That night, the Karsten house.

"I won't say anything extra, then, to celebrate Mr. Leyue's recovery, and Han Tian, ​​you have a good journey tomorrow. Cheers!" There was no boring long speech of those nobles as imagined. After the short congratulatory words, they changed Cursius, who looked more feminine in casual clothes, announced that the reception had begun.

The only people present were Mu Hantian, Rem, and Subaru Leyon, and they were Cuerxiu and her knight Phyllis, not even Wilhelm.

"Speaking of which, I have benefited a lot recently, Han Tian, ​​thank you very much."

"It's nothing, I just hope you don't blame me for abusing you." Mu Hantian laughed.

"Haha, Han Tian, ​​you really like to joke around." Cruxiu didn't care.

"By the way, Han Tian. Rosvall must have paid a lot to recruit you as a knight." After drinking the red wine from the goblet, Curxiu asked intentionally.

"well enough."

"If you can, can you tell me the conditions that Rosvall gave you? You can see that I am also very interested in you. How about it, can you be my knight?"

"Ha, is this... No. In fact, I don't have any benefit in Roswaal, I just get free food and lodging there. As for me becoming Emilia's knight, it's just for the sake of friends, but it's also for the sake of friends. Because of that, I can't betray, I'm not that kind of person."

"This is troublesome... Well, it's really not good, just marry my Karsten family..."

"Pfft..." X3

Having to stop in the middle of the conversation, Crusher frowned, what happened to Phyllis, no matter how she usually escapes, but it would be rude to spray wine in front of the guests, Han Tian and Ang are guests, so it's nothing , one of them is still a possible marriage partner, it's understandable to be a little surprised, but you're embarrassing me too much.

"Cough cough, Lord Cuerxiu, although Han Tian is good enough, he is committed to marrying in order to attract him. I, Phyllis, absolutely disagree, meow."

"Phyllis, do you mean that the girls in the sideline are not enough to impress Han Tian? Yes, with Emilia's beauty, I am afraid that only I can do it, but for Han Tian, ​​I am just a Fierce women, what a headache."

"Clan? Meow meow meow..."

"So what should I do in the end, do I really want to... um, it's not impossible to think that way."

"Meow meow... No, meow!" Chorus's thoughts were interrupted by dancing and dancing. Phyllis grabbed her arm and pulled her from the seat. She didn't even care about etiquette. While saying goodbye to Mu Hantian and others, he pushed Curxiu to run.

"Miaomiaomiao, Lord Crusher is really drunk. What he said just now was all drunk, so you can't take it seriously. Then see you tomorrow and wish you all the best of luck."

"Don't push me, Phyllis, I'm not drunk, okay? And it's really disrespectful to the guests..."


The voice stopped abruptly when Phyllis closed the door, leaving only three guests who were overwhelmed by the abrupt end of the banquet.

"I think we should wash and sleep." Mu Hantian suggested.

"Good idea!" Leyue Ang agreed directly, and Rem had no reason to refuse.

"Okay, wash and sleep."


The next day, sunrise dawned.

"I'm sorry, Han Tian, ​​all the dragon carts used by the humble house for long-distance travel have been arranged for work. The only ones that can be loaned to you are the ones that are used for transportation but are slow, or the ones that need to be changed for mid-distance running."

"It's alright, I'm very grateful to be able to lend us a dragon car. I can't ask for more."

"Then go all the way, but I still have news to tell you."

"What?" Mu Hantian looked at Curxiu in confusion.

"I can guarantee that the source is absolutely correct. The shortest path to Roswaal's mansion is covered with fog."


"That's right, that is to say, beluga whales may come and go."

"It's really troublesome." Mu Hantian tugged at his hair with a headache. This world will not produce fog due to natural phenomena. Where there is fog, there must be beluga whales, the creatures of jealous witches. This also means that there is no way to go short.

"Rem, how long will it take if we take a detour?" Mu Hantian looked at Rem.

"If we avoid the fog and bypass the plains, we should pass through two villages before arriving at the Border Territory. Among them, the village called Hanumas, which is close to the territory, can arrange a transfer dragon carriage."

"Excuse me, how long will it take to get to that Hanumas village?"

"It will take about fourteen or five hours. If you run away with the determination to disintegrate the dragon carriage you are taking, you should be able to reach the territory in half a day from there."

No matter how you reduce it, it will take more than a day and a half. This journey is really worrying.

"Forget it, let's take a detour. Although it may take a week or two, we can't take unnecessary risks, we can only spend more time."

After confirming the itinerary, Mu Hantian helped Rem onto the driver's seat of the dragon carriage, and then jumped on it himself. After confirming that Leyue Ang was sitting well inside, Mu Hantian turned his head to say goodbye to Kuer.

"Then let's go first, thank you for your care these days."

"Good luck." by: Curius

"Never come back meow!" by: Phyllis

The earth dragon chirped, and the dragon carriage, which slowly gained its initial speed, began to move. Then, following the acceleration, Curius' villa went away. The shadow in front of the door kept his head down until he could not see it.

Run down the ramp, pass through the entrance of Noble Street, cross the guard duty room, and directly enter the main road in the lower area. From the main gate connecting the capital to the outside, drive to the destination street.

Under the blessing of the earth dragon, the buttocks felt many and subtle vibrations, and at the same time, unable to hold back the impatience, he hurriedly looked out from the small window.

Aside from the streets of the capital, only the green plains and blue sky dominated Ang's vision.

Unable to talk to Mu Hantian, who was already on guard on the roof of the car, Rem was concentrating on driving, and Subaru had nothing to do when he moved the time. Inside the carriage, Subaru was lost in thought.

There is no way to lend a long-distance dragon cart. As Curius said, the touch of the carriage seat gives the impression of being rushed to work. This should be the dragon carriage used by the servants to solve urgent matters.

The Cursius mansion that is frequently visited. Appropriate and loan a dragon cart that has already been arranged for work. The warmth of Curiosi caused Ang to have complex thoughts that were indescribable in words.

Strict, but not cold. From recognition to last night's evaluation, added complexity due to pre-departure interactions.

However, I can understand the feelings of many people who want to talk to her. In order to build a network as broad as that of Crusher, Emilia must also travel around.

Nonetheless, for Emilia, in addition to the necessary suffering, unnecessary suffering awaits her.

"So... I can't do it if I don't hurry up."

Of course, it's a battle between political issues and powerful people. Subaru didn't magnify or take sides so much that he thought he would be useful on such a subject.

Faced with the problems that would come sooner or later, Subaru knew that he was powerless. However, abandoning the desperate person on the grounds of powerlessness, such an option does not exist in his heart.

As long as there is a dedicated desire and vision, the obstacles that lie ahead will surely be overcome.

Because Rayue Subaru possesses such power. I am also her friend and want to do my part for her.

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