Magical Comprehensive Travel

Chapter 872: transition

——The clear blue sky was reflected in the vision of Subaru, who was lying on his back.

It has been about two and a half months since he was summoned to another world. During this period, how many times have you looked up at the blue sky like this?

The cumulonimbus clouds are thick and block the sunlight. But the dazzling sunlight still penetrated the thick clouds and shone on the ground. While letting the sun's rays scorch the bottom of his eyelids, Subaru suddenly thought for no apparent reason.

"So...after coming here, it hasn't rained recently."

If it is a light rain in the middle of the night, and a shower around the evening, I have encountered it several times, but it has not rained all day recently.

The current temperature in Luganica is that it will be a little hot to wear long sleeves. Judging from the body temperature, it should be June in the original world, or September when there is still a lingering heat. Maybe it's the dry season in this part of the world because of the reduced rainfall.

"It's almost over?" Subaru, who fell to the ground and let his thoughts wander, was suddenly called out by this voice.

Remaining on his back, an old man stood at the end of his line of sight, only raising his head. Tall, wearing a full black housekeeper's uniform. He has an age-defying, well-trained body and a straight spine. The old man stroked his plump white hair politely and showed a stance full of temperament.

The gentle face is depicted with calm wrinkles, giving the impression of a gentle and honest old gentleman somewhere, but he is holding a wooden sword with a long blade in his hand.

"No, not yet. I just thought a little philosophically."

"Oh, that's intriguing. Can we ask what you're thinking?"

"There is a fire above, a flood below... What do you mean?" With the movement of raising his feet and swiping down, he stood up forcefully. The dull weight still remained in the body, but the impact of the bruises was almost negligible.

Turning his hands and feet slightly to check the situation, Subaru turned the wooden sword he was holding and turned it towards the front—Wilhelm stabbed.

"Then, please give me another advice!"

"By the way, what is the philosophical answer just now?"

"It's not a big deal - angered after wetting the bed!" replied with a joke, then stepped forward, waving the wooden sword in a low position to draw a semi-circle. The front end swept the air and whipped up a blow of the wind, not a single drop of water.



"Too tight. Hands, feet, neck, waist. And face."

Ang's full-strength blow was deflected by Wilhelm's wooden sword, and the target was swept away by the smooth movement. A blow aimed at the head swept over the top of the opponent's head, the old man turned his body, and a sword strike like a dance flashed in his palm.

The head, the throat, the heart, the lower body - the vital points of the human body that are connected in a line are gently stroked. Wilhelm's wooden sword hit Subaru's body with just enough force.

Thanks to this great leveraging technique, hardly any damage is done. Still, the shock of the vital hit caused Subaru to suffocate, unable to defend himself successfully and groaning in pain.


Under the pain of being beaten on the back, his eyes rolled all over, and his whole body fell in a big shape again, and the blue sky that laughed at him appeared in front of him. The azure clear sky is abhorrent.

"It's almost over?" Wilhelm's steady call was without cadence, without the slightest sarcasm or insult.

"It's really spirited."

Looking up at the hateful blue sky, Subaru raised his head when he heard the voice intervening between the two. He saw a woman leaning on the balcony railing, looking down at Subaru who was lying on his back in the garden.

"Although I only heard voices, it seems to be quite enthusiastic."

The one who leaned against the armrest and overlooked the two was a beautiful woman with green hair. Lustrous hair is flowing and long - dark green to almost black. The temperament of the body makes people naturally correct posture. The undulating limbs full of femininity are wrapped in military uniforms like men's clothing.

She is the owner of this mansion, and also the master of Wilhelm, Duke of Curius Karlsten.

Although she is still young, she is a talented woman who holds an important position in the country——and she is also a person with a very important position in the current Kingdom of Lugnica.

"Lord Crusius. Did it interfere with your duties?"

"No, I just wanted to relax. Don't worry about it." Crusch nodded magnanimously, then turned his gaze to Subaru, who was lying on the ground.

"Besides, I don't want to be arrogant enough to deny someone's efforts indiscriminately. Even if the other person is having fun with someone you hire. Just play with him as much as you want, Wilhelm."

"Got it. But,"

Cuirsch gave permission in his own way, and Wilhelm responded with a deep bow. Then the old man squinted at Subaru slightly.

"It's almost over?"

"I said the end according to the process just now. I'm not someone who can't understand the atmosphere." Standing up, he patted the body covered with the blades of grass, and Subaru turned his body for the third time—no, the tenth time. Confirm physical condition. Then exhale while clenching fists.

"Being beaten down in the sight of a beauty is a very uncomfortable event for a man. My manhood gauge will continue to decrease." Wilhelm threw the wooden sword over and caught it with a wry smile from Subaru.

"No need to care. It's not the first time I've seen you get beaten up anyway."

"Ugh!" A merciless word came from above, causing Subaru to hold his chest and groan.

"I've only heard about Jingwei, but I think it's too direct for Lord Curius just now."

"Is that so?" Wilhelm's words caused the innocent Cursius to raise his eyebrows.

"It's self-knowledge not to challenge an opponent who can't compete. However, if you show your indomitable will, there's nothing to be ashamed of even if you regret it." Cursius touched his chin to explain his argument, making Subaru feel a little embarrassed .

Although he showed his ugliness unilaterally a few days ago, he did not expect to receive such an evaluation. After all, Subaru believed that such an ugly appearance and what happened before and after was the biggest failure in his life.

"Okay, you don't have to deny Ang's efforts too much, at least he dares to fight." Mu Hantian also came here, followed by Rem, with four cups of tea on the plate in his hand.

"Oh, Hantian, you're here too." Cuerxiu raised his hand to Mu Hantian.

"Yeah, here it is." Handing a cup of tea to Kuerxiu, Mu Hantian also came and drank it.

"The craftsmanship is very good." After drinking a sip of Rem's tea, Curius praised him without reservation.

Rem bowed slightly in thanks.

"Hantian, what do you think of the ideas I published on Wang Xuan?"

"What do you say, I think it's very good, what you said is very reasonable, now this country is sheltered by dragons, but one day the dragons don't shelter, what should I do? It's just the struggle within the kingdom, but other What about the country? So it’s better to get rid of this kind of dependent life as soon as possible. You think so.”

"Ah, you're right, so do you support me?"

"It doesn't matter whether I support or not, I just want to protect my friends and family." Mu Hantian shrugged and didn't answer directly.

"Oh, so that's it, then I'll marry Phyllis to you, aren't we family?" Querxiu laughed.

"Forget it, I think it's very suitable for you to marry him to Ang."

"Hey, I heard it!" Ang walked over angrily and started drinking with a cup of tea.

"Han Tian, ​​do you think I'm a little bit over my head?"

"No, I don't think so. Ang, in fact, you have made great progress, you see, before you were just a weak scum with no power, and now you have some strength. , so you still have progress, work hard to become stronger."

"Are you praising me or hurting me?" Although Ang said so, his happy expression still showed on his face.

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