything.

"Hurry up, I won't tell anyone else." Mu Hantian was speechless.

"Okay, let me tell you, this girl is, long gone, the blood of the royal family." Reinhardt said the truth with a serious expression.

"I see, but haven't the members of the royal family retreated behind the scenes? And the blood of the royal family should be gone." Mu Hantian said lightly, recalling what he knew.

"I knew you would say this, but those blond hair and red eyes are the best proof. Fourteen years ago, a thief invaded the city, and the late king's younger brother, the daughter of Lord Froude, was kidnapped, and the thief escaped successfully. The whereabouts of the daughter are also unknown. It is a scandal in the kingdom that must not be known to the outside world."

"So, I probably understand. You want her to be a candidate, right? You have to serve her as the master, right?"

"It's true, I hope you don't stop it," Reinhardt said.

"Okay, okay, but I hope you don't let her get hurt, or I won't spare you."

"I know, it's my duty as a knight."

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