"Introduce myself, my name is Mu Hantian. I'm Emilia's friend."

In the next moment, a more powerful aura was released, and a pressure that suffocated time sank the momentum of the knights.

"Ang, are you a knight?" Mu Hantian turned around and said to Ang.

Before Yurius could speak, Mu Hantian asked Lai Yue Subaru, who was looking at him gratefully.

"Yes, I will make Emilia king."

"So, Julius, you understand."

Mu Hantian smiled and patted Julius on the shoulder, but the smile in his eyes made Julius unable to calm down the anger in his heart.

"Okay, Ang, as long as you have the heart, leave the rest to me."

"Please." Leyue Ang already understood what Mu Hantian meant. Indeed, he was still too weak.

"Then, Emilia, can you make me your knight?" Mu Hantian looked at Emilia.

"I do." Emilia didn't hesitate at all, perhaps she had already thought about it.

"Very good." Mu Hantian nodded, took out his sword from the space, and held it in front of him.

"Amelia, from now on, my sword will be with you, and your destiny will coexist with me. Here, the oath will be established."

Squinting at the candidates for the throne standing side by side, Myrotoff nodded calmly.

"This time all the candidates are here, so, let's ask the comrades of the Sage Society again."

The atmosphere of the old man who closed his eyes changed, and there was a strong will in his voice.

"This time, only five candidates have been announced, and we are here to seek the approval of our comrades."

"Based on the authority of the Society of Sages, I agree."


"I agree too."

The members of the Society of Sages nodded in response to Myrotov's question. After confirming, Myrotoff stood up and stood beside the empty throne with wide-eyed eyes.

"Then, reveal the rules of the king's election here!"

Cursius Carlsten, head of the Duke Carlsten family. The first knight of Curius, Felix Argyle of 'Blue'.

"Candidates Cursius Karlsten, Priscilla Vallière, Anastasia Hesin, Emilia, Feirut, the above five are all qualified as Dragon Maidens!"

'Scarlet Bride' Priscilla Vallière. A one-armed wandering mercenary from another world, Al.

"The deadline is three years later, one month before the pro-dragon ceremony to renew the covenant with the dragon, which is today's date!"

Anastasia Hexin, the young head of the chamber of commerce from a foreign country. The first knight of Anastasia, the 'best knight' is Rius Euclius.

"The winner will represent the general will of the people of the whole country and will be determined by the brilliance of the Dragon Ball and the guidance of the Dragon!"

The lost royal bloodline (not confirmed), Feirut. Felt's first knight, Reinhard van Astrea, the 'Juggernaut'.

"Before they ascend to the throne, they need to maintain the function of the kingdom as far as their own territory is concerned!"

A silver-haired half-fairy 'frozen witch', Emilia. Emilia's first knight Mu Hantian

"The above is the minimum treaty, hereby declare the opening of the king's election!"

Myrotoff exclaimed, and the hall was surrounded by astonishing enthusiasm. Silent, but everyone could hardly suppress their inner cries.

Bearing the aftermath of the enthusiasm on his back, Myrotoff straightened his back and declared. "Now - Wang Xuan begins!"


Soon, Wang Xuan temporarily ended.

Since the candidates are all excellent, no one who can be the king has been decided for the time being.

And here in the lounge.

"Any questions?"

Reinhardt looked at Julius in surprise.

"Mu Hantian, where is he?" Yurius looked at the cat-eared man and Reinhardt before asking.

"I'm here, what's the matter? Julius."

Inside, Mu Hantian pushed away Lai Yue Subaru beside him, nodded and walked out.

"You're in good spirits—over there, you can go over there with me." Yurius cast his gaze to the arena-like building outside the window.

"Oh, do you want to fight with me?"

"No, I just want to teach you what reality is. How about it, dare to come?" Yurius provoked.



After ten minutes of fighting with swords and swords - Mu Hantian stood on the ground where he was steadfast.

The location was moved from the waiting room of the royal castle to the duty room of the knights, which was adjacent to the castle, and there was a training ground surrounded by solid walls that felt like a long history, and the reddish-brown soil was stepped on.

The area is about half the size of an ordinary school playground. Whether it is used to practice running or swordsmanship, the space is very spacious.

"Hantian, are you sure you want to accept Yurius' challenge? His strength is not ordinary."

Reinhardt said at the entrance, trying to get Mu Hantian to dismiss the idea. Although Mu Hantian's performance in the slum was unusual, he was not necessarily Yurius' opponent.

"Are you worried about me? Thank you so much, but worry about your friend."

Slowly taking off the white knight uniform, Yurius looked at Mu Hantian with no emotion.

"I've wanted to fight you for a long time, Mu Hantian! I don't know why you keep trying to provoke me...but I'll let you know what the dignity of a knight is!"

The noisy training ground gradually became silent with Julius' voice.

"Next, I want to punish those who slander the pride of knights, do you think so!"


A roaring storm resounded above the training ground.

"It seems that even if I apologize, it's too late, hehe." Mu Hantian's mouth twitched slightly.

"Wait! - This is a duel, not a fight. Weapons are not allowed." Phyllis, who was a witness, said while dividing the two wooden swords between the two.

"Well, okay. A wooden sword is a wooden sword." Mu Hantian didn't care, and took the wooden sword from the person next to him.

Seeing that Yurius and Mu Hantian were almost ready, Phyllis nodded slightly.

"Are you ready—then, the duel begins!"

With Phyllis's order, the silent atmosphere erupted again.

Mu Hantian slowly put his eyes back on the arena, while Yurius on the other side clung to the wooden sword in his hands, posing for a first strike.

Taking a step forward, Mu Hantian was like a teleportation, and the wooden sword in his hand stabbed towards Yurius' chest with a swift wind.


Yurius' wooden sword was propped in front of him, and a harsh sound came from the friction between the wooden sword's tip and the sword's body.

"The response is very fast!"

The next moment, Mu Hantian nimbly flicked to the side, and the wooden sword swung out again.


A muffled sound came, and the wooden sword slashed fiercely on the transparent magic shield.

Although you can't use weapons directly, magic can still be used.

Neither of them tried their best from the very beginning, but instead tested each other's foundation.

"Blade of the blast!" A sword energy rushed towards Yurius.

"Is it just that?"

Yurius chanted a spell in his mouth, and a wave-like shield appeared on his body, which looked somewhat similar to Betty's magic.

It's defensive magic.

"Interesting, Underworld God Stream - Red Lotus Karmic Fire." Approaching Yurius quickly, Mu Hantian kept swinging his sword in an instant.

Although it is a wooden sword, the energy attached to it by Mu Hantian is not that simple.

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