Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 867: Wang Xuan

"At first, I wanted to say that the filthy place is worth seeing even if it's messy, but once you're used to seeing it, it's not eye-catching, and it can't comfort the boredom of your concubine." The orange-haired girl looked at the alley with extremely boring eyes. said so.

She swayed the hem of the skirt that was pulled up, not trying to suppress her dissatisfaction at all.

"The urban designer of the royal capital didn't expect the streets to be judged as boring."

"The world exists for the concubine's sake, so everything in this world should be to please the concubine. I don't know what the guy who uses such a boring street is doing, and the royal family's stuff is also unexpectedly blind, maybe it's just Because of this, it will become extinct recently."

"To say such disrespectful words in front of the king, you really..."

"Uninteresting reactions and unnecessary worries, you are only one of thousands of ordinary people after all."

"I'm conscious that I'm an ordinary person among thousands of ordinary people. It's not your turn to talk about it. Compared to this, I don't want to waste time cooperating with you. I still have to go to dinner, and I'm hungry."

"Totally stupid. Being with your concubine and distracting yourself from beings other than your concubine is really rude. The concubine is also accompanied, but the concubine doesn't feel like she's gone."

"You still think about it that way, your companions are pitiful enough."

This girl is the embodiment of arrogance. Although she has never seen the person accompanying her, Mu Hantian, who has accompanied her for a short time, can deeply appreciate the hard work of that person, and her sympathy can not help but arise spontaneously.

"Oh, forget it."

Anyway, it's just a chance encounter, people who don't even know each other's names. Once you reach the main road, you will never meet again after you turn your back and leave.

After thinking about it, Mu Hantian still didn't plan to leave the girl alone before reaching the main road. By the way, Lord Rom didn't go with them. Not wanting to think of him on the main road, he was only responsible for guiding the route and separated from the two in the alley.

"We finally got to the exit."

Ahead of the corner, I finally saw the road illuminated by the bright sunset. After confirming that there was an endless stream of people passing by, the painful time was finally over, and Mu Hantian felt relieved.

"When you get to the main road, you and I are strangers who have nothing to do with each other. You can go all out to find your partner in your own way, don't waste your energy going around, go find it hard. I'm leaving."

"What a ridiculous and interesting ordinary knight." The girl held a paper fan, the corners of her mouth raised slightly, and she looked at the back of Mu Hantian's departure with interest.


Early in the morning, when the sun first rises.

Mu Hantian stretched comfortably.

Awakened by the noise outside, Mu Hantian also remembered what he was going to do today.

——Wangcheng, there is only one purpose for going to Wangcheng today. That is Wang Xuan.

After putting on his clothes, Mu Hantian looked at himself in the mirror. The handsome blue knight's robe and his black hair were very distinct. His handsome face had a faint smile on his face.

Although there is no special weapon for knights on his waist, Mu Hantian's temperament is still very good.

After breakfast, Mu Hantian came to the place agreed with Anastasia. Apparently the other party hadn't arrived yet, so Mu Hantian could only wait.

After a while, Mu Hantian saw Anastasia sitting on the dragon carriage.

"Sorry, Mr. Hantian, I kept you waiting." Anastasia smiled apologetically at Mu Hantian.

"It's okay, let's go." Mu Hantian didn't care about the other party's late arrival, after all, she was a girl.

"Get in the car."

"Okay." Nodding his head, Mu Hantian, Anastasia and the others got into the dragon carriage to the royal city.

Speaking of which, Anastasia gave Mu Hantian a relatively good impression, with no disgusting aristocratic posture, and a gentle smile on her face.

Occasionally likes to joke to ease the atmosphere, it can be seen that Anastasia is a woman who understands people very well, and she is indeed the president of the big chamber of commerce.

Compared to Anastasia, the girl with thorns and thorns that I met in the alley yesterday seemed a little too arrogant.

The luxurious dragon carriage galloped down the streets of the capital city, and Mu Hantian put his head deep inside the window and looked around.

"Tsk tsk, there are so many dragon carriages. By the way, how many people are participating in the election this time?" Mu Hantian turned around and asked.

"do not you know?"

Anastasia's tone was a little surprised: "Wang Xuan has five people in all dynasties, Mr. Hantian, don't you even know these things?"

"Is there a problem?"

Mu Hantian's answer surprised Anastasia for a moment, then laughed.

"This is quite in line with your behavior, Mr. Hantian, yes, it's nothing if you don't know."

"Lord Anastasia, it's almost time." Yurius said, glancing at Mu Hantian from time to time.

"Well, let's go first."

The palace buildings stood in front of his eyes, and the majestic landscape was far more spectacular than any buildings Mu Hantian had ever seen in this world.

At the door, many famous nobles entered the palace one after another. Anastasia, Mu Hantian and others also followed this trend.

At this moment, Mu Hantian saw a familiar figure.

It was the arrogant girl from yesterday, but Mu Hantian, who was following her, knew it very well.

It was Subaru Raizuki wearing a gentleman's dress.

"How could this guy, Subaru, know this woman, I really don't understand. But looking at his appearance, he should be looking for a guide to enter the royal city just like me. Forget it, just leave him alone."

Mu Hantian put his eyes on the front figure outside the door.

It was the backs of Emilia and Roswaal, who had already stepped into the palace at this time.

"That's Priscilla Vallière. Like me, she is one of the candidates for the Kingdom of Lugnica, one of the candidates for the selection battle for the throne, and she is also a rebellious woman."

After the orange-haired girl walked in with Subaru and an armored knight, Anastasia suddenly spoke up.

"Well, I can tell." Mu Hantian nodded when he heard the words, and continued to listen to Anastasia's explanation.

"The beauty in men's clothing is Currius Karlsten, and her family is quite prestigious in the kingdom. This time Wang Xuan is a formidable opponent."

Looking down the line of sight, it was a man dressed like a military uniform with dark green hair. The beautiful face has a suffocating sense of majesty, and a long sword is placed at the waist, giving people an extremely serious temperament.

"Okay, Mr. Hantian. We should go in too. I wonder if your friend is inside." Anastasia smiled vigorously and took the lead in walking in.

"I've been waiting for you for a long time, please hurry up..."

The middle-aged man with short green hair in a suit of armor saluted Anastasia, glanced at Mu Hantian and said.

"It's really bothering you."

Anastasia nodded slightly and walked in.

The moment they entered, several people saw a dramatic scene.

"Something interesting seems to have happened..."

I saw that the orange-haired girl Priscilla was standing beside Subaru at this moment, taunting the girl in front of her.

Stepping on the bright red carpet, the newly arrived Anastasia and Mu Hantian immediately attracted everyone's attention.

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